The ZIMBABWE Situation Our thoughts and prayers are with Zimbabwe
- may peace, truth and justice prevail.

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Ø Consequences of Poaching
Ø It will contribute to a decline in tourism; tourists visit the country principally to see wildlife, and if it is not there, they will find a new wildlife destination.
Ø Negative impact on tourism due to bad publicity.
Ø Conservative estimates are that approximately 60% of wildlife has disappeared from former commercial farms due to rampant poaching.  This figure does not include the smaller species.
Ø Due to the natural habitat decreasing, territorial fighting has increased and resulted in some deaths.
Ø Wildlife Conservancies have not escaped unscathed, where poaching is prolific.
Ø Detrimental consequences for some marginal species; i.e. Black & White Rhinoceros, Tsessebe, Leopard, Cheetah etc
Ø Decreased revenue for the State from the sale of trophy animals.
Ø Decreased revenues for local communities where this takes place in CAMPFIRE Areas.
Ø Reduces the national reserve of wildlife species without a positive return for the nation.
Ø Will destroy the animal resource necessary for the successful marketing of photographic and hunting safaris for overseas clients, thus denying the country valuable foreign currency and employment.  The hunting used to bring US$45 million per annum revenue for the state.
Ø Reduced wildlife management within the National Parks system:  i.e. fences not being repaired, with Management being prevented from pumping water for the animals.  This is very serious since the game has become reliant on the artificial water points and we are experiencing a drought, so most natural water points have/or are drying up.
Ø No control of movement of animals and hence the spreading of disease, ie foot and mouth.
Ø There is reduced monitoring of endangered species.
Ø Uncontrolled export of rhino horn to the east, and an increase in elephant poaching.
Ø Uncontrolled export of animals to countries that do not have the correct habitat for the species.
Ø Where poaching is done by snaring
1. It does not discriminate on the species caught, and up to 70% of the snared animals are left to rot.
2. Cruelty to the animals caught due to the pain suffering.
3. If the animal is the not killed immediately by the snare, the process of dying from starvation & thirst is unacceptable.
4. A large number of animals poached are in calf, so we are loosing two in one hit and inhibiting the gene pool.
Currently tourists in the area of Hwange National Park and other areas’ can see the consequences of snaring; as numerous animals can be seen carrying wire snares around their necks or legs or bare the scars of this menace.  The majority of the casualties lie rotting in the bush unseen by visitors.  Even herd members of the Presidential herd of elephants are evidencing snares and their resultant wounds.
Some animals break free from the snares, but are so badly injured, that they either die a very long and slow death or if found have to be put down, due to the extent of the injury and infection.

Consequences of Tree Cutting & Habitat Destruction
Ø Increased soil erosion and land degradation.
Ø Habitat destruction which results negatively on vulnerable species that are habitat dependant. i.e. certain species of insects & birds.
Ø Contributes to the Greenhouse effect which results in global warming.
Ø Gold panning – deadly chemicals are getting into our water systems and serious erosion due to the huge holes erupting along the river banks.  These chemicals are also poisoning our wildlife.
Ø Bush fires which are deliberately started.
Ø Due to decreased habitat and vast areas being burnt/cleared, grazing/browsing is in short supply for both wildlife and domestic animals.
Culprits of Destruction & Poaching
Ø Members of civil society who are able to take advantage of the lack of the “Rule of Law” currently bedevilling the country.  This goes as high up as ministers and governors hunting indiscriminately and illegally.
Ø Members of government who treat wildlife as their own preserve, and often order local authorities or members of the Department of National Parks and Police to slaughter game for political rallies, and feeding the government’s youth brigades.
Ø Newly resettled farmers/war vets and squatters.
Ø Communities adjoining National Parks boundaries.
Ø Commercial bushmeat trade.
Ø Members of the armed forces.

Responsibility of Control
The Department of National Parks and The Zimbabwe Republic Police are mandated by the State to control poaching in all its forms.  This is rarely being enforced.
Poaching is rampant throughout the country; not even National Parks animals are spared from this scourge.  In fact, often poaching is done by National Parks staff members themselves, under the guise of shooting for staff rations.  These off takes are in most cases far in excess of the authorised allocations.
Methods of poaching
Ø Snares
Ø using packs of dogs
Ø commercial – using weapons – shotguns/automatics/handmade
Ø netting of animals and birds
Ø netting of our aquatic life
Ø poisoining aquatic life
Ø poisoning animals
Ø spears / bows and arrows / pangas
Ø disabling the animal, then clubbing it to death

No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every
man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the
maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the
Sea, Europe is the lesse as well as if a
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thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans
death diminishes me, because I am involved
In Mankinde; and therefore never send to
know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee
                           John Donne


Concerted Effort
for the
National Survival and
Utilisation of Resources and


For once it is not the AK47, the legacy of one Mikhail Kalashnikov favoured by every militant and his dog from Cape to Cairo, Bagamoyo to Bengwela, and which has been one of the bells tolling, by way of its distinctive chattering fire pattern, for the wildlife of Africa… and particularly, in the context of this report, for the wildlife of Zimbabwe.  As with the bushmeat trade that has blossomed its sanguinary way across the length and breadth of Africa, decimating rain forest and bushveld species alike, it has not, by and large, been the curse of the Kalashnikov AK47 that has been the perpetrator of that particular mayhem.  Panga, spear, bow and arrow, ancient muzzle loader, hired or stolen sporting rifle, pits, the noose and the ubiquitous snare tend to be the tools of the trade for that line of business. 
The more silent killers, their insidious inroads into the resources of our country, our continent, our planet no less effective through their unobtrusiveness. 
In Zimbabwe the orchestrated destruction of wildlife and its habitat, the degradation of the rivers by the mushrooming illegal gold panning business, and the decimation of thousands of hectares of trees, a carefully planned exercise that forms part of a definite strategy of the history currently unravelling in this country is swiftly and steadily leading towards a moment that, should normality ever prevail again, the ecological damage caused will be irreparable.
It should be made clear from the outset of this report that the details contained herein pertain essentially to the wildlife and environment outside the boundaries of the National Parks under the jurisdiction of that relevant government body.  The areas of Zimbabwe to which this report refers are, in the main, the private conservation areas (Conservancies), and the once commercially viable farms on which wildlife occurred naturally or was re-introduced.  That is not to say that the wildlife and environment in the National Parks themselves are not under threat. 
Contrary to what the reader might be told by the relevant Ministers and other government mouthpieces at this Earth Summit, there is little to celebrate about within these regions, for whereas the National Parks of Zimbabwe were once safe and well managed redoubts for the dwindling wildlife of the region, as was the case with other areas of Africa, today, as never before, the lacklustre commitment by its managing body, the collusion of staff in poaching operations, and, that eternal bugbear, dearth  of funds – often exacerbated by mismanagement of funds and underscored more recently by disillusioned donors – has caused these once-upon-a-time sanctuaries to be raped and pillaged to a degree never before experienced.  A political campaign that has allowed many a genie out of its bottle to run amok, with accountability and recourse non-existent, has added its own dimension of battue to the foregoing. 
But, enough of the National Parks scenario.  There will be, as is customary, platitudes galore spilling forth from the custodians of that area of Zimbabwe’s resources

