The ZIMBABWE Situation Our thoughts and prayers are with Zimbabwe
- may peace, truth and justice prevail.

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Boston Globe

Starving time in Zimbabwe

By Jeff Jacoby, 9/19/2002

HE IS A bloody dictator and a hard-core racist. He clings to power with
undisguised brutality, rigging elections and arranging for opposition
candidates to be kidnapped, beaten - even killed. He has made criticism of
himself a crime and deploys squads of armed goons to terrorize his political
foes. He is engaged in a campaign of naked ''ethnic cleansing,''
scapegoating racial minorities as ''enemies of the state'' and driving them
from their land. His policies have shattered the economy, leaving more than
half the work force unemployed. He uses food as a weapon so ruthlessly that
in a country that was once a breadbasket to its neighbors, the specter of
mass starvation looms.

What does Robert Mugabe have to do before the civilized world finally makes
him stop?

For months the media have dutifully reported the bleak news out of Zimbabwe,
which Mugabe has ruled since it became independent in 1980. Reporters have
filed stories about the presidential election Mugabe stole in March, about
his campaign to dispossess Zimbabwe's several thousand white farm owners,
about the widening food crisis that is pushing millions into famine. The
impression they convey is one of Third World despotism, corruption, and
thuggishness - an all-too-familiar tableau.

But Mugabe is not just another African strongman. He is a sociopath
determined to hold power at all costs - even if those costs include mass
murder. Must it come to that before the outside world intervenes?

To get a sense of how hideous life in Mugabe's Zimbabwe has become, consider
that rape has become a favored means of political control. Thousands of
Zimbabwean girls and women have been raped by policemen and members of the
''war veterans,'' gangs of armed Mugabe loyalists. An Australian newspaper
reported recently on the treatment meted out to Dora, a 12-year-old whose
father had made the mistake of voting for the Movement for Democratic
Change, Zimbabwe's main opposition party.

''For ... four hours, the girl's mother and younger sisters, aged 9 and 7,
were forced to chant praises to ... Mugabe and watch Dora being
gang-raped.... Dora's screams in the African night were a warning to all the
other villagers as to what might happen to those who think of defying the
president again.''

At least Dora was spared the fate of hundreds of other women and girls, who
have been herded into what amount to rape camps run by Mugabe's youth
militia, the so-called Green Bombers. Whether she was spared an even more
terrible fate she does not yet know: Nearly 40 percent of Zimbabweans are
infected with the AIDS virus, and rape frequently leads to death.

Rape is not the only weapon in Mugabe's political arsenal.

Like Stalin in the 1930s, Mugabe is now using famine to defeat his
opponents. The few thousand white farmers who grow most of Zimbabwe's food
are being demonized in poisonously racist terms and forcibly evicted from
their land. Their black employees are being thrown off the farms with them,
often after savage beatings by Mugabe's thugs.

An estimated 780,000 Zimbabweans have been expelled so far and are now
without homes or income. Acre upon acre of rich farmland now lies unplanted
and untended. Food production has plummeted. As many as 6 million people -
half of Zimbabwe - is at risk of starvation.

As famine spreads, food donations have poured in. But the regime sees to it
that food goes only to its supporters in Mugabe's party - the Zimbabwe
African National Union Patriotic Front.

''It's quite simple,'' a hungry Zimbabwean told The Times of London last
month. ''Those who have ZANU-PF cards get food; those who don't, starve.''

He explained how it works. When food trucks arrive in the villages,
''everyone has to stand up and shout, `Long live Robert Mugabe!' `Down with
the whites!' and `Down with Morgan Tsvangirai!''' - the opposition leader.
''Only those who can prove they are members of the ZANU-PF can queue. They
say to the others, `Go and get your food from Tony Blair,''' the British
prime minister who has bluntly condemned Mugabe's ''corrupt and ruinous''

In other villages, meanwhile - those who supported Tsvangirai in the
election last March - the food trucks never come. According to the
International Crisis Group, a think tank focused on the resolution of deadly
conflicts, the Mugabe regime is using ''selective starvation'' to crush

''The denial of food to opposition strongholds has replaced overt violence
as the government's principal tool of repression,'' the ICG wrote in August.
''People are beginning to die.''

Millions of lives are at stake. The surest way to save those lives would be
to force Mugabe from power. A detachment of Marines could do the job on its
lunch break. But that would mean interfering in another country's ''internal
affairs'' and is politically unthinkable. Perhaps we will think differently
when the corpses begin to pile up.

Jeff Jacoby's e-mail address is
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21 September from the London Spectator


The day after
New York

Although understandable, it was nevertheless dispiriting to have read so
much about 11 September in American newspapers. Television, too, outdid
itself with non-stop coverage. Imagine if Uncle Sam had been hit with a
Dresden, or a Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What then? Still, at least firemen and
cops got the credit that was long overdue. Now even trendy lefties and
Hollywood types recognise their sacrifice, however reluctantly. I did not
contribute to the torrent of words - I said what I had to say last year -
but I do have something to add about the day after 11 September.

On 12 September, some Big Bagel city council members threw open the doors of
City Hall to a murdering crook, Robert Mugabe, and hailed him as a
conquering hero. I kid you not. Councilman Charles Barron, a former Black
Panther - for those of you with short memories or too young to remember,
these were black criminals who went around shooting cops and selling drugs
during the lawless Sixties - was the prime mover behind this shameless
exercise of black solidarity. In fairness, many of the council's 51 members
stayed away, but not a single one uttered a word of criticism or expressed
moral outrage.

Par for the course. Barron now plans to lead a delegation to Zimbabwe, all
expenses paid by Mugabe, on a fact-finding freebie. Like those taken by
British so-called intellectuals to the Soviet Union before the war. 'I have
seen the former white-owned farms and they will work in future...' type of
thing. Barron might even end up owning one, and why not? The price is right.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. Barron has called for the replacing of City Hall
portraits of white historical figures with black icons. (What about Al
Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Malcolm X?) He has called Thomas Jefferson a
'pedophile' - that's a new one on me - and has gone on record saying that
'sometimes I want to go up to a white person and slap him, for my mental

Mind you, I'm not surprised. The lack of reaction by whites is what bothers
me. Where was Bush, or Bloomberg, or Pataki on this one? Mugabe is
terminating whites in Zimbabwe in pre-war Hitlerian mode, and not a peep out
of American and British whites. On the contrary. The Zimbabwean ambassador
in Washington, Simbi Mubako (rhymes with tobacco), has been presented with
Adrian Wilkinson's 3,000-acre farm for services rendered, and has bragged
about it. But that's peanuts compared to enforced starvation. Even Hitler
did not use selective starvation, although dear old Uncle Joe did. As does
Mugabe (rhymes with shabby).

Which brings me to yet another nice guy, Harvard professor Noel Ignatiev. He
is the academic who wants to 'abolish the white race', because he thinks
they are loyal to their race and advance their interests at the expense of
black people. Ignatiev is a very smart feller (known among his students as a
fart smeller) and his admiration for the black race is due to the advanced
state of civilisation of African nations. As everyone knows, individual
rights, presumption of innocence, trial by jury and democracy are all
African inventions. For my part, I'll stick with William F. Buckley, who
famously wrote that 'I would sooner live in a society governed by the first
2,000 names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by
2,000 faculty members at Harvard University'.

