Zimbabwe Situation

Updates: MDC-T demonstrates in Harare

via Updates: MDC-T demonstrates in Harare – NewsDay Zimbabwe April 14, 2016

The Morgan Tsvangirai-led MDC-T is today holding a demonstration in Harare city centre and NewsDay’s Xolisani Ncunbe and Shepherd Tozvireva are in the streets, providing updates of the event as it unfolds.

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10:00 am

Police have deployed water canons at Harare Magistrates court where thousands of MDC supporters are converged for the demo.

Some of the T-shirts here are inscribed “Where is my $15 billion?” -in reference to the money President Robert Mugabe said is missing from diamonds proceeds

Despite earlie claims by police that there was not enough manpower, the uniformed forces – armed to the teeth, are littered all over the streets of Harare city centre.

MEanwhile, the crowds are slowly swelling at the assembly point, most of them dressed in the MDC-T trademark red regalia.

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