Over the course of several decades Zimbabwe has gained an international reputation for its progressive approach towards the management of its natural resources, both in its gazetted protected areas and in the commercial farming areas.  Without question one of the most successful programmes has been the establishment of large private conservancies… an amalgamation of units of land whose owners have taken the route of managing their wildlife resources jointly rather than individually.  This train of thought, and its implementation, was born of a vital need to enlarge areas of semi-arid savannas and scrub-woodland if wildlife populations were to have the space they needed to survive; to be able to move the distances required as they foraged in such poor resource conditions.  In some of the conservancies the original business of cattle ranching continued, where the natural environment allowed.  In others, where the hostility of the natural environment negated any of the plus factors associated with commercial farming, cattle or otherwise, large areas of land were given entirely over to what wildlife existed, with the introduction of further wild species that could survive, and indeed increase, despite the harshness of the environment. 
In agricultural terms such environmental regions are referred to as Grade Five areas… that is, areas where economical and sustainable commercial farming has no chance of succeeding.  A prime example of such a conservancy is the Save Valley Conservancy in the south-eastern Lowveld of Zimbabwe.  This conservancy, with a total area of 340,000 hectares (including two state owned properties) converted completely from cattle production to wildlife production in 1992 and incorporated the world’s first large-scale translocation of elephants (almost 600 animals) in complete family groups.  Along with predators and buffalo, the elephant populations of the region had been eradicated when the cattle ranching era had evolved.  Largely in vain, it would prove.  Whilst other species re-established themselves on their own, such as the endangered wild-dog which, in that conservancy, has grown to become one of Zimbabwe’s largest wild dog populations, in tandem with the various packs in and around Hwange National Park environs – many other species were also re-introduced.
It is the well-managed development and far-sighted vision of the conservancy-type project that became the cornerstone of the survival of Zimbabwe’s black rhino population.  With the decimation by poaching gangs in the late 1980’s, these originating mainly from neighbouring countries, of the black rhino populations in the northern-most national parks of Zimbabwe, a number of those rhinos still hanging on were translocated to private land.  It should be made clear that these rhinos remained the property of the government.  What was different was that, with this move, the protection of the rhinos became the responsibility of the relevant ranch owners, whose employment of game guards, and the implementation of anti-poaching operations was undertaken privately, out of their own pockets.  Whilst having such an endangered species on their property was, in some cases, an attraction in terms of ecotourism, the undertaking by the ranchers was essentially to assist the national rhino conservation effort.  Approximately 190 black rhinos were moved to different areas of private land within Zimbabwe.  Under meaningful protection again, that private land population has doubled over the last decade.  On the other side of the coin, the endeavours of the National Parks in their areas of management were insufficient to protect the remaining black rhino populations. 
The vast tracts of land, coupled with some of the reasons already mentioned, resulted in the Department of National Parks and Wild Life Management concentrating its efforts and resources on four restricted Intensive Protection Zones (IPZ’s), where approximately 150 black rhinos are being protected, with the assistance of significant donor support.  Of concern, it has to be recorded, is the effectiveness of the Intensive Protection Zones in the current circumstances prevailing in Zimbabwe.  Particularly so when poachers can, as they did on 28 March 2002, enter such a zone and go about their business successfully.  This occurred at the National Parks IPZ at Matusadona on Lake Kariba when poachers used pesticide to poison two semi-tame rhinos in pens.  They succeeded in killing one, removing its horn, managed to steal fuel, and took their leave.  Undetected.
Almost 75% of Zimbabwe’s black rhinos are on commercial farms and conservancies, whilst almost half of the national total of approximately 200 white rhinos are also on private land.  In these sectors there have also been poaching fatalities as a result of the land invasions, and we will come to that.
Because it is not enough that projects such as conservancies be sustainable in ecological and economic terms… that they also have to be sustainable in social and political terms, several of the conservancies have introduced their own outreach programmes.  Usually formalised via the relevant Rural District Councils through the formation of a community trust and a formal memorandum of understanding, such programmes include mechanisms that help to resolve the conflict between wildlife and humans whilst also garnering benefits for the humans living on the fringe of the ranching and conservancy areas by way of funds from hunting and ecotourism being channelled their way.
The founding of CAMPFIRE (Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources), unique at the time of its inception in Zimbabwe, and now a programme adopted by other African countries, was a cornerstone and blueprint for such outreach programmes that promoted the use of sustainable resources.
However, all such schemes have been disrupted by the land crisis, and in tandem with such disruption has come a poaching crisis and a destruction of resource crisis of hitherto unparalleled proportions.
In Zimbabwe at the time of this report and the scheduling of the Earth Summit in South Africa it would not be unrealistic to use the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as an analogy for what is happening.  War, Famine, Pestilence and Death are riding high and wild, and it is not only the humans, black or white, that are succumbing to the plague.  The plight of the white commercial farmers and their respective workforces, who are in a state of well defined and declared war, and death… the plight of the majority of the black population who are in a state of famine, pestilence, death and war… all of this orchestrated mayhem has been chronicled by the world media.  To some degree.  What is only just flocculating to the surface are that the same Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are visiting themselves upon the wildlife and commercial stock of the country.  And in their wake the sustainable resources of the country have been torn asunder.
Since the land invasions began in earnest, essentially commencing in the Masvingo area in February 2000 – though there had been sporadic invasions over the previous two months – the wildlife and environment on the farms and conservancies came under threat also.  By the middle of June 2000 1634 farms had been occupied, and once the results from the election held on 24 and 25 June were known, the purgatory in which the country of Zimbabwe was engulfed ratcheted up ever higher.  Wildlife, agricultural livestock and the environment entered a new concerted phase of destruction.  No longer were the snare lines and sporadic shots in the night merely another indication that things were getting increasingly out of hand.  It was an obvious campaign by the government of the day to turn the heat up, in its determined bid to remain in power.  For the people whose support was paramount to it remaining in power, the grassroots population of the rural areas, it was a free meal ticket to help themselves to the massive supermarket around them.  After all, they were told it belonged to them anyway.
And the slaughter and destruction began in earnest.
The conservancies and game ranches in the provinces of Midlands, Matabeleland South and Masvingo have felt the brunt of the destruction, though no game or domestic stock area has been spared the attentions of the rampant genies making the most of their time out of the bottles. 

What has made the situation even more untenable is that the “every man for himself” syndrome reigns supreme as cabinet ministers, senior army and police officers, provincial governors, local authorities and the different factions of so-called war veterans’ leadership all struggle for their place at the trough, issuing orders and counter-orders in bewildering profusion.  International agreements signed by the government have proved to be as worthless as the local currency being printed at an ever increasing rate, whilst rulings and decisions made by individual “lightweight” ministers are summarily discarded, court rulings are routinely overturned and presidential decrees that deny access to courts for people at the sharp end of the land invasions are the order of the day.
As the wanton destruction of wildlife continues – with the meat of the animals very often not utilized, or, if so, a leg hacked off here, a haunch there; as the trees come falling down, more often than not in areas where not one seed of grain will be planted in the pillaged barren areas created, or if they are, will not germinate in the hostile environment invaded; as the fires sweep across the country, destroying wildlife and habitat alike… the world continues to turn.  Apart from isolated individual reaction – bravely taken at considerable risk to themselves and their careers – by members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management, the supinity of these two government departments has ensured that the destruction of the wildlife and environment will continue unabated.  The sustainable resource credo is out the window.  When measured against the wildlife poached, the rivers and dams poisoned, the fires raging uncontrolled, the amount of poachers arrested and charged is abysmal.  And more often than not the sentence handed down, should a poacher be charged, is a joke… three days community service for a man arrested by game scouts who has a butchered kudu and warthog in his possession, along with two kilometres of snare lines taking their toll, unattended… the animals dying a lingering death and left to rot – it’s a waste of time arresting the person.
There is some communication, of course, between the people trying to keep that last of the wildlife from going down the plughole and the various ministers and levels of governmental hierarchy.  There is much verbiage.  Many platitudes are mouthed.  Many free lunches are enjoyed.  The right words are trotted out at the right moments. 

Such as these words of the Hon. Francis Nhema, MP, Minister of Environment and Tourism, spoken at the Thirteenth Cresta Wildlife Oscar presentation in Harare, December 2001.  More than at any other time in our past history, we need the support of organizations, not only those within the tourism sector, to promote this sustainable development, management and utilization of our wildlife and other natural resources for the benefit of all Zimbabweans.  My ministry is totally dedicated to working with all players in the tourism sector and with organizations such as the Wildlife Producers’ Association and the Zimbabwe Hunters’ Association, to promote sustainable development of the wildlife industry for the benefit of visitors to Zimbabwe and also the people of Zimbabwe.  We have built up a reputation for being a nation which utilizes its natural resources wisely and in an environmentally-conscious manner, and we want to maintain that reputation.