Needless to say, it's not the blacks who hate whites the most; it's white
academics and intellectuals who are doing it for them. Since the ghastly
Sixties, college and university professors have been doing their best to
make blacks hate whites. They are the ones who have made accusations against
whites which feed black anger and resentment. And the whites, instead of
responding in kind, play dead. One US Marine division could topple Mugabe in
a jiffy, yet we are much more likely to hit a prostrate Saddam instead. But
why US Marines? Blair should send in a British regiment to safeguard the
whites, but he's as likely to do that as I am to give one to Monica

And speaking of that slob, Bob Greene, a 55-year-old writer for the Chicago
Tribune, has just been fired over a tryst with a teenage girl that took
place ten years ago. Greene is a nice guy who was made fun of by his
colleagues for describing a Norman Rockwell kind of America. (He was at
Esquire with me during the late Seventies.) The trouble with this case is
that the girl was not a minor, and it was perfectly legal. Definitely
ungentlemanly - she was legal but too young - but no more than what Clinton
did with Lewinsky. So the poor one loses his job, while the bullshitter got
to keep his. Greene was a crypto-conservative. Clinton was a crypto-crook.
There are two laws in America. One for conservatives, the other for
liberals. Just like in Zimbabwe, one for whites, the other for blacks. We
whites should hang our heads in shame.
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Mugabe's Reign Of  Terror Against Blacks
By Andrew Meldrum in Harare
The Guardian - UK

From Jan Lamprecht

The worst victims of Robert Mugabe's land seizures are not the few thousand
white farming families being evicted from their farms. Those suffering the
most are the hundreds of thousands of black farm workers who are losing
their jobs, being thrown out of their homes, often violently, and who will
make up an enormous new landless class. As Zimbabwe's parliament yesterday
considered new legislation to speed up the seizure of white-owned land, Mr
Mugabe's ministers made no mention of the growing crisis of homeless black
farm workers and their families. But trade unions, aid agencies and human
rights groups are very concerned about their rapidly worsening plight.

James Sani, 26, has been homeless since March 15 when he was thrown off the
farm where he worked in the northern Marondera area. He and other workers on
Chipesa farm had been badly beaten by Mr Mugabe's supporters on several
occasions. After Mr Mugabe won the disputed presidential elections in March
the farm workers were attacked with even greater ferocity by a large group
armed with iron bars, clubs and rocks. "They were beating everybody," Mr
Sani says. "People got broken arms and legs and fractured skulls. We ran
away. We could see them set fire to our homes and destroy all our
belongings. They killed our goats and cattle. We were forced to sleep in the
open, with no clothes, no pots and pans, no belongings." Mr Sani is one of
the lucky ones. He, his wife and young daughter have found shelter in a
small, tented camp for evicted farm workers. But the camp, south of Harare,
and the few others like it across the country are housing only a few
thousand people and are dwarfed by the huge numbers in need of assistance.
"We are happy to be in this place," Mr Sani says, proudly showing the rows
of tents and the makeshift nursery school. "But this is just temporary. I
want to start a new life, to find a job or to get somewhere to farm, but
things are very difficult."

About 150,000 labourers have been evicted from seized farms, and when their
families are included that figure grows to 780,000, according to a new
survey by the Zimbabwe Community Development Trust (ZCDT). "The numbers are
mind-boggling," says Canon Timothy Neil, director of the ZCDT. "According to
our survey only 35,000 farm workers had some form of alternative place to
live, either on a resettlement scheme or a family home to return to. The
overwhelming number had nowhere to go, and on average they had sufficient
food for only 54 days. In two months we are going to see this huge group
going hungry. It is frightening." The ZCDT survey also shows that more than
10,000 orphans and 14,000 elderly people who had lived on the farms will now
be homeless. "These are the most vulnerable," Canon Neil said. "Across the
country, there are people living by the side of the road and moving to the
outskirts of towns. It is a shifting, roaming population that needs
assistance." The ZCDT is distributing blankets and food. Another group, the
Farm Community Trust, is providing food for 80,000 children in central
Zimbabwe, and the Farm Orphan Support Trust is helping children in the
eastern part of the country.

The Mugabe government has largely ignored the plight of the farm workers.
Despite assurances that the workers will be allocated land, very few have
been accepted for resettlement. The government did insist that workers be
paid "termination packages" by the white farmers being thrown off their
land. In the Raffingora area, 125 miles north-west of Harare, farm workers
have been paid Z$500,000 to Z$800,000 (£5,600 to £8,900). These are
unimaginable riches to the workers. "It is like Christmas. People are buying
things like mad, shoes, bicycles and fancy biscuits," one local resident
said. "But much of the money is being squandered on booze and women. I saw a
worker offer a girl Z$3,000 for a kiss! These pay packages will not last
long. They cannot make up for a lost job or a lost home."

International aid organisations are beginning to respond to the crisis, but
they are hampered by the government's attitude that the farm workers are
supporters of the opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change and
therefore not entitled to new land or assistance. The ZCDT leased land in
northern Zimbabwe in August to give plots to 160 ex-farm families. But as 17
workers dug trenches for latrines, they were arrested, jailed and eventually
charged with "undergoing training to become terrorists". Another problem for
the farm workers is that most have recently lost their Zimbabwean
citizenship because their parents were born in foreign countries. Most farm
workers' parents came from Malawi and Mozambique and according to a new law
they were classified as "permanent residents" in Zimbabwe instead of full
citizens. Wireless Chipoka, 74, is a plucky, enterprising man who had worked
on a large farm since 1955. He rose to become head foreman and had planned
to retire on the farm. "I was beaten by the war veterans," he says, showing
a scar on his head, "and they chased us away. Now we are struggling and we
don't know what to do. I would like to do farming. I am still strong. But my
parents were born in Malawi and the government says I cannot get land."
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      Evictions: the stench of rabid racism

      Taungana Ndoro
      9/19/02 6:41:50 AM (GMT +2)

      Racism has always worked to keep tyrants in power but the evil
practice has seen many a despot tumble from the helm of any such
discriminatory regime.

      Zimbabwe is one excellent example where a plague of black Ku Klux Klan
is ravaging a defenceless and harmless white minority.

      If President Robert Mugabe had truly been a noble blackman the land
saga had presented him with the best chance of identifying, isolating and
crushing racism rather than fuelling it to monumental proportions.

      Racism has played a huge role in Africa's underdevelopment from the
days of Christopher Columbus' discovery of America, which paved way for the
horrendous slave trade, to nowadays when Mugabe's racial land grab has
impoverished millions of marginalized Africans.

      Mugabe's land reform no doubt veils rabid racism - an evil that
mankind is failing to surpass in the dark lamentable catalogue of human

      Mugabe's conflict-ridden land policy is entirely being propelled by a
repellent sense of racial vindictiveness and revenge that is ironically far
removed from his renowned reconciliatory speech at independence in 1980.

      The temptation to take out the following chunk from that celebrated
speech was too great to resist:

      "Only a government that subjects itself to the rule of law has any
moral right to demand of its citizen's obedience to the rule of law... it is
not the intention of our drive anybody out of this country;
nor do we intend to interfere unconstitutionally with the property rights of
individuals. I urge you, whether you are black or white, to join me in a new
pledge to forget our grim past, forgive others and forget, join hands in a
new amity, and together, as Zimbabweans trample upon racialism, tribalism
and regionalism... Let us deepen our sense of belonging and engender a
common interest that knows no race, colour or creed."


      But just when we thought Zimbabweans had made racism an oily goblin
that nobody can get hold of and manipulate, Mugabe suddenly grabs the
hobgoblin with sharp claws and unleashes the wicked creature on poor white
farmers in a mind-boggling punitive expedition.

