Why can’t they listen?

via Why can’t they listen? – The Zimbabwe Independent March 14, 2014

WE really wonder what President Robert Mugabe and his ministers in their quiet moments think about.

Do they think about how far the nation has come, what it has endured over the years and how far it still has to go to overcome underdevelopment and poverty?

Does Mugabe and his ministers ever think about their strengths and weaknesses? Do they do a Swot analysis — a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats — in this case running a country?

Do they look at Zimbabwe’s strengths or characteristics that give it an advantage over others? Do they examine weaknesses or where the country is at a disadvantage relative to others? Do they look at opportunities: elements that the country could exploit to its advantage?

Do they consider threats or factors in the environment that could cause trouble for the country? Or are they just content with muddling through while mismanaging the country?

It looks like we have a president and ministers who listen not to understand what the people and those who know are saying, but to reply.

We are saying this because over and over people and informed experts have endlessly said what Zimbabwe needs to do to get out of the current situation and move forward. Why are Mugabe and his ministers unable or unwilling to listen?

Even if they don’t listen, we will continue to say this: they have destroyed the country through toxic leadership, poor governance and bad policies.

In its March 2014 Equities Market Review and Strategy Outlook, Invictus Securities Zimbabwe says the economic situation can only improve if the country is able to attract at least US$1 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) in the short-term. It also says the country needs policy consistency and certainty, particularly on property rights and indigenisation.

“Unless we attract FDI, the economy will remain in stagnation, which means we cannot grow government revenues,” it says. “Unfortunately, indigenisation continues to make it difficult for foreign investors to come in.”

Invictus says since the beginning of the year all indications are pointing to a slowdown in the economy due to negative and uncertain market conditions.

Last week, trade experts said Zimbabwe needs good policies to attract investment. World Bank African region trade practice leader Paul Brenton said the economy is being sabotaged by a hostile investment climate.

International growth centre country director Richard Newfarmer noted Zimbabwe needs clear and sustainable policies to promote export diversity and value addition to grow the economy going forward. This is all common cause. Zimbabwe is strategically located at the heart of the southern African region.

It has great human capital, a skilled diaspora community and is rich in natural resources, among other key factors in development.
What is lacking is effective leadership and good policies. If Mugabe and his ministers don’t know what to do — as they clearly don’t — they should at least listen.


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    John Thomas 10 years ago

    Mugabe and his mob of ZANU liberation heroes believe that they rule by truth and justice and that anybody who says otherwise is a treasonous plotter. They do no listen because they know everything already. What they steal and destroy they do by right and unwanted outcomes are the result of saboteurs and enemies. Logic cannot penetrate the web of stupidity they have woven. One only has to speak to one of the faithful to become aware of an entire alternate universe. These people will have to be chased out. They will never leave on their own and they will never do anything positive or productive.

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    Roving Ambassador 10 years ago

    I have stated before in this forum, when the war ended ,there was no assessment made on the pys chological impact of the war ,the killings and toture. Most of the leadership s mad . We can shout as much as we want, it will not work. Mnangagwa is mad, Mugabe is made, Chiwenga is mad , Shiri is mad. The proof is in The total destruction of the nation with no guilt at all.
    Don’t expect any better.
    Mad ,mad, mad, the whole lot .
    Treasonous malcontents.
    Pasi me ZANU.

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      Sonofngwazi 10 years ago


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      furedi 10 years ago

      Well said. These are the same people who claimed 80-120% disability from WVCF and this was mostly for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Conclusion, They are all nuts.

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    Zindoga 10 years ago

    Wel said Bro Roving Amba,,,, nw busy planning to remove Tsvangirai instead of fixing the economy.idiots,witches…etc

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    Methinks 10 years ago

    The problem is that every one of them is busy trying to run their own businesses. What, with farms, mines, banks, properties to run,
    where do you get the time to think about anything else. The sad part about all this is that had the economy been doing well, and had corruption been controlled, the businesses would have done well and they would have been easier to run. Had the tide been rising, all boats would have been lifted. Sadly there is no tide, all boats are grounded, yachts and dingeys alike.

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    When Bob can no longer pay the police can’t pay or even feed the army it will all collapse

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      Patriot 10 years ago

      They have the diamond revenues

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        furedi 10 years ago

        No they don’t. What is left now of the diamonds means they have to invest in mining equipment and which one of them is prepared to do that.They never invest they just steal other peoples investments. Mapere.

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    Bhola 10 years ago

    Comrades and friends, they do listen but they can’t understand what all that means. It easy to hear that people are talking but difficult to comprehend. Someone has to be brave enough to stand next to them and interpret or rather simplify it. If they do understand, then how does one explain their weaked ways of silencing the voices of reason day in and day out. Only God will intervene save us from extinction.

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      Fallenz 10 years ago

      I agree. As someone said, they never get out of their own circle of associates, so all they see is wealth and satisfaction with the status quo… and pleased they have accomplished so much. All they hear is how well they are all doing under the current government… which is what they want to hear. But, it is willful ignorance of reality. They shield themselves from the truth so they can enjoy all the loot they have stolen, and the power they have conferred upon themselves. That, after all, was the purpose of the war… to enrich themselves. Greatest bank heist in history.

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    Bhola 10 years ago

    Maiweeeee safa saphel’ isizwe ‘simnyama!

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    Marange son 10 years ago

    I am sorry you barking to wrong dog the do not care period. Mafia at best.

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    They’re only worried abt fattening their pockets. Whether e countries develops or regresses is none of their concerns. They’re only interested in making sure their great, great, great, great, great children are well taken care of today. The state of their leader and e undefined succession policy is another motivation to loot. Each one is not sure of who will be e next leader so its make hay while e sun shines cos the next leader myt be yo internal opponent or u myt not lucky to remain in e gravy train. The next leader my be a no nonsense one. So everybody is bz looting and stashing away e loot so if Mugabe eventually dies they will be ready to flee and start a new life in e first world if the new administration starts clamping corrupt officials e Zambian style

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    G H Thomas (Charas) 10 years ago

    Roving Ambassador is right. Psychological effects of the war which they all still make reference to. And they are also running businesses and therefore no time for the effort needed for good governance not minding psychological help needed.
    I think what worse is some seemingly educated folks who attempt to support this in a cultic way. It worries me if this is a continuation of this problem in some form into next generation.
    Common sense is surely not common

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    jondo 10 years ago

    Well said but di goons will never listen to di words of wisdom