We have been dumped – Mugabe

via We have been dumped – Mugabe – DailyNews Live 28 September 2014 by Tendai Kamhungira and Margaret Chinowaita

HARARE – Zimbabwe is now a lone ranger in the world because of its tough empowerment policies, which are against the British and American interests, President Robert Mugabe said.

Mugabe said this soon after landing at the Harare International Airport where scores of his supporters from Harare province gathered to welcome him back from the 69th session of the United Nations general assembly in the United States of America (USA).

“Tinoda kupa rukudzo kuvanhu veAfrica vanotipawo rukudzo. Vari kuona kuti Zimbabwe ndiyo nyika iri pamberi kudarika dzimwe pane kucherechedza zvinangwa zvevatema, vane kurwisana nevadzvanyiriri vanoda kuuya nenzira dzakasiyana siyana nekutora upfumi hwevatema, saka rukudzo rwehunhu hwedu hwakawanda huri kuratidzwa muZimbabwe, Zimbabwe isingatye, Zimbabwe yarwisana nevasvetasimba, saka aiwa apa tinoti isu hatina vamwe vari sure kwedu vatinoti ava tinovimba navo, tingabatane maoko navo. Vanhu vakutya zvakakomba, kutya kwacho hakusi kutya kwepfuti, kwava kutya kuti aah, tikava nekutukana nemaAmericans, tikava nekutukana nevarungu vedu ivo, ko rubatsiro tozoruwana kupi,” said President Mugabe speaking in Shona.

(“We want to pay our respects to the continent of Africa, which also respects us. They have seen that Zimbabwe is the only country leading in terms of empowering and serving the black people’s interests, fight imperialists that come in different forms. So the respect of our humane is being shown in Zimbabwe, the fearless Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, which fought imperialists, so we do not have any backing. People are seriously afraid, not that they are afraid of guns but they fear insulting the Americans. They fear that if they upset they whites, they will not be able to get assistance.”)

“Kana muine mafuta ari pasi apa, zvicherwa zviri pasi apa, ivhu riri renyu, ko hupfumi hwamunoda kune ava ndehwei. Muri marema here? Vanouya vachiti tiri kukupai tumari utwu, asi mafuta ndivo vanenge vachiapedza”. (“If you have oil resources, minerals, land, what other form of riches do you desire? Are you handicapped? They come pretending to assist you with little money, but they will be exhausting all the oil resources.”)

Mugabe gave an example of Gabon, an African nation, which he said is losing oil to France.

…zvino isu takati kwete, maBritish muri kwenyu, ivhu nderedu, zvicherwa ndezvedu, mazano ekuzvichera ndeedu, garai kwenyu, tinogara kwedu, mapurazi amakanga matora ndeedu, akudzokera kwatiri. (“We said no, the land belongs to us, let the British stay in their country. The resources are ours, the ideas of how to mine the minerals are ours, stay in your country, we will stay in our country, the land belongs to us. We are taking back the farms, which you had confiscated from us.”)

Mugabe said Zimbabwe cannot compensate for farms that were taken from the whites, adding that probably government can only compromise on the infrastructure developments that will be on the farms, like dams.

Mugabe further urged his Zanu PF party to unite, ahead of its national congress, only two months away.

His party has been embroiled in bitter factional fights pitting Vice President Joice Mujuru and Justice Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The two have publicly denied leading any factions.

Mugabe told the gathering that Harare province should reclaim its position and lead by example.

It has become a tradition within Mugabe’s party that Harare province members always welcome him at the Harare International airport each time he comes back from a national mission.

The move is seen by analysts as a way of bootlicking Mugabe.

Several hours before he touched down, a large crowd had already gathered at the national airport, braving the scorching summer heat.

The hot temperatures did not deter several women from dancing to Mbare Chimurenga Choir’s music, booming loud from a large public address system.

The octogenarian leader arrived at around 11:40, much to the delight of his supporters.

Mugabe started narrating the mission of his visit to the USA and that he had explained Zimbabwe’s position on various initiatives that the government was taking to empower its people.

During the session, Mugabe denounced “evil” machinations by the USA and European Union on its stance of imposing sanctions against Zimbabwe.