      In his obsessed endeavour to amass unequivocal political power Mugabe
has exploited the antics of the Ku Klux Klan by plunging himself head-on
into the quick sands of racial injustice.

      Just when we thought he would emulate Africa's greatest statesman
Nelson Mandela, who towered beyond bitterness to live and work with his
pro-apartheid jailers, Mugabe pounces on helpless white farmers.

      Mandela's response to hatred from his apartheid oppressors mirrors a
virtuous example to all African statesman and citizens: be forgiving, remain
noble, foster racial harmony and keep a conscience.

      For all it's worth, these times and the 21st century truly require
someone with Mandela's vision, temper and courage to move further away from
colour-line hindrances, in the context of a new era.

      When militant blacks burn down white farmhouses and harass every white
farmer they see then surely that stubborn black pride will have sunk to an
irredeemable low. The black pride should instead be worried about ending the
racial war in order for there to be something to be certainly proud of.

      Of course there is no doubt that land reform is necessary in Zimbabwe
but should the minority whites give up all their land, their farmhouses,
their property without compensation even where their assets have been used
as surety for the bank loans they obtained?

      On the other hand, should the blacks, particularly the big guns, just
take the land willy-nilly and create a humanitarian disaster that has seen
former farm workers destitutes of the most deplorable kind?

      The culprit for the existing chaos in the land reform is Mugabe's Nazi
racial dogma. If the eviction of white farmers is not reverse racism then
the neglect of black farm workers is nothing other than ethnic cleansing, in
the fashion of Hitler's holocaust, since they are mainly of Malawian,
Mozambican and Zambian origin.

      This gloomy situation is a vivid reminder of the eternal scars of old
wounds inflicted during the 1980's Matebeleland slaughter of innocent
civilians executed with the enthusiasm of the Stalinist purges.

      Mugabe's unrelenting intolerance of other races, tribes and clans will
be the downfall of a country that continues to call him 'president'. If our
citizens persist on being driven by racial hatred then the promised land
will be a hell of strife and cannibalism.

      Edward Wilmot Blyden, who is sometimes dubbed the father of African
nationalism, once predicted that: 'Africa will furnish a development of
civilization which the world has never yet witnessed.' Indeed, he was
referring to the highest order of civilization in which the blackman can be
trusted with eradicating racial conflict forever.

      It is obvious today that Mugabe has defaulted on this sacred

      It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment
and to underestimate the determination of the white farmers and the liberal
blacks to maintain peace and prosperity for the good of all citizens.

      ZANU PF should not seek to satisfy the thirst for political power by
drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

      The land reform can still be carried out in an atmosphere of dignity
and discipline rather than let it degenerate into physical violence.

      As Martin Luther King Junior put it in his illustrious 'I have a dream
speech'; 'We must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force
with soul force.'

        a.. Taungana Ndoro can be contacted at
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Daily News - Leader Page

      What Africa needs is realism, not racism

      9/19/02 8:11:03 PM (GMT +2)

      It will no doubt appear "politically incorrect", and may inflame those
sympathetic to the frothy-mouthed African demagogues who attended the
Johannesburg Earth Summit, but it has to be said: so what about the bulk of
Zimbabwe's commercial farmers being white?

      Much has been rightfully stated about the insanity of the government
in taking land from its top producers at a time when half the country stands
on the verge of famine.

      But what of those farmers' rights? And why should anything, in fact,
ever be spoken of when it bears the tag of race?

      In a non-racial society, race should by definition never be an issue.
Unrealistic? Ridiculously utopian?

      Not really. All it requires is for the entire concept of race - as a
factor which can only divide and retard society - to be utterly dismissed.
It is, in fact, easier that way.
      When, a few years back, the wave of "black" mayors was elected across
the United States of America, what a relief it would have been for every
news bulletin not to have begun: "Such-and-such a city has its first black
mayor . . ." The news should have been that of a change of mayor per se, not
a first "black" mayor.

      Herein lies a key question: that in places which do not set out to be
blatantly racist, should a "non-racial" or a "multi-racial" situation

      The reason that "multi-racial" societies will always have problems is
that, try as one might to adapt these in a positive framework, one still has
at the core of the issue the very concept of "race".

      from any focus whatsoever on race - when it is not even on the radar
screen, and when it is not permitted to blight the consciousness of future
generations - can we meaningfully move forward in the true sense of "race" -
the "human race", that is.

      What is disappointing in Zimbabwe is that even those bodies resisting
the evil of President Mugabe - such as the Commercial Farmers' Union and the
MDC - do themselves acknowledge the need for land reform, citing historical
racial imbalances.

      This approach is wrong, misses the point, and sadly reveals a
fundamental unwillingness to disassociate themselves from something still
clearly seen as a political liability.

      Pretty much everyone should know about Rhodesian land tenure
legislation, yet how convenient it is to forget that so many of the farms in
white hands - until the burning of the chateaux, that is - were purchased
after Zimbabwe's independence in 1980.

      The added irony is that, in many cases the purchasers went to the
trouble of seeking and obtaining a certificate of no interest from the

      This alone should dispel Zanu PF's much-trumpeted myth of seeking to
redress colonial injustices - to say nothing of Zimbabwe's kleptocratic
elite whose cynically naked greed has been amply revealed.

      Yet whatever the causes of the black/white land ownership ratio,
treating this on
      a racial basis is wrong. The traditional white farmer types in
Zimbabwe may not be the most likeable of individuals - and indeed may well
conform to Zanu PF heavyweights' favoured description of "arrogant" - yet
the vast majority of the farmers are Zimbabwean citizens or permanent
residents, after all, and that is what matters - not the colour of their

      The plain fact is that recourse to the race issue is, as always, the
cheapest card to play. Those spittle-dispensing African demagogues, and the
audience which apishly egged them on, have only this last straw to grasp
at - in a desperate bid to cloud over their appalling record of human rights
violations, corruption, and gross incompetence.

      South Africa's African National Congress - and indeed Zimbabwe's
Mugabe - were frequently quoted during their liberation struggles as seeking
to smash the systems - which were race-based systems - of their opponents,
rather than waging a "race war", as it were, against their opponents.

      South Africa seems unable to free itself from the albatross of
obsession with race, with the national psyche being continually worn down by
a seemingly endless parade of conferences and commissions on the subject.

      "Affirmative action" lobbies - whose self-interest is only too
apparent, and who have clearly been utterly discredited in Zimbabwe, for
instance - seem to be cropping up all over.

      And where does it all end? What august figure in his or her ultimate
wisdom will one day brandish a sceptre and proclaim that affirmative action
has done the trick and is no longer needed?

      The South African Cricket Board tried this, yet its statement was
virtually drowned out in howls of protest.
      Yet an example of racial quotas being, thankfully, dispensed with can
be seen within higher education in the US state of California.

      Under pressure from students classed as racial minorities, who
realised that quota protection only portrayed them in a demeaning light, the
education authorities rightfully consigned this short-sighted policy to the
scrap heap.

      South Africa's employment laws require employers to make serious
efforts to move towards reflecting within their workforces the ethnic
composition of the whole country - clearly discriminatory and hugely
impractical in many regions.

      And it is no surprise that so many young people increasingly see
little future in South Africa and are departing, thus rendered victims of
the sins of the fathers.

      Apartheid proved that it is impossible to legislate for race, any
attempt at this is a hopelessly unnatural grappling with social engineering
which is ultimately bound to fail.

