on Man rapes sister over missing memory card What will he do next time when the thing missing is bigger than a memory card. The mind boggles...
on Postponing elections for Mnangagwa to remain in power till 2030 is still unconstitutionalHa, Ha, Ha - what a joke is Zim. politics ! Pure despicable despotism !
on So war veterans get $7.50 whilst Zvigananda walk away with millions!So true. Our bandits are a embarrassment to Zimbabwe. They namely ED call for "Patriotism " from us all but...
on So war veterans get $7.50 whilst Zvigananda walk away with millions!Tendai - I am afraid we are doomed to this into the foreseeable future. The "Liberation War " cost us...
on Group of war veterans demand Mnangagwa ‘must go now’ Sadly, most REAL War vets - those who actually faced the Rhodies in battle and suffered massively - will all...
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