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    Doctor do little 10 years ago

    Mugabe just has to go. There is no other way. Every time he opens his mouth he talks a load of nonsense. Is Botswana suffering because of it’s policies? Is Ghana going backwards because of their policies? No. It is Zimbabwe that keeps on going backwards because of an old man with a never ending grudge.
    Wangari Maathai once said: But when you have bad governance, of course, these resources are destroyed: The forests are deforested, there is illegal logging, there is soil erosion. I got pulled deeper and deeper and saw how these issues become linked to governance, to corruption, to dictatorship.


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      Godobori 10 years ago

      Nhai iwe Robhati, madegree ako anogadzirei? Chii chandinoshandisa kubva richibuda kusvika rinyure chinogadzirwa nemadegrees aunodada nawo? Ko PhD rawakapa hure rako? PhD iyoyo inogadzirei? Engine yendege here? Poverty here? Cholera here? Nxaaaa!

  • comment-avatar
    Doctor do little 10 years ago

    Mugabe just has to go. There is no other way. Every time he opens his mouth he talks a load of nonsense. Is Botswana suffering because of it’s policies? Is Ghana going backwards because of their policies? No. It is Zimbabwe that keeps on going backwards because of an old man with a never ending grudge.
    Wangari Maathai once said: But when you have bad governance, of course, these resources are destroyed: The forests are deforested, there is illegal logging, there is soil erosion. I got pulled deeper and deeper and saw how these issues become linked to governance, to corruption, to dictatorship.

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      Chanisa 10 years ago

      Well said. The man just just has to go – home or underground. We don’t need him. Yes black people want a fair deal, not only from white people, but also from so-called liberators who think nothing about killing their own people with impunity. I’d rather suffer at the hands of a white man than under the boot of a self-serving maniac who gives his wife a degree she hasn’t earned. We really don’t need that feckless man.

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    Senzachena 10 years ago

    I wonder how these fools sleep at night having spent the day arse licking a geriatric idiot you wears nappies!

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    Expat 10 years ago

    Well said Mr Do Little, Respect!

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    Bazur Wa KuMuzi 10 years ago

    They do not sleep.

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    Swagman 10 years ago

    The mere mention of the idiots name
    makes me sick.
    He is the most hateful, useless and
    destructive single human being in Africa.

    I pray everyday that he dies, and soon!

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    John Thomas 10 years ago

    Isn’t the Lone Ranger an American cultural icon? Robert can you not use idioms from your own culture?

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    josphat jirihanga mugadzaweta 10 years ago

    dumped by whom? you always say that zim will never be a colony again. go it alone you fool. you bit the hand that fed you now bear the consequences. how do you expect the west to support your archaic policies and skewed empowerment procedures? you better die now and we will resurrect the country for it has life after death not you. you awarded your whore grace a degree from nowhere and you expect the west to buy that? you have long outlived for earthly welcome!!!

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    tapiwa 10 years ago

    No Robert once again urikuwawata. No black or white person is against reallocating land or resources to blacks its about how you do it. Even China has an empowerment policy but its all about how they do it so this rubbish that you keeping vomiting is sickening. You want to blame others except yourself and your government.

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    Michael Saruchera 10 years ago

    Batai munhu anotinyadzisa uyu, musiyano waPresident nemudzimai wavo pakuvhotomoka handichauoni. Zanu Pf mus gag thier President.

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    revenger avenger 10 years ago

    Pamberi mob justice. Death to zpf. Pasi robber mugarbage commander-in-thief

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    nyoni 10 years ago

    Robert you have only yourself to blame. Remember what Julius Nyerere told you all those years ago. So dont blame others.

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    Mlimo 10 years ago

    Robert and his illusions of grandeur. How he and Gucci lips wished they were born with white skins. How he wishes he could stand up at the UN and be listened to. How he wishes that he could say he colonised Zimbabwe. How he wishes he too could lie along side Rhodes at World view. How he wishes that he can say he made Zimbabwe grand and prosperous. This is a man who has dreamt of being white how he must hate his black brethren, starting with his father for not being white. Everything else since young Mugabe realised he was black has been geared to hating the whites, hating his fellow countrymen and using them like slaves to get his status up to that of a rich white man. Shame Mugabe you failed in all your endeavours. The world no longer listens to your hate speeches, and so is Africa now ignoring you. They see you as you truly are an man filled with hatred against the whites for your skin is not white and the blacks for giving you a black skin.