As eloquently as such words are manufactured, they nevertheless have little meaning at the coalface, where the management of sustainable resources actually takes place.  Neither do they have any restorative effect on the tourism sector of Zimbabwe.  The crisis within the country has impacted on the whole of southern Africa, and its fallout has been felt over the length and breadth of the continent.  Not only has tourism in the neighbouring countries of Botswana, South Africa and Zambia been affected, foreign tourists have cancelled trips to Kenya and even Egypt.
Back to the situation on the ground.
In the June 2002 edition of Outpost, the magazine of the Zimbabwe Republic Police, it was conceded that poaching had reached alarming proportions in northern Zimbabwe.  On the other side of the country it was reported by the Zimbabwe Independent of 9 November 2001 that settlers establishing themselves in the Gona re Zhou National Park were demanding that government grant them “appropriate authority” to exploit and sell the Park’s natural resources … naturally including its abundant wildlife.  And so it goes.
The three conservancies that appear to have been targeted for the most severe pressure on their resources are the Save Valley Conservancy (the largest in Zimbabwe), the Chiredzi River Conservancy and the Bubiana Conservancy. 
Each of the conservancies has maintained, in varying degrees of detail, records of the destruction inflicted since the land invasions first began.  However, even the most diligently maintained statistics represent but a fraction of the story, and generally err on the side of conservatism.
When one considers that, as one example, the Buffalo Range ranches (part of the Chiredzi River conservancy) have been operating a successful cattle and wildlife production system for the past 40 years in Natural Regions categorised as Three, Four and Five, where land is marginal for conventional agriculture, including livestock production : whose records, ever open for inspection over those 40 years are testimony to the professional management of their resources, whose estimations of game destroyed (quite apart from 60,000 acres of land), from leopard to waterbuck to cheetah to zebra is conservatively estimated to be 12,694 animals … wither resource management now?
Large tracts of land in all three conservancies have been declared “no-go” areas by the recently arrived settlers, a situation they enforce vigorously, assisted by the “war veterans” purportedly supporting their cause in re-acquiring the land that current history and the politicians decree belongs to them.  It is this lack of access on the ground that makes it impossible for wildlife custodians and veterinary personnel to get a clear picture of the damage done to wildlife and habitat alike – and where facts are few, rumour and speculation prosper.  Because of the “no-go” areas in the conservancies there is a question mark hanging over the status of the wildlife known, once upon a time, to be resident there.  This applies to both big and small game, and in particular to endangered species such as black rhino, wild dog and their ilk.  Some press statements have suggested that as many as 50 rhinos, black and white, have been poached during the land invasions.  As at this time of writing there is nothing to substantiate such guesswork.  What is known is that 15 black rhino have been snared, resulting in six being killed… two in one conservancy, four in another.  No white rhino have been recorded as poached.  Yet.
Over the course of 18 months, on 76 ranches in Matabeleland South, records show that 30367 animals have been killed and 39662 snares collected.  It is but a tip of the iceberg. 

Ranch scouts have been disarmed, intimidated and severely assaulted as they tried to perform their duties, and so are unable to determine the full impact of the snaring in their relevant areas of responsibility.  The wholesale removal of hundreds of kilometres fencing has resulted in livestock and wildlife mingling, with the resulting threat of endemic diseases spreading from the wildlife to the livestock.  Foot and mouth disease is a particular concern in this regard.

For one example of wildlife destroyed, and the threat imposed by the “silent death” … snaring, in a report originating from the Save Valley Conservancy for 25 July 2002, please refer to Annexure One enclosed.
Annexure Two.  The Utilization and Management of Sustainable Resources – Another Casualty of Zimbabwe’s Land Crisis … the salient points.
Like all thinking Zimbabweans, the farmers, ranchers and conservancy custodians need no persuading that the acquisition of land on which to settle land-hungry subsistence farmers is an inescapable imperative.  The massive question mark that hangs over the current free-for-all scenario, causing as much bewilderment as it does disillusionment to people who have maintained an efficient sustainable resource environment to the mutual benefit of themselves and their country over many years is the method of it’s application.
For the stakeholders, the ranchers, conservationists and visionaries who initiated the conservancy projects in the regions entirely unsuitable for sustainable systems of agriculture, with the soils poor and the rainfall low (Grade Five areas), the current on-going destruction of the environment makes the least sense of all. 
Perhaps the geographical position of conservancies such as Malilangwe and the Save Valley allows them some hope that sanity might prevail by way of the tremendous potential of the Trans Frontier Conservation Area (TFCA) initiative, long on the drawing board and now well set on its path towards combining countries, ecosystems and joint effort into multi-beneficial, profitable, sustainable wilderness and wildlife industries – and which will (or should) incorporate those particular conservancies.  Whether that hope is justified remains to be seen.
For the rest …. Their resilience will continue to be tested to the extremist of limits.  Because this scenario is not about land.  It is about power, at any price.
What price tag does the sustainable natural resources of a country have ?
This is a question we ask you, the reader of this document.  The other question we ask you is this.
Where are the voices and action of the many wildlife and environmental organisations that claim to care ?
On the grave stone of one of the world’s greatest hands-on conservationists, Bernhard Grzimek, up on the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater, where he lies buried beside his son, are these words :
The people of Zimbabwe who continue to keep their candles alight in their ongoing struggle to save what is left of a sustainable environment need a few more candles lit.
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Save Valley Conservancy        
   To Date  
Crime Statistics Update 25/7/2002  
Since the 1st of August 2001 the following statistics have been recorded  
   This week  Total since August 2001 up to the end of:
   Only Last week  This week
Number of Incidents   29 705 734
Incidents where animals have been killed 12 322 334
Number of snares recovered   86 14474 14560
Number of poachers dogs shot   5 189 194
Arrests     13 454 467
Snares recovered equate to about 43680 metres of wire although often these snares are up to 4 strands thick  and
 so constitute more wire and greater threat.  
Over 80km of fencing has been destroyed comprising up to 1280km of wire. This is potentially 427 000 snares
or about 400 000 still to be recovered.  
Summary of Poached Animals found : -  
Total Killed up to the end of : -  ZW$:1US$ Conversion 600
Species Last Week This Week Killed This Week  SI 115 value ZW$  Trophy value ZW$
Impala 454 456 2  $          342,000.00  $                47,880,000.00
Kudu 238 245 7  $       1,960,000.00  $              117,600,000.00
Warthog 115 122 7  $          152,500.00  $                14,640,000.00
Waterbuck 17 17    $            51,000.00  $                15,300,000.00
Bushpig 4 4    $             1,600.00  $                     480,000.00
Nyala 2 2    $            18,000.00  $                     720,000.00
Bushbuck 8 8    $            16,000.00  $                  2,160,000.00
Zebra 39 39    $          234,000.00  $                18,720,000.00
Wildebeeste 42 42    $          189,000.00  $                17,640,000.00
Eland 85 85    $       1,275,000.00  $                51,000,000.00
Buffalo 3 3    $            30,000.00  $                  3,600,000.00
Elephant 5 5    $          425,000.00  $                30,000,000.00
Duiker 1 1    $             1,000.00  $                      90,000.00
Cheetah 1 1    $            20,000.00  $                     900,000.00
Leopard 1 1    $            18,000.00  $                  1,500,000.00
Giraffe 5 5    $            75,000.00  $                  3,000,000.00
Sable 2 2    $            36,000.00  $                  3,000,000.00
Small Animals 38 38    $            19,000.00  $                  2,280,000.00
Pythons 4 4    $            30,000.00  $                     240,000.00
Ostrich 1 1    $             8,000.00  $                     360,000.00
Black Rhino 1 1    $          150,000.00  $                  6,000,000.00
Wilddog 7 7    $            70,000.00  $                42,000,000.00
Total 1073 1089 16  $       5,121,100.00  $              379,110,000.00
US$        $             8,535.17  $                     631,850.00
Total Incidents reported up to the end of : -  
Species   This Week Reported This Week  
Levanga   12 12  
Humani   3 3  
Mukwazi   2 2  
Senuko   1 1  
Masapas   5 5  
Impala   2 2  
Hammond   1 1  
Sango   1 1  
Mapari   2 2  
Total   29 29  
Statistics obtained come mainly from properties that are partially or totally unoccupied.  
Due to "no go" status imposed on Mkwasine Ranch, Mukwazi, Mukazi, Angus and Chigwete ranches,
statistics are in most instances not available from these properties.  
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05/08/2002    Juvenile poacher caught with warthog and taken to Police
09/08/2002    5 Eland and 1 young giraffe killed and 1 eland wounded during the night, dogs and spears were used.  Meat of 2 eland removed in donkey cart.  Rest left for vultures and jackals.
12/08/02        1 giraffe killed at KB dip during night 10/08/02.  Taken away by vehicle from Joco (no telephones to make report).  Government heavy vehicle in about 2pm and left again at about 3pm loaded with mopani poles
12/08/2002    2 Eland found killed
13/08/2002    1.10 reported to Sgt Ndhlovu poachers with spears and dogs near homestead.  Police arrived at about 02.30 am fired 2 warning shots in air and returned.  In the morning 2 eland were found and the meat had been taken in a donkey cart
16/08/2002    3 Big steers were missing. As suspected they had been killed.  Found 2 eland and 4 kudu that have been killed
16/08/2002    28 pipes, rods, pump, mono pump head, electric motor, starter stolen, smashed the cement block.  Value $3500000.00
16/08/2002    1 kudu killed at Chipata, only the backleg taken, the rest has been left.
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Zim Std
Yes, we have no prisoners  
overthetop By Brian Latham
POLICE in a troubled central African country have discovered a new method of avoiding troublesome paperwork-as well as difficult questions from lawyers, human rights activists and lawyers.
The simple process, described as "brilliant" by the chief of police, involves arresting lots of annoying people and then denying that anyone has been arrested.
It is believed the system was perfected in North Korea where the deranged leader of that country, a close friend of the most equal of all comrades, has managed to use the tactic on hundreds of thousands of people-who of course no longer exist.
Still, it is only in recent months that the tactic has been employed in the troubled central African country. And while it has been used only to a limited extent on journalists, human rights activists, judges, union leaders and professional students, it is understood the police are pleased with their progress.
"This is not Stalinist Russia," said a police spokesman, "It is not our intention to arrest millions of people and then deny their existence, mainly because we do not have any Siberian labour camps in which to hide them."
Still, it is believed the police are doing a sterling job by filling the limited space in various cells, holding centres and remand prisons to an extent never intended by the colonial architects who designed them. A non-existent prisoner told OTT that he was in contact with at least two other non-existent prisoners whom the police had vehemently denied were in detention.
Meanwhile lawyers complain that it can take up to a week to trace non-existent prisoners. "Very often when we find them they are in need of medical attention, which is also worrying," said one lawyer. He explained that the treatment meted out to non-existent prisoners was usually worse than the treatment meted out to existing "official" prisoners.
A troubled police spokesman denied the accusation of torture of non-existent prisoners. "There is no ill-treatment of non-existent prisoners because non-existent prisoners do not exist and therefore cannot be ill-treated," said the
policeman. "Besides, our cells are full of criminals and other enemies of the state, and as everybody knows, some of these people are very rough and violent, so who knows what happens in there?"
The tactic was raised to new levels this week when a newspaper editor was charged for publishing a story about a non-existent prisoner who subsequently became existent, but was not tortured. Instead he accidentally wired himself to the national grid, which just happened to be switched on at the time, itself an increasingly unusual event in the troubled central African nation.
A convincing police spokesman praised the ingenuity of innovative prisoners who managed to attach themselves to the electrical mains, despite the complete absence of any electricity in most cells. "They have obviously been taking lessons from their South African criminal colleagues who are experts at slipping on bars of soap, falling out of 20th floor windows and other such amazing tricks," said the spokesman.
He retracted the statement when it was pointed out to him that such things no longer officially happen in the troubled central African country's confused southern neighbour, where, of course, all prisoners are treated humanely unless they are being attacked by dogs or beaten with truncheons.
As for torture, the spokesman assured citizens of the troubled central African nation that it never happened. "While sometimes its kind to be cruel, we would never consider beating the soles of peoples' feet, attaching electrical wires to their bodies or putting their heads in buckets of water." Such methods of obtaining information from non-existent enemies of the state, he said, were old fashioned,outmoded and frankly implausible-except when absolutely necessary.
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Ziana Retrenches 80 Workers