      Similarly, "positive discrimination" - whether promoted by genuine
philanthropists or self-serving charlatans - is likewise doomed to fail.

      For Africa to become a sustainable region, it requires realism - not
      The bleating of certain African leaders, and the vitriol heaped on
everyone but themselves, can only perpetuate the same sad old story.

      Applying race in any shape or form can never end in anything but
tears. Colour blindness, in this respect, is the only true vision.
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Daily News - letters

      Acting like madmen is not the best way to get what you want

      9/19/02 8:19:19 PM (GMT +2)

      The day people applauded the speech by President Mugabe in
Johannesburg was truly a sad day.

      The United Nations conference in South Africa will be seen by many as
one of the greatest mistakes ever made in Africa.

      The outbursts by Sam Nujoma and Mugabe will very much come back to
haunt southern Africa. British Premier Tony Blair has been the biggest
backer of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (Nepad) in the West.
Britain and the United States have been the biggest providers of food to
southern Africa. Blair is most likely the best friend Africa has in the

      But Nujoma and Mugabe managed to kill that, in front of the whole
world. Whom do the two expect to provide food necessary to keep their people
from starving? Cuba? China? South Africa?

      It has become very evident that Africa's worst enemy is Africa. Given
just a little more time, Africa will manage to kill itself.

      Unfortunately, Africa was very able to turn off the hearts of
countries that have the capacity to help it at this time.

      Perhaps people don't realise the damage done to Africa at this
conference. Perhaps people do not understand how very upset people become
when their goodwill is thrown back in their face. If you want to see and
hear really racist views and statements don't look to the US or Europe, look
to Africa.

      I have heard no racist statements coming from the US or Europe.
However, every day I read racist statements coming from Africa.

      There are no starving people in the US or Europe. America and Europe
have food enough to keep Africa from starving.

      If Africa continues to live only to redress wrongs that were done in
the past she is going to kill herself. Can't African leaders see what they
are doing to their own people?
      Can't these leaders see the damage this constant hatred is causing?
Can't these leaders see how America and Europe view them? Cut off your nose
to spite your face is a saying common in America. African leaders should
completely understand the meaning behind the saying, because it very much
fits southern Africa today.

      America and Europe are very close to cutting ties with Africa. When
the West finally turns its back on Africa, what will happen then? It's about
time African leaders began to rid of those attitudes that are destroying
every chance we have for success.

      This is the time to find people who can really lead our nation into
the future, not back to a dark past. Now is the time to find the strength to
throw out evil and do the right things.

      No one outside Africa can make the necessary changes. Only African
leaders can make these changes - and they must be made very soon.

      America and Europe have other problems that they must address right
now. Africa is not at the top of the West's agenda at this moment. And
slapping the face of the West is not the way to get the attention you need.

      Acting like madmen is not the way to get the things you need to
survive. I wish the people of Africa luck, you will need a lot of it, and
you need it immediately.

      Jerry Wampole
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Daily News - Leader Page

      Projecting ourselves as a nation of sadists

      9/19/02 8:10:12 PM (GMT +2)

      Whether one is a Christian or not, there are certain fundamental
teachings of Jesus Christ which are universally indisputable. One of them,
"Love your neighbour as you love yourself" would, if followed to the letter,
create a perfect world. But it's perhaps impracticable. However, it's less
idealistic version, "Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you",
should be, without doubt, the basic law or code of conduct for peaceful
co-existence globally.

      If all of us were to live by that teaching, there would be no conflict
whatsoever in the world.

      Sadly, however, this world seems full of people who are only too eager
to do to other people things they would never want done to themselves. In
fact, there are far too many people who appear to actually delight in
treating other people in a manner they themselves would never want to be

      And we have more than our fair share of them in this country. The way
some of us treat those they either don't like, don't agree with or whom they
perceive to have done wrong projects us as a nation of sadists and
uncivilised barbarians in the mould of Attila the Hun. There are countless
tales, by people who will have been lucky enough to live to tell them, of
the horrifying treatment political prisoners and criminal suspects have been
subjected to in custody at the hands of either the police, the army or the
Central Intelligence Organisation.

      It makes you wonder whether it ever occurs to those subjecting their
captives to that kind of treatment that they wouldn't like it one little bit
if the roles were reversed and the captors became the captives, especially
considering that some of the suspects will be totally innocent.

      It is difficult to believe that those so-called war veterans who
savagely beat up, bludgeoned or shot to death white commercial farmers at
the height of farm invasions would have liked it had they been in those
farmers' shoes. So is it also hard to imagine that the Zanu PF youths who
have been beating up, torturing, maiming, raping and killing suspected
supporters of the opposition from March 2000 to this day would have liked it
if those things were being done to them.

      The sadistic and humiliating manner in which the authorities have
treated prisoners in two recent cases must be a source of immense national
shame for all Zimbabweans and should leave every one of us with a conscience
doing a lot of soul-searching.

      About three weeks ago, Solomon Chikowero, an MDC intelligence officer,
and Linos Mushonga, the party's councillor for Harare's Ward 23, arrested on
suspicion of involvement in the murder of Ali Khan Manjengwa, a Zanu PF
political activist in Mbare, had some stomach-churning things to tell
regional magistrate Virginia Sithole.

      As reported in the 31 August issue of this newspaper, the two men were
tortured so brutally and subjected to so much inhuman and degrading
treatment that it is difficult to believe such things are still happening in
a country even remotely associated with civilised governance and a modern
criminal justice system. They are happening here.

      If the truth be told, their case is merely a microcosm of what is
being done daily all over the country to Zimbabweans who may not necessarily
have committed any real crime other than that they are seen in the
Establishment as presenting a threat to their monopoly on power.

      More recently the whole nation has watched in shame the manner in
which former High Court judge, Fergus Blackie, was arrested and detained in
police cells for four days before being granted bail on Wednesday. Not that
anybody thinks the former judge should not have been arrested or that he has
no case to answer. It is the humiliating manner in which he was treated
which must have filled all decent Zimbabweans with shame and left the entire
civilised world disgusted.

      Normal police practice is that, if arrested at home, a suspect is
detained at the nearest police station with holding cells. The question,
therefore, arises: Why was Blackie taken all the way across town from his
home in the northern suburbs to be detained at Matapi in Mbare if the
intention was not to humiliate him? And wasn't there a more decent vehicle
than an open truck to transport him in if the intention was not to parade
him and make him an object of fun?

      Zimbabwe is now a very sick joke
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Daily News

      Court allows 7 more farmers to continue farming

      9/19/02 8:14:20 PM (GMT +2)

      Court Reporter

      SEVEN more commercial farmers were yesterday allowed by the High Court
to continue farming as the government brought before Parliament the Land
Acquisition Amendment Bill, which seeks to punish farmers who resist
eviction and to validate preliminary acquisition orders.

      This brings to at least 73 the number of farmers granted reprieve from
vacating their properties in the ongoing chaotic land reform programme.

      Among the farmers granted an order setting aside the Section 8
eviction notice for the compulsory acquisition of their farms is Ian Kay,
son of the late Jock Kay, a former deputy agriculture minister in Mugabe's

      Kay was brutally attacked by people suspected to be ex-combatants
during the farm invasions at his Chipesa Farm in Marondera in 2000.

      Justice Ben Hlatshwayo set aside seven of the eight Section 8 notices
on the basis they were not issued according to laid-down procedure, and that
the holders of bonds on some of the properties had not been notified of the
intended eviction of the farmers.

