The return of Shango

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The Zimbabwe Situation

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Two years ago my friend Jak, an illustrator supplemented the graphic
commentaries on the run-up to the Zimbabwe 2000 elections with a comic strip
he created for the occasion, called Shango.

Once again he picks up his pen for the cause with "The return of Shango"
which I will be sending to you as I receive them.

Jak explains Shango in his own words:

"Two years ago 'Shango' was created to encourage people to vote.
It is dedicated to them.
In Yoruba (Nigeria) tradition, Shango is the God of lightning and thunder.
I thought it would be interesting to put him into a different situation as
the problem in Zimbabwe is also the problem of Africa.
It's darker than the first comic strip to match the mood in the run up to
the elections and we hope to explore the situation in Zimbabwe using African
symbolism, myth and art in order to show that this terror is nothing new and
to give hope, courage and some entertainment to the people who are waiting
to use their power to vote for change.

There will be a episode a week, usually with three to
four parts.    episode one - "plan B" starts tomorrow."

Thanks Jak.

In faith and action,

Chaz 13/2/2002

Episode 1

Episode 2