The Daily News (Harare)

October 25, 2002
Posted to the web October 28, 2002

Rhodah Mashavave

MORE than 80 workers at the financially-troubled Zimbabwe Inter-Africa News
Agency (Ziana) were retrenched on Tuesday.

The workers were served with retrenchment letters last month which advised
them that they should leave the organisation by 21 October because of the
financial problems the old Ziana was facing.

According to some of the retrenched workers, only four reporters were spared
the axe: Gretina Machingura, Walter Muchinguri, Takesure Matarise and Zodwa

The old Ziana has been operating under very difficult conditions with
creditors besieging the organisation.

Early this month, the messenger of court descended on the State-run news
agency and attached property to recover more than $1 million owed to the
National Social Security Authority.

Munacho Mutezo, the chairman of Ziana, said: 'We had an agreement with the
retrenched workers that they would receive their packages in a few months'
time. 'We are restructuring and down-sizing the organisation.

'We want quality results, that is why we retrenched many workers. As we are
still reorganising the agency, we may consider more retrenchments in the

Mutezo denied that the Gweru and Masvingo branches of the Community
Newspapers Group had been closed.

'We still have reporters operating in Masvingo and Gweru, but I do not have
their names on me right now,' he said.
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Border-Jumper Wounded By South African Soldier

The Daily News (Harare)

October 25, 2002
Posted to the web October 28, 2002

Oscar Nkala in Beitbridge

AN unidentified Zimbabwean border-jumper was last week shot and seriously
wounded by a South African soldier as he tried to sneak across the Limpopo
River into South Africa.

Sources at the Department of Immigration said the incident occurred at the

South African sources said yesterday the soldier who shot the man had been
arrested and was being held at Messina but they could not disclose the

The wounded man was moved to a hospital in Bulawayo, the sources said. 'The
victim was a border-jumper. We have not yet established where he came from,'
said a source. 'Some of these people do not carry any identity papers when
they cross the border illegally.'

Police in Beitbridge confirmed the shooting but refused to give further

Thousands of Zimbabweans have been sneaking across the border into South
Africa because of delays in the processing of passports and failure to
obtain the visas.

The immigration sources said as many as 500 border-jumpers cross the Limpopo
River into South Africa despite the risk of running into army units deployed
along the river.

South Africa deports an average of 3 000 Zimbabwean border-jumpers every
month and dumps then in Beitbridge where some choose to hang around for days
or weeks until they have another chance to sneak back into South Africa.

A combination of the current economic crisis and high unemployment in
Zimbabwe have been identified as major factors forcing youths to risk arrest
trying to cross into South Africa. The border-jumpers also risk being
attacked by crocodiles and being swept away by the Limpopo when it is in
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A farming couple were robbed and assaulted in their farmhouse on Friday
25th October. Waller Kirk owns three dairy farms in the area (Redbane
Dairies), two of which are run by his sons, and he and his wife run the
third. On the night in question, four men broke into their farmhouse at
about 21h00 (the Kirks had returned home at about 20h00). They grabbed
Waller, who was sitting at the computer, and demanded that he give them
the keys to the safe. When he refused, the burglars took out knives, and
assaulted and tortured him. He has since been admitted to hospital with
a broken rib, a punctured lung, a severed tendon on one arm and a number
of slash wounds and contusions all over his body. His eye has also been
severely damaged, and may well be lost. His wife was also seized, but
although she was tied up, she was not assaulted.

The robbers then spent the next few hours clearing out the house of
valuables, transferring it all to a white Golf parked down the road, in
which the fifth member of the gang remained. When they departed, the
thieves also took the Kirk's vehicles.

The Kirks managed to call the police after midnight, and were informed
that they would have to send around a car to collect the detail. When a
policeman was collected, he did nothing, but rather informed them that a
full detail would arrive in the morning. The promised detail only
arrived at 16h00 the next day, however, and when they were offered soft
drinks as refreshment, they asked for "something harder". In the process
of taking the statements and examining the house, the police consumed
several bottles of beer.

The Kirks have been under some SI6 pressure, and a number of ex-employees
visited earlier in the week to request further payments, which they were
denied. On Thursday evening 6 heifers bearing calves were stolen from
the farm as well. However, all indications at this stage are that this
incident was not politically motivated, but rather a simple robbery.