      This is despite efforts by the government to press ahead with the
eviction of 2 900 white commercial farmers from their farms.

      Other properties served with similar orders are Nyahundi Farm,
Mashanda Farm, Mike Campbell (Pvt) Ltd, Mtotwe Farm, Milanwood Enterprises,
and M C Agricultural Consultants (Pvt) Ltd.

      The only farm not granted an order is Woodrow Farm, because the owner
did not provide evidence that the property was bonded at the time it was
issued with a Section 5 Preliminary Notice.
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Daily News

      War vet leader Ndlovu in court again

      9/19/02 8:12:08 PM (GMT +2)

      Staff Reporter

      ANDREW Ndlovu, a war veteran leader serving a three-year jail term for
defrauding the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans' Association,
yesterday appeared briefly before provincial magistrate Joyce Negonde for
remand on charges arising from his threats against the Asian community in

      Ndlovu, 45, was remanded to 10 October. He is the secretary for
projects of the war veterans' association.

      Ndlovu is alleged to have written and printed a document entitled:
Operation Liberation: Indians Watch Out.

      The State said the document was meant to engender, promote or expose
to hatred, contempt or ridicule a group of the Indian community, thus
contravening Section 19 (1) (c) of the Public Order and Security Act Chapter

      The allegations are that on 23 April Ndlovu wrote and printed the
      Ndlovu stated in his document that the Asian and Indian communities
should surrender parts of their property in all cities around the country to
the government.

      He alleged the Indians were sabotaging the economy by dealing in
foreign currency.
      Acting in concert with others who are still at large, Ndlovu allegedly
sent some of the documents to Ben Moyo, a member of the war veterans'
association in Mutare for distribution. The latter gave out by hand copies
of the document between 24 and 26 April to the Indians at their businesses.

      The State said the war veterans chairman, Patrick Nyaruwata, was
interviewed by the police and denied any knowledge of the document and
distanced himself from it.

      Ndlovu admitted writing the document.
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Mail and Guardian

Mugabe's 'abuse of parliament'


      19 September 2002 07:27

Zimbabwe's parliament on Wednesday rushed through amendments to land laws,
giving the government of President Robert Mugabe a freer hand to seize
white-owned property and evict farmers, state television reported.

Under the new rules, farmers will now be forcibly removed from their land
seven days after being notified, instead of 90 days as before, ZBC
television said.

The fine for refusal to comply was also increased fivefold to 100 000
Zimbabwe dollars ($1 800).

Mugabe, who has defied criticism at home and abroad to proceed with the
controversial evictions, had been angered by legal challenges filed by many
white farmers to the acquisition of their farms.

The bill has to be signed by the president before it becomes law.

Mugabe has been criticised at home and abroad for ordering 2 900 white
farmers to leave their homes early last month, despite a devastating food
shortage that has left six million Zimbabweans facing starvation.

Most farmers affected by the government deadline ignored it, resulting in a
police crackdown on dissenters that saw more than 300 farmers arrested
around the southern African country.

The farmers have been accused of racism and trying to undermine national
development and Mugabe has warned those who challenge his government that
their place is in jail.

The government has embarked on a massive land redistribution exercise that
has so far seen more than 95% of white-owned land compulsorily acquired for
redistribution, according to farmers' groups.

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) put up stiff resistance
during debate on the bill. They accused the government of using parliament
to validate a disorganised land resettlement policy.

This amounted to "abuse of parliament" said the MDC's secretary general,
Welshman Ncube. But he added that his party was pleased to have registered
their protest.

"For us the important thing was to expose the gross incompetence of this
regime," he said.

On Monday, the UN food agency WFP said nearly seven-million Zimbabweans were
threatened with starvation, an increase of 800 000 from previous figures, a
crisis it blamed on inclement weather, government policy and Aids.

In a landmark ruling in August, a High Court judge said that eviction orders
were invalid if they had not been first served to banks or lending
institutions farmers were indebted to.

The new amendments seek to remedy this by stipulating that these
institutions are to be served with a 30-day notice before the government
takes the farm.

Farmers who had gained some hope when their eviction orders were ruled
invalid are now likely to see them reissued, leaving them very little time
to pack up their belongings.

Mugabe's government has consistently said that white farmers who own only
one farm can stay on their land. But farmers' groups dispute the claim.

The white-run Commercial Farmers' Union (CFU) said on Wednesday: "Mr Robert
Mugabe's statement at many international fora, that of one man one farm and
that no man shall be dispossessed of all of his land, is simply not being
adhered to." - Sapa-AFP
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      Mugabe reroutes AirZim flight

      9/19/02 7:44:40 AM (GMT +2)

      PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe on Tuesday diverted a Harare-bound Air
Zimbabwe plane from London to pick him and his entourage from Casablanca,
Morocco, where he had gone for a private visit.

      The diverted flight, which was supposed to arrive in Harare at 6:30
am, was delayed for four hours and only arrived at the Harare International
Airport at 10:30 am.

      Some irritated passengers who spoke to this newspaper said they had
missed their business appointments because of the delay and insisted that
Air Zimbabwe should have informed them in advance of such a development.

      But an Air Zimbabwe spokesman yesterday said although the flight had
been diverted and delayed, the passengers had been informed in advance.

      This is not the first time that Mugabe has diverted Air Zimbabwe
flights to accommodate his schedules, which have at times left passengers

      Last December, Air Zimbabwe passengers were twice left stranded within
a week after flights had been diverted to carry the President and his party
in Spain, where he had sought specialist eye treatment.

      - Staff Reporter
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      Mugabe turns Zimbabweans into scavengers

      Sydney Masamvu
      9/19/02 6:28:37 AM (GMT +2)

      ALL hell broke loose last week when opposition Movement for Democratic
Change (MDC) leader Morgan Tsvangirai was deliberately misquoted by state
media as having said that Zimbabwe's newly resettled farmers are scavengers.

      Needless to say, he never uttered this statement. But maybe what
Tsvangirai should have categorically stated is that we Zimbabweans have
become scavengers.

      For indeed this is what the majority of Zimbabweans have been reduced
to - scavengers in their own motherland, all because of President Robert
Mugabe's policies which have wrecked the country.

      For how can you describe a people who try to eke out a living in a
country where the economy is run and administered on the parallel market?

      They are scavengers, fullstop.

      For how can one describe people who queue on a daily basis for the
staple mealie-meal, plus sugar, cooking oil and bread, to name just a few
basic food commodities that are now scarce and are only available from the
parallel market?

      When people at work become pre-occupied with finding a loaf of bread,
a bucket of maize and a bottle of cooking oil, then God things can't be any

      One needs to go into Harare's townships such as Highfields, Glen
Norah, Chitungwiza and Mbare to see how ordinary Zimbabweans are battling
each day just to survive under the most wretched conditions on earth.

      Ordinary Zimbabweans have to struggle so much just to eat sadza and
meat that I cannot find any other word but to call them scavengers. It is
this fake resilience of Zimbabweans which has put this regime under a false
sense of security.

      Even when you look at the national level, how can you describe a
country which begs for literally everything, including food and fuel?

      Indeed Mugabe has reduced us to scavengers through the destruction of
the economy and there is no apology in stating an obvious fact which only
fools will disagree with.

      That we have become scavengers should not be an issue but how we can
change this.

