Zimbabwe Situation

ZANU PF better suited as opposition party since always blaming others for Zimbabwe’s challenges! 

In a “normal” democracy, the main mandate of the opposition is to find fault with the governing party – in order to portray and position themselves as a better alternative to run government.

Source: ZANU PF better suited as opposition party since always blaming others for Zimbabwe’s challenges! – The Zimbabwean

Tendai Ruben Mbofana


As such, whenever one listens to the Labour party in Westminster (United Kingdom), or the Republicans on Capitol Hill (USA), the tone is always the same – apportion blame for whatever is going south in the country on whomever is running its affairs.

That, surely, does make a lot of sense – since, a cardinal principle of leadership is that, the buck stops with the one in charge (a concept derived from the saying, “passing the buck”, which relates to one shifting responsibility to another, usually to avoid taking ownership of a situation gone awry).

By becoming a leader, one effectively agrees to shoulder all responsibility for whatever goes wrong under his watch – as he is expected to posses the aptitude and competence to ensure that all systems within his leadership operate effectively and efficiently, regardless of any negative and adverse circumstances they may face.

In other words, there is no one else to blame when the situation goes wrong – except those in charge – as a good leader is always expected to come up with solutions to tackle even unforeseen adverse occurrences.

Under a democracy, it then becomes the duty of the opposition to keep the government on its toes, by ensuring that those in leadership are held answerable for everything, especially when things do not go as envisioned.

The opposition does not team up with the ruling party – only unless there is a critical issue, that has the buy-in of all the parties involved – but, is usually required to act as the government-in-waiting, or shadow government, critical of those in power, and offering alternative solutions.

However, when those in leadership – who are expected to always shoulder the blame, as the buck stops with them – begin passing the buck, then we have a huge problem.

When the one at the top shifts responsibility – who then is supposed to take over its resolution?

By shifting responsibility – the one in leadership is reneging on his duties, and effectively abdicating his position.

Even I, as the head of my household, fully comprehend that I can never point at others for our lack in our home.

In spite of the obvious undeniable grave economic challenges faced by the country – nonetheless, it would be utterly inexcusable for me to expect not to take complete responsibility when there is no food to eat, or failure to pay school fees for my son, or to provide all other necessities.

As a leader, I have to take responsibility, and come up with solutions – no matter what challenges we are faced with.

I can not expect to be taken seriously, or to be respected by my family, should I have the shameful audacity to blame the state of economy in our country, or any other factors, for our problems.

Yet, this is exactly what we have been witnessing in Zimbabwe ever since the ruling ZANU PF party assumed the reins of power at independence in 1980 – but, the situation becoming dire and critical at the turn of the millennium.

Ever since coming to power, ZANU PF has never shouldered any responsibility for the situation in the country – always shifting blame to others, such as disgruntled former Rhodesians, apartheid South Africa, dissidents, white commercial farmers, Western countries, sanctions, business saboteurs, opposition parties, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), and activists.

Not once have I ever heard anyone in government, or the ruling party – not even a clerk or gardener – accepting responsibility for how the country has suffered, and taken a nosedive over the decades.

Instead, those in the ruling elite have chosen the easier, but cowardly, route – of seeking out those outside the governing establishment for blame.

Whether this is out of sheer ignorance of the concept of leadership – or, just plain disingenuousness – the result is the same…the ruling party has effectively abdicated its responsibilities.

In other words, ZANU PF has chosen the route of acting as the opposition in Zimbabwe.

Maybe, that is what they are good at.

Maybe, the period when they were the opposition – albeit, illegally – during the colonial times, were the best days for them, since that was the first and last time they actually succeeded at something.

It is quite clear, due to their inability to achieve anything after independence – they have failed to transform themselves into a ruling party, rather opting to be stuck in that opposition mode that yielded results for them all those 40 something years ago.

No wonder the party’s insatiable thirst for blood and violence – considering that was the only method they employed to achieve their one and only success over four decades ago.

As far as I am concerned, ZANU PF is better suited for opposition politics – of course, minus the violent trait.

Zimbabwe now is in desperate need of a ruling party that fully understands and appreciates the concept of leadership – not just leadership, but good leadership.

A leadership that fully appreciates that – the buck stops with it!

© Tendai Ruben Mbofana is a social justice activist, writer, and social commentator. Please feel free to contact him on WhatsApp/Call: +263715667700 / +263782283975, or Calls Only: +263788897936 / +263733399640, or email: mbofana.tendairuben73@gmail.com

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