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Zim Standard
'No chance of recovery with Mugabe'  
By Kumbirai Mafunda
AS recycled finance and economic development minister, Herbert Murerwa, puts final touches to his budget proposals for 2003, an overwhelming sense of pessimism pervades the country, with few expecting the minister to deliver anything special come 14 November.
A survey by Standard Business revealed that people are so demoralised that they expect no miracles from Murerwa, or the Zanu PF government which is largely blamed for the economic quagmire the country has sunk into.
Rashid Mudala, an investment analyst with First Mutual Life, says Murerwa was likely to stick to the status quo.
"There is no solution coming from Murerwa because a budget is used to fine tune the economy. So when things are running badly, as they are now, you can not fine tune them. So it is going to be a very difficult task. There hasn't been any change in economic fundamentals, which will be very difficult to achieve, hence we are going to remain with the fixed exchange rate, managed interest rates and spiralling inflation," Mudala says.
He says inflation ,which continues on its upward trend, needs to be addressed urgently.
"There is need to look at how to tackle inflation which recently hit 139,9% and one way is to put fiscal discipline. Our interest rate regime is also not healthy because it has encouraged speculation."
For the past five years Zimbabwe has lost its export competitiveness as a result of government's reluctance to implement sound economic policies and its refusal to devalue the local currency. On the other hand, expenditure has been on an upward trend as evidenced by ousted finance and economic development minister, Simba Makoni's request for a $52 billion supplementary budget in July.
University of Zimbabwe lecturer at the Graduate School of Management, Professor Tony Hawkins, is more brutal in his perception of Murerwa and government.
"As long as Mugabe is president there is no chance of recovery. It is going to be more of the same, compounding the existing crisis. The economy has been boxed in by politics. There is no way you are going to escape with this current government. So the only way is to get rid of this government," says Hawkins.
The professor adds workers should brace themselves for a major hike in taxes as government has to spend heavily on its much-vaunted land reform.
Munyaradzi Shumba of Harare concurs with Hawkins. "Nothing can be sorted out unless there is a change in government. We have been giving them advice which they have been ignoring for long. They have closed all doors to our international partners, so let a new government come in."
Although Mugabe has entrusted Murerwa with drawing up the budget for 13 million Zimbabweans, he was in charge of the same ministry during one of Zimbabwe's darkest hours in economic history when, in 1997, he awarded an unbudgeted $4 billion in the form of gratuities to 50 000 war veterans who were threatening to abandon Zanu PF. This single act led to the local unit crashing against major currencies on what has come to be infamously known as 'Black Friday'.
Said a Chitungwiza man who refused to be identified: "Murerwa has nothing to offer. He was a failure in 1997 as he yielded to political pressure at the expense of the economy."
Lovemore Muziwisi of Rusape says: "Government must increase food availability and work towards resuscitating the health and the education sector."
Dennis Mhlanga, a building contractor, wants Murerwa to address the needs of his sector which has experienced a slump in activity this year.
"Building materials are being sold at black market rates, which is impacting on builders and those undertaking construction projects, so government must reduce the prices of cement and building materials. They could start by subsidising producers of cement and bricks."
Munyaradzi Madzimure, a wood machinist student at Harare Polytech, says Murerwa should pay special attention to the welfare of tertiary college students.
"Government must increase our payouts because the cost of living has gone up and our loans from banks must also be reviewed," says Madzimure.
Zanu PF's quasi command economic policies have drastically affected the country's productive capacity, with traditional foreign currency earners like mining output shrinking by 4,1%, manufacturing production declining by 11,9% and agriculture, formerly the mainstay of the economy, contracting by 24,6% during the first half of 2002.
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Zim opposition's offices attacked
Posted Mon, 28 Oct 2002

The offices of Zimbabwe's main opposition party in the country's second
largest city have been extensively damaged in an attack by ruling party
supporters, an opposition spokesperson said on Monday.

Maxwell Zimuto, a spokesperson for the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)
said by telephone from Bulawayo, 439 kilometres south-west of Harare, that
the attack by around a 100 youths was "unprovoked".

"It was an unprovoked attack. They simply came in and started throwing
stones," said Zimuto. He said windows were shattered, and five of the
party's vehicles parked in front of the offices were damaged.

Senior officials of the party, including the MDC Vice President Gibson
Sibanda were in the offices at the time, but no one was injured, he added.

Zimuto said the attackers were dressed in the green uniform of the Zimbabwe
African National Union-Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF) party's youth militia.

Police were not immediately available to confirm the incident.

Tensions have been running high in the region, where a by-election contested
by the MDC and Zanu-PF took place at the weekend in the district of Insiza,
east of Bulawayo.


ZIMBABWE: By-election marred by allegations of foul play

JOHANNESBURG, 28 October (IRIN) - Elections in Zimbabwe were once again marred by allegations of intimidation and misappropriation of relief food - this time in the weekend parliamentary by-election in Insiza in Matabeleland South.

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) alleged that its candidate Siyabonga Ncube was stopped at a police roadblock on Sunday and barred from entering the constituency. He and ZANU-PF's Andrew Langa were vying for the seat which became vacant when MDC legislator George Ndlovu died in August.

The party also alleged that maize was distributed by ZANU-PF officials at Sidzibe and Pentagon polling stations and that campaigning was taking place within 100 metres of the polling station, in contravention of electoral regulations.

Responding to the allegations, Edward Mamutse, senior press secretary in the Department of Information said: "That's news to us. We observe the regulations and the rules of polling stations are applied rigorously by the registrar-general's office and by the Electoral Supervisory Commission (ESC)."

He said the ESC would be the appropriate body to investigate the allegations. An ESC official based in Harare said he was unable to comment as people "on the ground" were counting the ballots and were difficult to contact.

Earlier this month the World Food Programme (WFP) suspended delivery of food aid in two wards in Insiza after ZANU-PF officials allegedly intimidated its implementing partner, the Organisation of Rural Associations for Progress, and took a consignment of 3 mt and distributed it as part of its by-election campaign.

WFP spokesman in Zimbabwe Luis Clemmens told IRIN on Monday that the delivery of monthly rations to over 6,000 people in the wards remained suspended "until further notice".

On Monday evening it appeared that ZANU-PF were winners by a wide margin.

"It wasn't an election, it was a circus," said Maxwell Zimuto, MDC spokesman for the election. "One player was both the referee and the player. Our candidates were monitored and arrested and we still don't have a copy of the voter's roll. How can we win an election like that?"

The US government confirmed that it had an unofficial observer monitoring the polls, but spokesman Bruce Wharton said he was not sure whether their observations would be released.

According to the state-controlled Herald newspaper, Sweden, Spain and the United Kingdom also had unofficial observers at Insiza.

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28 Oct 2002 18:21
      New Congo-Rwanda talks planned in South Africa


      PRETORIA, Oct 28 (Reuters) - The leaders of Rwanda and the Democratic
Republic of Congo are due to meet South African President Thabo Mbeki on
Friday to discuss attempts to end Africa's biggest conflict, officials said
on Monday.

      The meeting, one of a series following a July peace accord between
Congo and Rwanda, was announced as Congolese government officials and rebels
were in South Africa to discuss Mbeki's plans for a political transition in
Congo, carved up by foreign armies in four years of war driven by its
mineral riches.

      Rwanda's Tutsi government invaded Congo in 1998 in pursuit of Hutu
perpetrators of its 1994 genocide, and backs Congo's biggest rebel movement,
the Rally for Congolese Democracy.

      Since the two countries struck the July deal under pressure from
Mbeki, Rwanda has pulled its troops out of Congo, raising hopes for a peace
that would boost Mbeki's credentials as he promotes an economic revival plan
for Africa.

      Last week a United Nations panel criticised Rwanda, Uganda -- which
supports the rival Congolese Liberation Movement (MLC) rebels -- and the
government's ally Zimbabwe for plundering Congo's gems and minerals during a
war in which an estimated two million people have been killed.

      Mbeki's office said in statement that Friday's meeting with Rwandan
President Paul Kagame and President Joseph Kabila of Congo aimed to assess
progress made under their peace accord, which was co-signed by Mbeki, and to
"chart a way forward".

      Kabila's officials are already in the South African capital Pretoria
for meetings with rebel delegates to work out details for a political
transition proposed by Mbeki.

      "It's all about balance -- no party should be at a disadvantage," Sisa
Ngombane, South Africa's ambassador to Kinshasa, told Reuters.

      He said talks were continuing between all sides and the United Nations
special representative Moustapha Niasse.