      Every week thousands of young, skilled and frustrated Zimbabweans are
leaving the country to take up menial jobs in the United Kingdom and in
neighbouring South Africa and Mozambique, fleeing growing poverty and untold
human suffering.

      If you go to Harare Airport on a day when there is an Air Zimbabwe
flight bound for London, then you will be left in no doubt by the large
numbers fleeing that we have indeed become a nation of scavengers.

      All these people want to work and live in Zimbabwe but they have been
driven out by poverty.

      In his speech at the Johannesburg Earth Summit nearly a month ago,
Mugabe should have actually told Tony Blair to leave "my Zimbabwe but keep
my economic refugees" because this is the bottom line.

      It is saddening to hear Mugabe basking in the glory of rhetoric when
Zimbabwe's economic refugees in London and in many other cities worldwide
are actually sustaining the livelihood of millions of people in Zimbabwe.

      The day Mugabe knows that people do not eat rhetoric and political
posturing and that Zimbabweans want nothing but a decent living, prosperity
and food on the table, that will be the day when this country will begin to
move forward.

      More importantly, the day when Zimbabweans will stop being fooled by
rhetoric and demand nothing but food on the table and a conducive economic
climate from the leadership will be time when this country will begin to
chart a fresh path for itself.

      Zimbabweans cannot just fold their arms and watch while they are being
reduced to scavengers. Until they say no to this nonsense, the suffering
will continue and worsen.

      Zimbabweans, as a people, have not demanded anything outside this
world. The problem with Mugabe is that he believes his cronies, who lie to
him that the situation is well in Zimbabwe although he and them know that
they are the only ones who are benefiting from the crisis of their own

      Some of these cronies, believe me, want the economic crisis to remain
as it is so that they can continue to plunder the available resources amidst
chaos and confusion.

      Mugabe gleefully says that Zimbabwe will never be a colony of Britain
again, but the truth is that the country has become a colony of scavengers.
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      Food shortages hit major hospitals

      Staff Reporter
      9/19/02 7:59:01 AM (GMT +2)

      SEVERE food shortages gripping Zimbabwe have hit the country's public
hospitals, where some patients are going without meals, a snap survey by the
Financial Gazette this week established.

      Relatives with patients admitted into some of the major state-owned
referral health institutions told the Financial Gazette they were now
bringing in cooked meals from home to feed their kin.

      "We bring my father cooked food from home because he complains the
hospital food is just not enough," one young man, who spoke on condition he
was not named, told our news team during a visit to Harare Central Hospital
this week.

      During the lunch time visit to Harare Central, the country's largest
referral centre, several relatives could be seen carrying loads of food into
the hospital for their loved ones admitted there.

      At Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, some patients told our news crew
that they had gone for three consecutive days last week without bread.

      Health Minister David Parirenyatwa refused to comment on the food
situation at hospitals, saying the individual administrators should do so.

      Harare Central Hospital administrator Chris Tapfumaneyi yesterday
refused to take questions on the matter on the phone. He was not at the
hospital when out team went there this week.

      Parirenyatwa public relations officer Jane Dadzi insisted the hospital
had adequate supplies of bread and other foodstuffs. But both patients and
their relatives were adamant this was not so.

      Dadzi however said patients admitted into the hospital who were not on
dietary restrictions from doctors were allowed to eat food brought in by

      At Bulawayo's United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH), medical superintendent
Godwin Gwisai confirmed the hospital was facing difficulties feeding

      "Admittedly like any other institution we are being affected by the
national food shortages because we are not getting enough food requirements
from our supplies and the food situation is fluid sometimes," he said.

      Zimbabwe is in the throws of its worst food crisis that has left at
least six million people or half the country's population at the risk of
starving to death unless the international community provides more than 800
000 tonnes of food aid.

      The food crisis is the latest blow to the country's public health
system already saddled by years of state under-funding and, in some cases,
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Fraudulent And Bogus Message from CFU, Matabeleland Branch

Further to my message in the above regard, dated 05.09.02, it has been
established without doubt that Dudley Rogers of Tshabezi Safaris based in
West Nicholson is definitely not the author of the fraudulent message
referred to in my original statement.

By way of clarification Dudley Rogers did not send the bogus email claiming
to be the Secretary of CFU despite his email address being given as the
originator of the message.  It would appear that the original email was sent
from Japan to a person in the UK after Dudley Rogers name appeared in the
New York Times along with others mentioned in the email, one being "Max"
Crawford.  There was no intention to put Dudley Rogers of Tshabezi Safaris
in a bad light.

Enquiries into the originator of the message continue and the email address is not an address used by Dudley Rogers of Tshabezi

David W Hasluck
Director CFU

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US Dept of State

Mugabe Drains Zimbabwe's Lifeblood, Africanist Says
(Former White House official speaks on human rights) (690)
By Lindsey Brooks
Washington File Staff Writer

Washington -- The legendary figure of Count Dracula, known for sucking
the blood of his victims, has a modern-day counterpart in Zimbabwe's
President Robert Mugabe, who continues to drain the political and
economic life from his country, according to former White House
official John Prendergast.

Prendergast, who recently returned from a trip to Zimbabwe, discussed
what he saw there September 17 at the National Press Club in

Comparing Zimbabwe to a horror film, Prendergast, who was director of
African affairs at the National Security Council during the Clinton
administration, said, "In Zimbabwe we have Dracula, as Count Mugabe
and the ZANU-PF vampires suck the lifeblood out of Zimbabwe's economy
and state institutions while its people starve."

Prendergast is currently the co-director of the Africa Program at the
International Crisis Group (ICG), a nongovernmental organization
focused on anticipating, understanding, and preventing conflict.

"The ruling ZANU-PF party in Zimbabwe has succeeded in consolidating
its nearly absolute political and economic power in the aftermath of
the stolen presidential election," Prendergast said. "A system of
total control was the objective of the ruling party, and this has
largely been accomplished."

Prendergast was referring to the March 2002 presidential election in
which Mugabe emerged victorious, although the election was stained by
electoral irregularities and government intimidation, including the
disenfranchisement of urban voters, violent intimidation of opposition
supporters, and intimidation of the independent press and the

Referring to Zimbabwe's political situation at a conference on August
20, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Walter Kansteiner
said: "As President Bush and Colin Powell have both said on a number
of occasions, we do not see President Mugabe as the democratically
legitimate leader of the country. The election was fraudulent and it
was not free and it was not fair."

Calling Zimbabwe a "mafia-based and predatory state," Prendergast
warned that if trends are not reversed, Mugabe's failed political and
economic policies threaten to bankrupt the state and cause it to
collapse, affecting the whole southern African region.

For example, he explained, Mugabe's "dismantling of the commercial
farming sector, the backbone of that economy," has now resulted in
famine conditions. "The escalating economic crisis will further
destabilize the region," he added, "and continue to make the people in
Zimbabwe miserable, driving tens of thousands out of Zimbabwe and into
the surrounding region.

"Six million Zimbabweans are facing food shortages, and what ZANU-PF
has done is put in place a strategy of selective starvation -- the use
of food as a political weapon that is designed to punish the
opposition and reward ruling party officials and their commercial
allies," he said. "This policy is actually beginning to achieve its
objectives . people are beginning to die."

Prendergast called the food crisis in Zimbabwe a "political plus for
the ruling party," which no longer "relies solely on individual
torture and rape" to cow its opponents, but instead on "the
government's new tool of selective starvation," which can affect a
much broader population of opposition supporters.