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      Chanisa 10 years ago

      He loves Elvis Presley, opens Parliament from a Rolls Royce flanked by horses, his judges wear British wigs, he used to shop at Harrods when he was their darling once ago, his policemen wear colonial safaris, and his Chiefs still spot a crescent. And doesn’t he speak English like an Englishman? His tantrums are those of a jilted lover, scorched earth “if I can’t have you no one will”. Or a toddler before it develops the ability to soul search. Evil was created to describe the man in the truest sense. Hitler was semi-literate. Misguided perhaps. Mugabe is pure willful Evil incarnate. Satan’s sidekick.

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    garikai 10 years ago

    i wonder why this old man achirikungotaura nezvedzimwe nyika hee americans,britain hazvina zvazvinotipa. Tarisa zvako kwete zvauyo kana uyo it shows that he is stupid nepfambi yake Grace naBona asingazive baba vake zvinonyadzisa thats why Zim irikutambudzika becoz of this family.

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    More verbal diarrhoea for the gullible followers. I hope they went home with tummies full of puke

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    biggus dickus 10 years ago

    ‘We pride ourselves as being top, really, on the African ladder… We feel that we have actually been advancing rather than going backwards’

    Robert Mugabe

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    Tsuro 10 years ago

    “Tinoda kupa rukudzo kuvanhu veAfrica vanotipawo rukudzo”, this shows what Mugabe yearns for:Rukudzo(Respect)

    Even those who wait and ululate to him at the airport are they normal?

    I am reminded of Banda in his twilight days

    God please redeem us.

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    Justice 10 years ago

    What an embarassment this Dictator has become, to his race, to Zimbabwe and to Africa!

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    This bitter and aggressive man was never leadership material.

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    Gonohori 10 years ago

    Ayaas harahwaa iyi haichadikwa zveshuwaa

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    Mugabe is bitter he is bitter because no body listens to his nonsense at the UN . Its mugabes policies and looting which has led to the downfall of Zimbabwe. I honestly think Mugabe envies the west so much look at his cars his accent his suits all BRITISH. Mugabe is bitter like a spoilt toddler because he has fallen out with the west due to his stubbornness .

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    hahahahah Mugabe is becoming a real joke lol 14 years since the farms were taken and he still cant move on lol. he talks of whites as being a threat meanwhile there is probably only 10 000 left in Zimbabwe. I live overseas like many Zimbabweans black and white

    This old man is out of touch with reality

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    Petal 10 years ago

    and does not mention that members of his family including the son were on the excursion with him

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    Tozvirevakupiko 10 years ago

    Question is how to ‘get rid’ of him!!!!

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    Moses 10 years ago

    No Bob not WE…YOU’VE been dumped. Just the same as YOU have dumped us in the brown smelly stuff and left us to dig ourselves out. Shame shame shame on you. Now that you know , and you know everyone else knows you know , isn’t it time to get out and leave somebody who’s capable to sort out your mess

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    Gomogranny 10 years ago

    We wait…patiently. We are unruffled and still. With our ears closed and a Champagne bottle in a cupboard nearby. Soon, soon.

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    just saying 10 years ago

    ‘We pride ourselves as being top, really, on the African ladder… We feel that we have actually been advancing rather than going backwards’
    Hey Robert we just been placed 46th out of 52 African countries on the latest Mo Ebrahim good governance index. You must be standing on your head you clown to say we are top of the African ladder. Not to worry at the rate we are sinking we will soon be 52nd.

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    dubbozimbo 10 years ago

    You nailed it there Bob, the only improvements left on any farm is the dam, because you can’t steal that and sell it. Also….. the minerals now belong to China as you swooped them for some diesel and sh!tty Chinese tractors months ago. I’d advise you to keep a diary to write down the BS you spew so you can refer to and try to keep on the same page as the rest of the country for atleast a week.

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    Petros Magomazi 10 years ago

    I am deeply disappointed by the shallow criticism being aimed at President Robert Mugabe. None of the critics managed to formulate meaningful suggestions as to why they think his arguments are outdated and so forth. Some of us who live in the diaspora and have open eyes agree with the President. Some have suggested ‘ cutting the had that feeds you…’Why do you want someone else to feed you? Are you a cripple? Some are even suggesting that we should use Mo Abrahim’s index as a reference. Who is Mo Abrahim? Further, some are suggesting that Ghana and other countries are making progress. That is a heap of nonsense. There are no African countries that are making progress. Do not beleive everything that you read. For your information over 200 Ghanians sought refuge in Brazil after the world cup. Talk of South Africa, the black people there are not in the mainstream economy so there is nothing to celebrate. Think very carefully before you formulate your arguments. I rest my case