      Under the proposals, Kabila would remain in office, with four
vice-presidents being drawn from Kabila's supporters, the two rebel groups
and the political opposition.

      Sources close to the talks said the MLC rebels object to parts of the
plan, causing the talks, which began on Saturday, to drag on.
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S.African Farmers Warn of Zimbabwe-Style Crisis

      Oct. 28
      - By Sue Thomas

      JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (Reuters) - White South African farmers
have warned that farm killings and legislation are threatening to tip the
country's agricultural sector into a crisis similar to that of neighboring

      "There is growing concern among white South African farmers as regards
their future, mainly as a result of events in Zimbabwe and Namibia, but also
as a result of certain actions, or lack of action, in South Africa," leading
trade magazine SA Grain said in an editorial in its latest edition.

      "If this spirit of anxiety and negativism is not addressed vigorously
and effectively, the long-term sustainability of agriculture in South Africa
is in danger."

      SA Grain accused South African President Thabo Mbeki and his ruling
African National Congress of "marching down a road that must end in the
destruction of the White South African."

      The warning comes against a backdrop of a controversial land drive in
Zimbabwe, where President Robert Mugabe has sanctioned a sometimes violent
land grab by blacks to reverse the white domination of the country's best
commercial farmland.

      South Africa's government has consistently said it will not tolerate
Zimbabwe-style land grabs on its soil, emphasizing that any land reform that
takes place under it will be done in a market-friendly manner and within the
rule of law.

      SA Grain said South African farmers were "already experiencing
Zimbabwe-style situations on their farms," citing one farmer who had been
unable to evict about 40,000 people who had illegally occupied his land near

      "The question in everyone's 'Will we have a Zimbabwe in
South Africa? Or...How long will it be before we too are driven from our

      The editorial also highlighted strict new labor legislation, stringent
property taxes and continued farm attacks as reasons for heightened anxiety
among South African farmers, despite a good grain crop and prices for other

      Farmers say their profession is the most dangerous in the country,
with 145 farmers killed in 1,000 attacks last year, compared to 84 murders
in 433 attacks in 1997, South Africa's main farmers organization Agri SA
said Monday.

      South Africa has some of the highest rates of violent crime in the
world, fueled by poverty and glaring income disparities.

      Agri SA say the number of farmers has fallen to about 50,000 from
130,000 some 30 years ago, mainly due to farm violence and economic

      The South African government said last week it aimed to put 30 percent
of agricultural land in black hands by 2015 in a bid to right the wrongs of
apartheid which dispossessed hundreds of thousands of black South Africans
of their ancestral land.

      It has promised that its land reform program will be peaceful and
orderly, and has so far carried out all its transactions on a "willing
buyer, willing seller" basis.
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Monday, 28 October, 2002, 18:50 GMT
Mugabe wins key by-election

The Insiza seat had been won by the MDC in June 2000

Zimbabwe's ruling party has won a key by-election in the south-west of the country.
President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF took the seat of Insiza from the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

Meanwhile the MDC says its offices in Bulawayo were extensively damaged in an attack.

A spokesman for the party said a crowd of about 100 youths stoned the building on Monday morning, shattering windows.

The spokesman described the attack as unprovoked and said the assailants wore Zanu-PF youth militia uniforms.


The Insiza seat, near Bulawayo, was won by more than 7,000 votes, with Zanu-PF getting more than 12,000 to the MDC's 5,000.

The by-election reversed an MDC victory in parliamentary elections in June 2000.

Bulawayo is the second largest city in Zimbabwe, and it is also a stronghold of the MDC.


The MDC earlier alleged that voters had been intimidated and bribed with food.

An MDC spokesman, Paul Themba Nyathi, dismissed the election as a "misnomer".

"These are not elections, they are a charade," he told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme.

He said vehicles were also damaged in the attack on the movement's premises in Bulawayo.

He said senior opposition officials were in the offices at the time, but no-one had been injured.

There was no immediate comment on the incident from the Zimbabwe police.

Daily News

      For the government, Insiza was no ordinary by-election

      10/28/02 9:45:06 PM (GMT +2)

      THE government had nothing to be afraid of if its conduct and campaign
in the Insiza parliamentary by-election was above board and was not driven
by dark motives.

      But it is clear that for the government, Insiza was no ordinary
by-election. It was much more significant than that.

      It could be part of the government's strategy to reclaim two-thirds of
the 150 seats in Parliament, which would enable it to change laws without
courting the support of members from the opposition.

      To achieve this, it is absolutely necessary for the government to win
as many of the forthcoming by-elections as possible, by any means necessary.

      While Zanu PF poured in its heavyweight guns, headed by Vice-President
Joseph Msika, into Insiza, that is not always a guarantee for success. In
Masvingo and Bulawayo they tried the strategy during the mayoral elections
and they were rewarded with embarrassing defeats.

      In the case of Insiza, Msika promised new roads, one of them to
Maphisa. After 22 years of neglect, the promise, was as insulting as it was
irrelevant. It demonstrates utter contempt for the electorate and assumes
they are very naive.

      What the people of Insiza want right now is not roads, but food, for
which both the government and Zanu PF have kicked out non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) from the constituency.

      Voters in Insiza know who is responsible for this. What is tragic is
that the Electoral Supervisory Commission (ESC) appears only concerned about
whether or not people were able to drop their ballots down the box and not
about the clear cases of electoral breaches. For example, there should be
equal access to the constituency by all candidates and their supporters,
while food should not be used to entice voters.

      These breaches were documented in this particular case.

      The police set up roadblocks ostensibly to ensure peace, but in effect
these were meant to curtail the free movement of the candidate from the
opposition and his campaign team. While it was acceptable for Zanu PF to
bring in all their ministers from Harare, it was not acceptable for the MDC.
Food was distributed to people near polling stations and this was documented
on both the State-run television and in the independent media.

      These cases and the shooting of an MDC supporter by the ruling party's
candidate would normally be the subject of an investigation by both the
police and the ESC, to establish the impact they have on the extent to which
the poll was free and fair.

      The government and the ruling party went and camped in the
constituency for almost two weeks before the by-election and employed all
intimidatory tactics.

      But it is hoped the voters in Insiza are more perceptive than the
motley band of "war cabinet" ministers and politicians, and will exercise
their right to elect the person best qualified to represent them.

      The government is anxious to win the seat and increase its
parliamentary majority.

      That is why it barred NGOs, and accused the British and Americans of
allegedly seeking to "meddle" in Zimbabwe's internal affairs, chargesm they

      But the only way envoys posted to Zimbabwe can gauge the extent to
which Harare adheres to principles of and respects democracy is to test this
on the ground.
      They were in Insiza to see first-hand the extent to which the
opposition was allowed to campaign.

      It is because they found out the truth, which has upset the
government. It cannot mislead the international community into believing
that the opposition was free to campaign, because numerous obstacles were
placed in its way. If the government says it has nothing to hide, why is the
Organisation for Rural Associations for Progress (Orap), which was founded
by Sithembiso Nyoni, the Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises
Development, in trouble for distributing food to suspected MDC sympathisers
in Insiza?

      It is simply because the government and the ruling party do not
tolerate anything they are opposed to.

Daily News

      CIO monitors Insiza election

      10/28/02 9:25:38 PM (GMT +2)

      Staff Reporters

      DESPITE widespread evidence of vote-buying by Zanu PF, very few of the
45 000 registered voters cast their ballots in the two-day Insiza
parliamentary by-election that ended yesterday.

      However, the MDC alleged Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO)
officers and youths from the Border Gezi Training Centre observed and
monitored the poll in a clear breach of electoral laws as they have no such
statutory role.

      Nearly 10 000 people cast their ballots by the end of the first day,
representing some 22 percent of the voters in the constituency.

      There were bags of maize stacked at most polling stations in a clear
case of vote-buying by Zanu PF. Some village heads stood outside some of the
polling stations with lists of names of their subjects. At Ntute and Mbokodo
polling stations, several headmen stood outside the polling stations
recording the names of the people going in to vote.

      The MDC said it had established that some of the voters had received
seed packs and $2 000 each from the ruling party.

      In a statement, the MDC said some of its polling agents were barred
from entering the stations by presiding officers.