According to Prendergast, "Famine threatens Zimbabwe not just because
of the drought, which certainly is a factor, but because of a bad or
even predatory government." Policies that the ZANU-PF uses to
implement selective starvation include monopolizing all food imports
and distribution, directing food to and away from areas based on
political calculations, and controlling the eligibility criteria for
purchasing food, he said.

Prendergast said Mugabe's policy affects three vulnerable groups.
First, Zimbabweans afflicted with HIV/AIDS, who require an adequate
diet to defend against the onset of illness, have an accelerated
mortality rate as a result of malnutrition. "Zimbabwe has the
second-highest rate of infection in the world, and thus exposure to
malnutrition will condemn thousands of people to death," Prendergast

Second, black farm workers who have been made homeless by the ruling
party's land invasion strategy are vulnerable. Also at risk are the
elderly, sick, and orphan populations that "are simply falling through
the cracks as no provisions are being made to ensure their survival."

"When people die of starvation and disease related to malnutrition, as
they increasingly will in Zimbabwe, it is a result of political
control and corruption," not natural conditions, Prendergast said.

(The Washington File is a product of the Office of International
Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site:
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Nando Times

BOOK REVIEW: The chilling rise and crazed regime of Robert Mugabe

      Copyright © 2002 Nando Media

      By ROBERT I. ROTBERG, The Christian Science Monitor

      (September 19, 2002 2:07 p.m. EDT) - Zimbabwe's Robert Gabriel Mugabe
is Africa's Pol Pot and Saddam Hussein combined. For more than 22 years, as
Martin Meredith's chilling new book "Our Votes, Our Guns: Robert Mugabe and
the Tragedy of Zimbabwe" details, a ruthless Mugabe in pursuit of absolute
power has wantonly killed thousands of his own people.

      Today, he is depriving millions of food aid and giving boastful
speeches while systematically destroying his country's economy.

      That sounds exaggerated. But, since 1998, and especially since losing
a referendum vote in 2000, Mugabe has orchestrated fatal attacks on the
opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and anyone thought to be
sympathetic to them. More than 100 parliamentary candidates, poll workers,
and white and black persons alleged to be helping the MDC have been brutally

      Mugabe's atmosphere of outright mayhem began in the run-up to the
parliamentary elections of 2000 (which Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National
Union-Patriotic Front narrowly won amid widespread allegations of fraud) and
continued steadily through the presidential elections in March 2002, which
Mugabe brazenly stole.

      Mugabe physically harassed Morgan Tsvangirai, his MDC opponent, and
his campaigning team in 2002, used thugs and soldiers to intimidate voters,
stuffed ballot boxes in key constituencies, and rigged the count - all
according to European and some African observers.

      In chapter after chapter, Meredith, a British journalist who has
written widely about Africa, reveals the depths of Mugabe's determination
and his wildly unprincipled venality.

      In the earliest phase of Mugabe's presidency, during the 1980s, he
unleashed a series of massacres against defenseless civilians, the Ndebele
and Kalanga ethnic groups, in southwest Zimbabwe, presumed followers of
Joshua Nkomo, Mugabe's long-time rival.

      In order to teach Nkomo and his Zimbabwe African People's Union
followers who was boss, Mugabe sent a North Korean-trained battalion on a
rampage throughout rural areas near Bulawayo. More than 20,000 Zimbabweans
were thus exterminated by the special battalion between 1982 and 1985.

      For the succeeding decade, Mugabe's killing fields were far more
selective: some potential dissidents in his own party, followers of some of
his rivals, and, indeed, anyone who thought to challenge his reign.

      Mugabe's regime was always corrupt, but, as Meredith discusses at
length, its greed swelled in the late 1990s and continues unabated. The
motivating source of this family avarice is popularly ascribed to the
ambitions of Grace, the president's much younger second wife and mother of
his only living children. Meredith contrasts her lack of sophistication to
the poise and common sense of Sally, Mugabe's Ghanaian first wife, who was a
check on the president before she died in 1992.

      Extreme corruption would be less disruptive if Zimbabwe were
prospering. Instead, as Mugabe and his family and friends have made illicit
millions (from exploiting minerals in the Congo as well as from all the
usual fiddles), so ordinary Zimbabweans have descended into penury.

      Thanks to Mugabe's bashing of white farmers (employers of nearly 1
million farm workers) and the consequent ruination of the nation's
commercial agriculture, his attacks on industry, his squandering of foreign
exchange, his political chicanery, and his country's military foray into the
Congo, Zimbabwe's annual per-capita gross domestic product has fallen by 10
percent for three successive years. Eighty percent of Zimbabweans are
impoverished, according to official statistics. Sixty percent are
unemployed. Mugabe has caused massive shortages of maize, wheat, cooking
oil, and sugar. About 6 million (out of a national population of 13 million)
are now at risk of starvation, despite U.S. and U.N. World Food Program

      Meredith's fluent narrative effectively conveys the depths of Mugabe's
depravity and Zimbabwe's consequent misery. He sketches Mugabe's formative
years as a self-contained Jesuit-trained teacher, as a political neophyte,
as a political prisoner in Rhodesia, and finally as a man capable of
bulldozing anyone and any obstacle in the way of his complete authority. He
called himself a Marxist, but that was a convenient cover for increasingly
autocratic behavior.

      Meredith's book unfortunately ends well before the 2002 election, so
his gruesome tale is inconclusive. His tale is also studded with numerous
informative quotations, but none is sourced. Authenticity has been
sacrificed to pace and flow. But the major problem with this otherwise
engaging account is that Meredith fails to help readers understand why
Mugabe behaves so irrationally.

      Why did Mugabe become a monster when his first presidential gestures
to whites were warm and conciliatory? Why did he unnecessarily attack
Nkomo's largely passive partisans? Why, in the contemporary era, is he
continuing to destroy his own fatted calf? Why, at 78, is he not content to
retire and enjoy his spoils rather than unleashing upon himself the wrath of
nations, as well as the disgust of his own citizens? Solving such compelling
leadership failures awaits a deeper analysis.

      "Our Votes, Our Guns: Robert Mugabe and the Tragedy of Zimbabwe" by
Martin Meredith is published by Public Affairs.

      Robert I. Rotberg directs Harvard's Program on Intrastate Conflict and
is president of the World Peace Foundation.
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Daily News

      Woman co-charged with retired judge Blackie granted $5 000 bail

      9/19/02 8:13:43 PM (GMT +2)

      Staff Reporter

      Tara White, who together with former High Court judge Justice Fergus
Blackie, is facing a charge of defeating or obstructing the course of
justice was granted bail of $5 000 when she appeared before Harare
magistrate Sitshengisiwe Ndlovu on Tuesday.

      The State, led by Stephen Musona of the Attorney-General's Office, is
alleging that White and Blackie had a sexual relationship.

      The State alleged: "The accused communicated with retired Justice
Blackie, thus influencing him to unilaterally give out a judgment in her
favour. The accused had a sexual relationship with retired Justice Blackie."

      Ndlovu remanded White to 19 November and ordered her to surrender her
passport to the Clerk of Court and to continue residing at her given

      White, 45, and Blackie are facing an alternative charge of
contravening a section of the Prevention of Corruption Act in a case where
Blackie, 65, allegedly unprocedurally handled White's appeal after she was
convicted and sentenced for theft of
      $500 000 from her employer.

