Profiteering tendencies condemned

Source: Profiteering tendencies condemned | The Herald June 3, 2019

Profiteering tendencies condemnedMr Muduvuri

Victor Maphosa Herald Correspondent
Coalition Against Sanctions chairman Mr Jimayi Muduvuri has condemned the profiteering tendencies by some unscrupulous elements which he said had caused wanton suffering of the generality of Zimbabweans.

He said it is high time Government cracks the whip on such elements and bring sanity in the nation.

In a statement, Mr Muduvuri said unjustified price increases of basics had a terrible effect on ordinary citizens.

“The country has experienced serious sharp price increases recently and these have a terrible impact on the ordinary citizens. We noticed that there is a sharp rise of foreign currency parallel market causing a debilitating sharp rise in the cost of money.

“This has left prices totally unbearable and created a situation that has harmful effects on the economy. We urge the Government to take action against these malpractices and stop this conduct by people who are responsible for fuelling the parallel market,” he said.

Mr Muduvuri said some retailers procure goods at subsidised prices, but ended up charging consumers exorbitant prices.

“We have people in the milling industry who are allocated maize  from the Grain Marketing Board at a subsidised price and then sell their mealie meal at regulated prices. However, we have people in the same industry getting the same maize allocation, but end up selling mealie meal at exorbitant prices.

“We call for such malpractices by those business people to stop. This is affecting ordinary Zimbabweans.”

He said it was high time the people of Zimbabwe got united especially in this era of illegal sanctions which are derailing efforts by the Government to turn around the economy.

He said it is important at this period to support Government efforts to create a better Zimbabwe for all.

“Zimbabwe has been seriously affected by illegal sanctions and this has created abnormal business practices and cartels which has also caused untold suffering to ordinary Zimbabweans,” he said.

“It is time for us Zimbabweans to be united in every aspect in reviving the economy and supporting our Government that was constitutionally elected. We urge all those running parallel markets to stop their actions. We also urge the Government to expose them,” Mr Muduvuri said.


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    ace mukadota 5 years ago

    So best for people to buy at two dollars and sell at one dollar – then govt will be happy – these ZANUPF comrades do not have much between the ears when it comes to business