      Jabulani Mbambo, the constituency registrar, alleged the MDC had
failed to register polling agents for some polling stations. Voting began on
Saturday morning with a reasonable turnout, but because of intimidation by
Zanu PF in the run-up to the by-election, many people refused to talk to The
Daily News. The by-election pitted Zanu PF's Andrew Langa against Siyabonga
Malandu Ncube of the MDC.

      "We have suffered enough. I hope there is going to be peace now. I
have voted, but please do me a favour by going away," said one terrified
villager at Tshazi.
      Yesterday, Ncube, the MDC candidate, could not travel to the
constituency after the police told him they could not guarantee his safety.

      Ncube, who has survived an assassination attempt last week, said:
      "I could not go to Insiza after the police told me that I would go
there at my own risk."

      Members of the Electoral Supervisory Commission (ESC) yesterday
refused to comment on the incident.

      The Zanu PF candidate, Langa, who was chosen to represent the party at
the last minute, allegedly shot and injured an MDC supporter, Darlington
Kadengu, during the campaign period.

      Professor Welshman Ncube, the MDC secretary-general, said the incident
and widespread State-sponsored violence were some of the irregularities that
made the whole process not free and fair.
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Daily News

      Zesa lumbers consumers with massive tariff increase

      10/28/02 9:23:34 PM (GMT +2)

      By Tendayi Nyakunu Business Editor

      THE country's loss making power utility has lumbered consumers with
yet another tariff increase, this time nicodemously under the guise of
introducing a new billing system.

      Many a Harare consumer was shocked to receive huge bills meant to
accommodate the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority's numerous unexplained
charges with a new account number last week.

      The new bill did not take into account the payments made in August and
September and was in fact charging consumers a 30-day balance where one did
not exist, The Daily News established from a queue of infuriated consumers
at the power utility's Consumer Service Department along Samora Machel
Avenue on Thursday morning.

      Under Zesa's new billing system consumers can expect to pay as much as
$6,42 for anything above 23,33 kilowatt hours of power consumed on the
domestic front. Consumers also face a fixed charge of 6 percent, the imposed
Rural Electrification Development Levy at 5 percent and sales tax at another
5 percent.

      A Mrs Muswe, a credit controller at the Consumer Services Department
admitted that the power utility had not taken consumers' previous payments
into account before sending out the new bill, when asked how they had
arrived at a figure of $13 455, 59 for one month's domestic consumption in
the case of this reporter's bill.

      All she could say was: "I don't deal with these queries because I am
the credit controller." When asked to explain why she had agreed to see this
reporter following a telephone call, she became rude. "Look Mr, I don't deal
with these issues. Next time, call on the enquiries counter and they will
help you," was all she could say when this reporter insisted that he did not
take kindly to being sent from pillar to post.

      However, the bill was reduced from $13 455, 59 to $2 955,59. Mrs Muswe
still failed to account for another $16 500 this reporter had paid earlier
fearing disconnection, and how the huge bill had been reduced so

      This is despite the fact that at the back of its new bill, Zesa has
gone out of its way to state conditions concerning payments, which was not
the case on the old bill.

      The conditions read: n Although accounts may be in dispute, unless the
bill is more than double the normal consumption, payments must nevertheless
be made on or before the due date.

      Any necessary adjustment will be made with retrospective effect and
will appear on the next statement where possible. *The total sum owing
should be paid in full.

      In the event that the payment made is insufficient to settle the total
balance due, the payment shall be appropriated first to the oldest debt and
then to the balance.

      * Interim and amended statements are due on presentation.
      * Where an account is in dispute or any complaint has been lodged by
the customer in respect of such account on its billed consumption:
      * Electricity meters will be tested (when applicable) against a
nominal fee deposited as prescribed in the Supply and Tariff Guidelines
      If tests conform to the limits of prescribe tolerance, the meter test
fee will be appropriated by Zesa.

      However, if not the total amount will be refunded, the meter replaced
and the necessary adjustments will be done to the account.

      * Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority reserves the right to issue
interim electricity accounts or accounts based on average consumption for
various reasons, for example faulty meter, locked premises where customers
are consuming power and other factors.

      * Consumers should give 48 hours written notice of transfer or
discontinuance of supply otherwise they will be held responsible for all the
power subsequently consumed on the premises between the date that they
vacate the premises and when they transfer or discontinuance becomes
      In the event of such failure to give notice the deposit held with be
appropriated accordingly.
      * Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority is empowered to institute
legal proceeding for the recovery of any debt outstanding and charge the
cost to the consumer/ratepayer.
      * Payments can be made at the nearest Zesa office or any approved
      Cheques and Postal orders must be crossed and made payable to Zesa and
posted to the address printed on the bills.
      * Electricity Supplies will be disconnected at any time without
further notice if the account remains unpaid after due date.

      However, despite all these disclaimers, Zesa has never made any cash
refunds in a case where they are at fault.

      Many households have been receiving bills ranging from $10 000 to $20
000 for the past two months which the power utility has failed to justify
when challenged to.

      Irate consumers are blaming government for allowing the cash-strapped
power authority to "strangle" consumers with huge bills in a bid to keep
Zesa afloat. Edward Chindori-Chininga, the Minister of Mines and Energy
admitted to that fact in July when consumers were slapped with the second 40
percent increase in tariffs since January.

      Efforts to get comment from the Consumer Council of Zimbabwe on the
issue for the past week were fruitless. Consumers have, however, lost
confidence in the CCZ as it is a government-sponsored organisation.
Consumers are blaming the loss-making Rural Electrification project for
their plight and Zesa's need to make up for its foreign debt to power
utilities in the region.

      Zesa imports more than 40 percent of the country's electricity from
South Africa, the DRC and Mozambique. Already consumers are experiencing
power cuts and load shedding. Zesa has defaulted on payments to Escom, South
Africa, which has been slowly withdrawing power to Zimbabwe. The power
utility's revenue base has shrunk following the farm eviction orders.

      Commercial farmers were contributing $500 million a month to Zesa's
revenue base. Returns from the Rural Electrification project were far much
less than the revenue collected from Zesa's former major customers, the
commercial farmers, where the government has wreaked havoc and designated
and evicted 95 percent of the farmers.
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Daily News

      Traders cash in on shortage of paraffin

      10/28/02 10:04:16 PM (GMT +2)

      Staff Reporter

      SEVERAL traders in Harare, taking advantage of the current fuel
shortage, are now selling paraffin at $150 a litre - five times the
government-controlled price.

      Charles Mubawa of Harare said he recently bought one 200-litre drum of
paraffin for $30 000 from an outlet at Cold Comfort Farm in Tynwald.

      This translates to $150 for a litre, as opposed to the gazetted price
of $30 a litre.

      Cold Comfort falls under the Ministry of Youth Development, Gender and
Employment Creation.

      The transaction was facilitated by one C C Nyanga, who signed the
      Mubawa said he collected the paraffin from the National Railways of
Zimbabwe Eastern Area storage facility along Kenneth Kaunda Avenue in

      Efforts to get comment from Cold Comfort Farm officials were
unsuccessful as no one was prepared to be interviewed by the Press.

      Paraffin is also sold at prices ranging between $60 and $150 a litre
around the capital.

      At Mbare Musika, several traders were last week selling paraffin for
lighting and heating in small bottles at inflated prices.

      "We have to make a living," said a Mbare woman selling paraffin at $50
for a 750ml bottle. This translates to $66 a litre. "Paraffin is in great
demand," she said.

      Sources in the fuel industry said last week that in June this year,
the government barred the six major fuel suppliers - Mobil Oil, Caltex,
Total, Exor, Engen and Shell BP - from collecting fuel from the Msasa depot
of the National Oil Company of Zimbabwe (Noczim) but from the Feruka fuel
depot in Mutare.

      The six argue going to Feruka costs them extra money and they would
make losses if they were forced to sell the fuel at the government-regulated

      One industry source said most of the 28 indigenous fuel suppliers
allowed to get fuel from the Msasa depot, such as Comoil, Royal Oil, Atrax,
Powerfuels, Wedzera, Exor, Titrex and Country Petroleum, had no service
stations for resale of the fuel, as required by law.

      Trade sources said they understood some of the indigenous firms were
owned by senior government officials.

