Zimbabwe Situation

Get Marry Mubaiwa treated urgently, organisations tell First Family

Source: Get Marry Mubaiwa treated urgently, organisations tell First Family

Several organisations outside the country are blaming President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his wife Auxillia for neglecting ailing Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s ex-wife Marry Mubaiwa.

Mubaiwa is facing attempted murder charges where it is alleged that she tried to kill Chiwenga when he was bed-ridden in South Africa following suspected poisoning and has been denied visiting specialists who can treat her condition abroad.

The courts are refusing to release her passport to enable her to get treatment for severe lymphoedema, a condition which occurs happens when lymphatic fluid in tissues fails to drain away resulting in swelling.

Due to this condition specialists have suggested that one of her arms which is severe, be amputated but her family have now opted otherwise and renewed fights to get her passport released by the courts for treatment abroad.

Marry Mubaiwa in critical condition as doctors recommend amputation

Last week her lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa told the media that her condition had deteriorated to a level whereby she soils herself and further revealed that she now felt inhumane by continuously charging Mubaiwa legal fees in such a state.

Recently the Restoration for Human Rights (ROHR), a United Kingdom based organisation wrote to President Emmerson Mnangagwa to step in the matter so that she be granted an opportunity to seek medical attention abroad.

“Grave injustice is being perpetrated against Marry and, if we do not act now, she will lose her life,” the Restoration for Human Rights said in a petition to Mnangagwa.

“If you are not careful, Marry’s matter will rank very high amongst those that will define your legacy. Is such a glaring case of abuse of power against a mother and, by extension, her innocent children, what you want to be remembered for?”

“Marry’s case is one of the most despicable human rights violations to happen under the ‘new dispensation’,” wrote the organisation.

In March 2021 Marry Mubaiwa accused her estranged husband Vice President Constantino Chiwenga of sending the military to raze down her office wall in Highlands in Harare.

Surprisingly one of her close allies when everything was rosy, First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa remains in the closet despite championing philanthropy through her Angel of Hope foundation that has interests in the girl child and women.

Even women’s groups in the country have distanced themselves from the debacle supposedly due to fear of reprisals if they dare challenged retired General Chiwenga.

ROHR said the First Lady must use her influence to demand justice for Mubaiwa.

“The mission of your (Angel of Hope) foundation is to provide access to healthcare. Why are you not advocating for Marry to have access to medical treatment either in Zimbabwe or outside the country?” a letter to Auxillia Mnangagwa reads.

“What message are you sending to the nation? Are you saying it is okay for women to be treated like this?”

Several institutions have also written letters to the First Lady Auxilla to stop the violation of rights for citizens but there has been no response.

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