Opposition coalition doomed — President • ‘One blow will crush them as an entity’ • . . . calls for party unity

Source: Opposition coalition doomed — President • ‘One blow will crush them as an entity’ • . . . calls for party unity | The Herald

Cletus Mushanawani Mutare Bureau
President Mugabe has said the coalition being mooted by opposition parties is good for Zanu-PF as the revolutionary party will simply crush them as an entity rather than dealing with them individually.

The President and First Secretary of the ruling party said defeat for the envisaged coalition was certain so long as Zanu-PF remained united as demonstrated by yesterday’s rally here.

Addressing over 40 000 party supporters comprising mainly youths who filled Sakubva Stadium beyond its official capacity with a spill-over into the Mutare-Chimanimani Highway, President Mugabe said: “Takabatana sezvataita izvi, vekunze vaya vanoti aaah tinoda kuchinja zvinhu kuZimbabwe havafi vakatikurira. Takabatana zvatakaita izvi, kana masanctions avo haatikuriri. Angatirwadze asi tinoramba takadaro. Takabatana seizvi, kana maprogrammes edu eCommand Agriculture, command again in other areas ichabudirira.

Listen to President Mugabe’s address below:

“Ngatirambei takabatana, tiine maitiro aya. Tuparty utwu turikutambudzika kuti tikabatana ndokuti tikurire Zanu-PF, aah, isu tirikutoti tukabatana, vakauya pamwechete zvatonakaka. Chibhakera chimwechete chinobva chavapedza. Hatizotambudzika nekuti kaMai Mujuru tokaita sei? KaBiti (Tendai) tokaita sei? Aaa vabatana, one blow and they will be down.”

The Sakubva Stadium rally was the second of the President’s Youth Interface meetings this month following another highly subscribed one in Marondera, Mashonaland East Province.

The President promised the electorate to live up to their expectations and deliver on promises made.

“I will try my best to live up to what I regard as the calling of the people. I will remain the same, I will remain the same yesterday, the same toady, the same tomorrow. We should live and work together. I am not a President of one section, but the President of the whole country,” he said.

President Mugabe reiterated his call on senior party members to leave the youths to organise their programmes and not to use them for personal gain.

 “Let us leave the youths free to organise their programmes the way they desire, provided the way is in accordance with the party principles and objectives. Give them assistance, but let us not let the youths betray the struggle.”

He bemoaned divisions in the main wings of the party.

“Zvirikuitika chiratidzo kuvakuru kuti vadiki vedu vakabatana. Handioni kubatana kuvakuru sekubatana kwakaita vaduku. Handidiwo zvakare kuti vakuru vaputse unity yevana ava nekuti iye zvino kune dzimwe provinces kune varikuda kukwezva vana ava kuti vava nepfungwa dzekusupporter vakuru vane maambitions avo,” President Mugabe.

“Vamwe apa nepapa parikushandiswa tribalism, apa VaChipanga (Kudzi) tinoda kunzwisisa muri kuda kutevera gwara redu here?

“Takanga tisingatengwi isu nemari, kana as individuals hapana aimbouya kwatiri achiti tokupai mari rwisanai, siyanai nevakuru venyu vanaNkomo (late Vice President Jushua), aaah, vaiziva kuti takabatana, hatitengwe, tinegwara ratinaro,” he said to applause from the crowd.

“Tinezvinangwa zvatinazvo. Saka regai kuti vakuru vanenge vauya kana vari maministers vokutengerai zvakati, aah tokupai, tokutengerai mota. Asi tinoda kuti mutsigirei patakamira napo. Kupi kwamakamira nako?

“Zvino mukatambira, mukadzimara matambira chipo chakadaro vatotengesa musangano. Vadarao, kana uri pamusoro zvawakaita iwe Chipanga usafunge kuti vaduku vako havana kuzviona, uri kuvaratidzawo kuti hauna gwara, unokwanisa kutengwa. Ukanzi mari yakati wotora woisa muhomwe, kwete. Mari yawanzi iyi, isa kumayouth edu zvobva zvaonekwa nevamwe kuti vapihwa mari. Ukaisa muhomwe, vamwe vanokushora kuti ndozvaava kuita izvi,” said President Mugabe.

Earlier, First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe had called for unity among all party cadres.

“If we remain united, no one will come among us and destroys us. Youths, you should not allow some individuals to use you for their selfish gains. Zanu-PF is a brand and youths should continue with the legacy left behind by the founding fathers of the struggle,” said the First Lady.

“It is up to you to carry the struggle forward as the vanguard of the party.

“The party leaders should lead by example. Ngatisaite zvinhu zvinoita kuti vadiki vatishore. Unity of purpose should prevail. Youths have more energy, but they should use that energy to develop the country,” she said.

“You should shun all divisive elements. I hope and trust we are all working together. The Presidential Youth Interface Rallies should unite all the provinces. If we are united, we are assured of victory in next year’s harmonised elections,” she said.

On the welfare of liberation war veterans, President Mugabe said Government was trying its best to cushion them despite the financial challenges it was facing.

“Vamwe takakwanisa kuvapa mabasa, saka ngatiregedzei kushora, ngatiregei kuva nekukanganwa zvakaitwa nehurumende, tive nechokwadi kuti izvi ndizvo zvakaitwa izvi, asi tinoda kuti zvimwe zvekuenderera mberi nazvo zvivepo nekuti nyika hairambi yakamira, rubatsiro rwuvepo nanhasi. Taiva nezvinangwa, zvinangwa zvedu zvakagara zviri zvinangwa zvekubatsira vanhu, kubatsira zvezvichemo zvevanhu…” he said.