Zimbabwe Situation

Corruption: When fish rots from the head

via Corruption: When fish rots from the head February 28, 2014 at 12:22pm by Shuenesu Hove

I reckon bootlickers in the “majority party” might be a little unnerved about the intra-day moves both in government and in the party. Especially the frenzy to new highs and then a quick reversal isn’t exactly a good sign of a young old man’s health. You may think that’s a dumb thing to say when we witnessed Gushungo hovering around traditionally designed birthday cake. And you might be right. We’ve said some dumb things before about him and we have been proven wrong.

But this sort of “appearance” can be ominous. So take heed. Fish rots from the head. Besides, if you want a bullish view of the whole issue you can always read between the lines. I reckon the old man is now a spent force. However, one George Charamba will tell you that you have gone bonkers.  Well, let those with eyes see and let those with ears hear.

Different opinions and freedom of speech are what make a democracy, right?

In my opinion, the fish has rotten from the head. After winning and failing to celebrate a “majority” victory, one wonders the kind of leadership we have for our country in the next four and half years, let alone for the future.

We have a leadership that is bent on protecting their fiefdoms at whatever cost. I was surprised to hear Mai Mujuru condemning the media for exposing those involved in the salarygate scandal. This is coming from an aspiring president. Surely, to say she scored an own goal is an understatement, but that she is leading the way to her own political leadership demise.

Of course, Mai Mujuru was misquoted as usual, she wants us to believe. Even if you listen to her speech, you are likely to misinterpret what you here. Give us a break and for once admit that you are human and can err. Do the honourable thing of picking up the pieces.

Speaking about corruption, fish rots from the head suggests that corruption enters a country through its leaders, filters down to its citizens and, in some classic tragedies, even affects the environment

President Mugabe wants us to believe that government has always been against corruption. It’s only that in some cases ministers do not closely supervise the goings on in parastatals. What hogwash is that? We are not bootlickers because every bootlicker implicitly believes every word uttered by comrade “Chef”. Are you serious Mr President? When you chose to make these parastatals retirement home your army generals?

We all due respect, our senile leader has lot it on corruption. He is still in the adoration stage by the bootlickers for the reason that he institutionalised corruption from which they amass fortunes. Despite his calm and assured rhetoric (a hallmark of a cunning politician), things are approaching a tipping point in Zimbabwe. There is a stampede to loot state resources that will go unabated for a foreseeable future.

In the political realm, when the fish rots from the head, chances are it is going to get ugly. In fact, succession politics nearly always are. Will it have any effect on the future of the country? Your future and mine? Yes it is.

History shows that poorly handled political successions create not only tension, but also power vacuums.

A power vacuum in ZANU PF is imminent. Much like a physical vacuum, a political power vacuum breeds forces that tend to “rush in” to fill the vacuum as soon as it is created. The more pronounced forces, which are the usual suspects in a power vacuum, take the form of armed militias, insurgents, military coups, warlordism and dictatorship. Very unlikely in Zimbabwe I would think.

Ours has its own unique features. When the fish rots from the head, the whole body dies. The whole system stops working. What does this mean for Zimbabweans?

It means the bad ideas coming from the top affect us as the body. This underscores the importance of good leadership for a country like ours. My main concern is not with the incumbent because he needs to rest after failing to steer the ship out of murky waters for more than thirty-three years.

I am more concerned with the future than with the past. I am concerned about the “would be” leaders for our country. Those who will make decisions that can change our future for the better or worse. When I look at the current crop that always sing songs of praises to the Commander-in-Chief every time, I fail to see the calibre of leadership that our country so desperately craves.

Unfortunately, when the fish rots from the head, the whole body is doomed. Most people equate corruption with greed, lust, and wrath that is fine. However, we rarely associate corruption with sloth or apathy, an omnipresent feature in our Zimbabwean society. I think it’s fair to say that low voter turnout, voting based on emotion rather than reason, and failure or refusal to vote based on an uninformed decision are symptoms of apathy.

With high rate of apathy, conversely we are being complicit in endorsing the corruption characterising the leadership that we solemnly condemn.

It has become the norm to see aspiring politicians cooperating with the political elite when vying for office, reinforcing the view that Zimbabwe is a republic in theory and a an oligarchy in practice.

I would be forgiven to think that transparency has become the watchword of our times. However, I think we have a right as Zimbabweans to know who is going to lead us well in advance Mr President. It does not matter if the person is your “anointed successor”.  We want to put that person to test before entrusting him/her with our lives and our future and the future of our children.

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