Zimbabwe Situation

ED is taking Zim back into the right track 

Source: ED is taking Zim back into the right track – DailyNews Live

STAFF WRITER      30 November 2017

HARARE – As Zimbabwe’s political leadership is fast getting clearer and
taking shape – as the burning questions and lingering uncertainty dies
down, for now – it is the beginning of a long new journey.

Zimbabweans across the race and political divide are celebrating the
unbelievable and unimaginable resignation of long-serving Robert Mugabe.

The long-suffering citizens feel liberated.

To almost all of them, particularly those born after Zimbabwe’s
independence from British colonial rule in 1980, it is the real freedom.

When he assumed duty as President of the Republic last Friday, Emmerson
Mnangagwa indicated that he would “hit the ground running”.

He spoke about focussing on the future to ensure the live of the
generality of Zimbabweans improved.

Of greatest priority is putting Zimbabwe’s derailed economy back on track.
The country’s economy is in bad shape. The masses are in dire straits.

But achieving the Zimbabwe we all yearn for requires the right political

The archaic political arguments of sanctions and all that mantra must be
left behind in the dustbins of history.

Mnangagwa and his administration, while maintaining the nation’s
principles and values, must be pragmatic and embrace the international
community. It certainly can be achieved in a win-win arrangement.

Gone should be the approach of arbitrary decisions and one centre of
power. In this new era, the Mnangagwa and his administration must
sincerely and genuinely lend the people an ear.

Those are the same people who spoke out in past days.

Without belabouring the point, the new leadership must work towards
regaining lost confidence – from the investors, international community
and crucially the Zimbabwean populace.

Pragmatic, coordinated and crucially – an inclusive approach in addressing
our beloved nation’s challenges would most definitely produce solutions.

This will require honesty, integrity and above all, trust. The recent
political shift could not have been possible without trust and belief in
one other.

Already Mnangagwa has embraced foreign investors and also indicated that
he will appoint a leaner Cabinet. He has also promised a three-month
amnesty for those who externalised cash and assets, asking them to return
these to the country within the timeframe given or face prosecution.

That sounds pragmatic and the president needs the support of all
Zimbabweans for him to succeed.

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