Dear All
Travelled to Hatcliffe Extension today to view first-hand the destruction wreaked upon this ultra-poor community.  If it was not for the fact that not a drop of water was visible anywhere, the scene could have been that of the aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami.  This "wave" of  destruction was however wreaked upon these poor people by 3000 members of our own police force.
The young man whom I approached for permission to take photos. at first declined, but after I told him that the images would be with SW Radio Africa in London today, he enthusiastically changed his here they are:
Searching for something   
Residents try to assemble their posessions together and make sense of the mess.
(Above) This a few days ago was home to somebody
(Below)    "What do we do? We have nowhere else to go."
(Below)  A child wanders down the footpath between the smashed dwellings
Many residents were seen packing and carrying their meagre posessions away.
They said they were told to go back to their rural homes by the police.
"We can't do that," one woman said "we do not have money for bus fares, and the buses have no fuel anyway.  There is no food in the rural areas, and there is no food here.  We are sleeping in the open here.  We don't know what else to do."