      White was sentenced to four years imprisonment for the theft. Three
years were suspended on condition of good behaviour and that she paid

      She appealed against both conviction and sentence and the appeal
hearing was allocated to Justices Blackie and Rita Makarau on or about 5
December 2002, the State said. Blackie retired from the bench in July this

      The State said Justice Blackie had quashed both the conviction and
sentence as reflected in High Court Judgment 100/2002.

      Blackie appeared before provincial magistrate Lillian Kudya on Monday
this week and was granted $10 000 bail. She remanded him to 19 November and
ordered him to surrender his travel documents and report once every
Wednesday to the CID.

      Kudya ordered the police to investigate allegations raised by Blackie'
s lawyers that he was denied access to his hypertension medication, legal
representation, food and communication with relatives and friends when he
was detained at the Matapi Police Station in Mbare last Friday.

      The lawyers only had access to him on Saturday after they made an
application to the High Court for him to be produced in court.
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Daily News

      Zanu PF youths assault Gutu chief

      9/19/02 8:12:53 PM (GMT +2)

      From Our Correspondent in Gutu

      CHIEF Rogers Nyamande yesterday said Zanu PF youths were harassing,
torturing and intimidating innocent civilians in Gutu North constituency,
accusing them of supporting the opposition MDC, ahead of the rural district
council elections.

      Nyamande, a Zanu PF supporter, was himself the victim of violence last
Sunday when he was beaten up and his traditional headdress snatched by rowdy
Zanu PF youths for allegedly supporting the MDC.

      The chief's spokesman, Zebron Masunda, said: "The chief was humiliated
in the presence of his subjects. He was grabbed and dragged outside the hall
and put in a disused cell while 85 headmen watched from a distance.

      "The chief had his traditional headgear taken away from him, after he
was seriously assaulted by party youths."

      Masunda, a war veteran and the chief's son, said his father was being
victimised because he was related to the MDC candidate for Ward 11, Getrude

      "My father was taken hostage for hours in a disused cell built by the
Ian Smith regime where he was thoroughly assaulted. No one has the right to
strip a chief of his powers."

      By yesterday afternoon the Gutu district administrator, Felix Chikovo,
was still negotiating with the youths to return the chief's headdress.
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The Australian

Zimbabwe tightens land seizure laws
From AFP
September 20, 2002
ZIMBABWE's parliament yesterday rushed through land law amendments that give
President Robert Mugabe a freer hand to seize white-owned property and evict

Under the new rules, farmers will be forcibly removed from their land seven
days after being served eviction notices, instead of 90 days as before.

The fine for refusing to comply was also increased five-fold to $Z100,000

Mr Mugabe, who has defied criticism at home and abroad to proceed with the
controversial evictions, had been angered by legal challenges filed by many
white farmers to the acquisition of their farms.

The Government has embarked on a massive land redistribution program that
has so far seen more than 95 per cent of white-owned land compulsorily
acquired for redistribution, according to farmers' groups, despite a
devastating food shortage that has left 6 million Zimbabweans facing

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change put up stiff resistance during
debate on the bill, accusing the Government of using parliament to validate
a disorganised land resettlement policy.

This amounted to "abuse of parliament", MDC secretary-general Welshman Ncube
said later. But he said his party was pleased to have registered its

"For us the important thing was to expose the gross incompetence of this
regime," Mr Ncube said.

The UN's World Food Program said on Monday nearly 7 million Zimbabweans
faced starvation, an increase of 800,000 on previous figures. It blamed the
crisis on drought, government policy and AIDS.

In a landmark ruling in August, a High Court judge said eviction orders were
invalid if they had not been first served to lending institutions that
farmers were indebted to.

The new amendments seek to remedy this by stipulating that these
institutions be served with a 30-day notice before the Government takes the

Farmers who had gained some hope when their eviction orders were ruled
invalid are now likely to see them reissued, leaving them very little time
to pack their belongings.

Mr Mugabe has maintained that white farmers who own only one farm can stay
on their land, but farmers' groups say this is not the case.
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      Foreign investment into Zim dries up

      Staff Reporter
      9/19/02 7:42:08 AM (GMT +2)

      FOREIGN direct investment (FDI) into Zimbabwe plunged by about 99
percent between 1998 and 2001 and the country is now ranked among the top
eight economies in the world with the least potential to attract external
investors, according to a report released by the United Nations this week.

      The World Investment Report 2002, published by the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), reveals that FDI inflows into
Zimbabwe declined from a peak of US$444 million in 1998 to just US$5 million
in 2001.

      According to the report, Zimbabwe performed better only against 22 out
of the 194 countries surveyed by UNCTAD during the past year for their
competitiveness in attracting and retaining FDI.

      Only four of the 22 countries - Cape Verde, Djibouti, Libya and Sierra
Leone - are in Africa while the others are in Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin

      The virtual collapse of the amount of FDI into Zimbabwe means that the
country's share of the total inflows in the world has progressively dried up
in the past few years against a backdrop of an unprecedented flight of
capital spawned by the government's policies.

      Inflows into Zimbabwe were US$59 million in 1999 and US$23 million in

      Total world FDI inflows amounted to US$735 billion, a drop of 51
percent in inflows over the previous year. This was the first drop in
inflows since 1991 and the largest decrease in three decades.

      Analysts yesterday warned that FDI inflows into Zimbabwe would tumble
further this year as foreign investors take flight in the wake of President
Robert Mugabe's threats to nationalise local industries.

      The 78-year-old leader, who won a disputed election in March and
currently faces the toughest test of his 22-year rule, has repeatedly
threatened to take over companies he accuses of economically sabotaging his

      The threats, which come on the heels of his policy to seize land from
whites, have further scuttled the country's chances of winning back foreign
investors who have left in the past three years due to worsening economic

      "The main issue is the sovereign risk factor and most investors are
even wondering what's next after the farms," said an analyst with a leading
Harare financial services group.

      Investors are worried about the impact of Zimbabwe's foreign currency
crisis on their ability to repatriate dividends.

      Stockbrokers estimate that foreign investors are sitting on billions
of dollars worth of dividends and profits that they have been unable to
repatriate from Zimbabwe due to the shortage of hard cash since 1999.

      FDI inflows into Africa however rose from US$9 billion in 2000 to
US$17 billion last year although flows into most countries remained largely

      The increase of US$8 billion is largely due to a few large FDI
projects, notably in South Africa and Morocco.

      South Africa had the largest share of the FDI flows into the
continent, with about US$6.7 billion worth of new external investment coming
to that country in 2001.

      Morocco was second with FDI inflows of around US$2.7 billion, followed
by Algeria, Angola and Nigeria with US$1.2 billion, US$1.12 billion and
US$1.1 billion respectively.

      About 80 percent of the growth in Africa's FDI flows is explained by a
large increase in FDI flows into South Africa, the result of an unbundling
of cross-share holdings involving London-listed Anglo American plc and De
Beers of South Africa.

      The transaction was recorded as an increase in FDI inflows because
Anglo purchased De Beers shares by paying the mainly South African-based
owners in Anglo shares.

      The other main project responsible for an increase in FDI inflows into
Africa was the disposal of a 35 percent stake in Morocco's Maroc-Telecom to
Vivendi Universal of France.

      The UN report also showed that Zimbabwe was one of eight countries
with the lowest potential to attract foreign investors.

      The only other countries with less prospects than Zimbabwe are
Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Haiti, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Myanmar and Sierra Leone.

      The UNCTAD report assessed countries based on their performance on key
economic and policy indicators such as gross domestic product growth,
exports, the number of telephone lines, inflation, country risk, property
rights, trade policy, corruption and FDI regulations.
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