      Webster Muriritirwa, the Noczim chief executive officer, did not
respond to questions on the matter faxed to his office a week ago.
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Daily News

      State media not meant to churn out propaganda: Shamuyarira

      10/28/02 10:01:03 PM (GMT +2)

      By Columbus Mavhunga

      DR NATHAN Shamuyarira, Zimbabwe's first minister of information, says
the original aim to have State-owned media was not to turn them into
government mouthpieces, but to give Zimbabweans a free voice and to allow
the independence of journalists.

      Addressing journalists in Kadoma yesterday, Shamuyarira, a veteran
journalist and the ruling Zanu PF party's spokesman, said after independence
the government received money from Nigeria to buy shares in the Argus Group
and created the Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Limited and the Mass Media Trust.

      "We created the Mass Media Trust so that the media would be in neutral
hands and not business tycoons or the government - that would quash the free
voice and independence of journalists," Shamuyarira said.

      He said he tried to further that initiative by appointing trustees who
had no interest in journalism or politics.

      "The first board of trustees I appointed had a medical doctor, a town
clerk and the like - it was a neutral board of trustees," said the former

      Asked whether it was necessary to have a repressive media law such as
the so-called Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, he said:
"I have not read it fully, but if I was still running the media I would have
called for tougher legislation because of the war situation prevailing.

      "How can a foreign government say it wants to remove the Zimbabwean
government using non-governmental organisations and the media? I would not
have tolerated that - but the Press during my time was free but the
situation has changed. It is now being used as an instrument to overthrow a

      On whether the State media had achieved what it was established for,
he said: "We can say it achieved it in the sense that we operated for many
years in honour and integrity. But the Trust was later taken over by private
interests and it was overwhelmed and it was put on the defensive."

      He said he would say it was successful if the country today had
"neutral" papers which were authoritative in politics, economics, sport and
entertainment. He revealed that the government at one time wanted to take
over The Financial Gazette so that it would be turned into an authoritative
economics journal.
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Daily News

      Zanu PF card a must for maize-meal seekers

      10/28/02 9:54:00 PM (GMT +2)

      Staff Reporter

      IN what appears like a desperate bid by Zanu PF to win back the urban
electorate, the ruling party is now selling scarce maize-meal only to its
card-carrying supporters in Harare and Chitungwiza.

      The "programme" began a few weeks ago in Kuwadzana and Warren Park in
Harare, where the ruling party has been campaigning, since the incarceration
of the late MDC MP Learnmore Jongwe in July, to sway the electorate to its

      Yesterday, hundreds of Zanu PF supporters converged at the Zengeza 4
creche and at the Chitungwiza Community Hall to buy maize-meal.

      The maize-meal, sourced from Murehwa Milling Company, was sold to
card-carrying Zanu PF supporters in 10 and 20-kilogramme packs. The
maize-meal was being sold for $300 for a 10kg pack and $600 for a 20kg pack.

      Perceived MDC supporters and fence-sitters were turned away.

      "We were asked to submit our names to local Zanu PF branch leaders
last week," said Bessy Mutimba of Zengeza 4. "To be registered for the
maize-meal you need to have a Zanu PF card."

      At Chitungwiza Community Hall in Unit L, police officers and youths
wearing the Zanu PF youth brigade uniform, were closely monitoring the
situation, ensuring that only the "right people" benefited, while suspected
opposition supporters were kept at bay.

      Zanu PF supporters wearing their party regalia, milled around the
giant community hall while some sat in small groups according to their local
party cells and branches - all anxiously awaiting their turn.

      A tense air hung over the nearby Unit L where truckloads of Zanu PF
supporters patrolled the area.

      When this reporter asked if he could possibly buy maize-meal from the
community hall, a man who later refused to be identified, asked: "Which
branch do you belong to? If you have not carried your card and if you are
not from this side, you can forget about getting maize-meal from here."

      "This is not fair," said an angry resident walking away from Unit L.
"Is it now compulsory for everyone to be a Zanu PF member? Zanu PF is trying
to gain more support in towns but, I am afraid, this is not going to work."
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"Playing the victim will destroy the MDC".
(Image of newspaper cutting from the Daily News, Zimbabwe - 15th Oct )
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Zambia: Zimbabwe Farmers in Jeopardy
Zambia Accuses Zimbabwe of Blocking White Farmers From Moving Equipment Across Border
The Associated Press

LUSAKA, Zambia Oct. 28 — Zimbabwe has prevented 125 evicted white farmers from moving their equipment across the border to Zambia where they have been given new land, a Zambian official said Monday.
The white farmers from Zimbabwe lost their land under a controversial government program that redistributes most white-owned farmland to poor blacks.
The land reform program, frequently accompanied by violence, has brought commercial farming in the southern African country to a standstill.
Some white farmers hoped to relocate to neighboring Zambia and Mozambique.
But Zimbabwean authorities have jeopardized moves to Zambia by refusing to allow farmers to take equipment with them, such as tractors and irrigation systems, said Zambian Vice President Enoch Kavindele.
No immediate comment was available from the Zimbabwean authorities.
Many Zimbabwean farmers have applied for permission to relocate to Zambia, Kavindele said, and the Zambian government hopes to help resolve the equipment dispute.
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Zimbabwe says white farmers can't take equipment
October 28, 2002, 22:15
Zimbabwe has banned 125 white farmers evicted in a state-sponsored land reform campaign from moving their equipment to neighbouring Zambia where they planned to settle, officials have said. Some white Zimbabwean farmers have been seeking to migrate to neighbouring Zambia, Mozambique, Botswana and Namibia after their land was seized by the Harare government for redistribution to landless blacks.

Cain Mathema, Zimbabwe's High Commissioner to Zambia, said Harare would not allow the white farmers to remove equipment from farms designated for resettlement by blacks.

"The intended removal of any equipment from the farms designated for reallocation is tantamount to sabotage. It is illegal in accordance with Zimbabwean laws and cannot be allowed," Mathema said.

The 125 farmers had planned to settle in Zambia before seasonal rains began in October.

"The only problem they face is that they cannot bring their equipment. Otherwise they are keen to settle in Zambia," Enoch Kavindele, the Zambian Vice President, told reporters.

Zimbabwe was plunged into political and economic crisis in 2000 when militants backed by the state invaded white-owned farms in support of President Robert Mugabe's land reforms. Mugabe says the reforms are necessary to correct imbalances of colonialism which left most of Zimbabwe's prime farming land in the hands of whites who form less than 1% of the population.

Zambia has nearly 13 million hectares of arable land - and 85% of it is virgin unutilised fields. The Zambian government wants to boost farming in a bid to diversify away from the country's economic mainstay, copper mining, which has fallen on hard times. Zambia and Zimbabwe are among six countries in the region threatened by severe food shortages due to drought and poor government policies. - Reuters

Zambia accuses Zimbabwe of blocking white farmers wishing to emigrate 
LUSAKA, Zambia, Oct. 28 — Zimbabwe has prevented 125 evicted white farmers from moving their equipment across the border to Zambia where they have been given new land, a Zambian official said Monday.
       The white farmers from Zimbabwe lost their land under a controversial government program that redistributes most white-owned farmland to poor blacks. 
The land reform program, frequently accompanied by violence, has brought commercial farming in the southern African country to a standstill.
       Some white farmers hoped to relocate to neighboring Zambia and Mozambique.
       But Zimbabwean authorities have jeopardized moves to Zambia by refusing to allow farmers to take equipment with them, such as tractors and irrigation systems, said Zambian Vice President Enoch Kavindele.
       No immediate comment was available from the Zimbabwean authorities.
       Many Zimbabwean farmers have applied for permission to relocate to Zambia, Kavindele said, and the Zambian government hopes to help resolve the equipment dispute.
 © 2002 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. 
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Visas Hampering Trade, Movement


October 28, 2002
Posted to the web October 28, 2002


Editor. - May I appeal to the relevant authorities to consider the issue of visas between Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

My request is that this issue should be considered in the context of either having free visas between the two countries or scrapping the visa issue completely.

I believe this is hampering trade movement to and from Mozambique as well as Malawi, since those going to Malawi are required to have a Mozambican visa too.

Of all countries, I was of the opinion that we have a sound diplomatic, political and economic relationship with Mozambique.

However, to my dismay the visa to and from Mozambique keeps getting exorbitant.

May the powers that be, please consider my request on scrapping visas with Mozambique.

Concerned Zimbabwean


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