Zimbabwe Situation

Treason claims do not add up

via Treason claims do not add up 19 November 2014 by Jera

There are many things that do not add up about the treason claims which have been sensationally plastered all over the state media. Firstly the article in the Sunday Mail is littered with the opinions of various ‘experts’ and ‘analysts’ whom we all know to have ties to Zanu (PF). Those opining in the government-owned press would croon whatever hymn they are told to sing.

Secondly: we are all left wondering why it is only these treasonous supporters of Joice Mujuru that have so far been removed by ‘no confidence’ vote and not the VP herself, the alleged beneficiary of such a plot to oust Mugabe. If there is much substance to these claims, should Mujuru not be the first to be indicted?

Thirdly, Mugabe has travelled abroad three times since the ‘overthrow plan’ became public and on each occasion, he deputed Mujuru to run the affairs of state. It makes no sense that Mugabe – a man who, in defiance of cataracts, is continually called ‘a visionary’ – would leave the country in the hands of a woman bent on usurping him. Mugabe leaving a dissenter in charge would be about as logical as a wife leaving her husband in the care of his mistress.

Fourth: is it not strange that, after threatening to shoot the president – in a country where army trucks have the tendency to veer into oncoming ministerial Mercs – Mutasa remains in good health? Five: the country’s military intelligence is second to none, supposedly. We train the military personnel of other countries at the Sadc Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre.

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