Zimbabwe Situation

War vets indaba date set

Source: War vets indaba date set – DailyNews Live

Blessings Mashaya      3 March 2017

HARARE – War veterans from all corners of the country converge in Harare
on March 10 to review the country’s worsening political, economic and
social crisis.

War collaborators and ex-detainees have also been invited to the meeting
but their patron, President Robert Mugabe, is not invited.

Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA)
spokesperson Douglas Mahiya yesterday said they were waiting for police

“We submitted our application to them nine days ago, they promised to give
us the response tomorrow (today).

“We are however, worried about the police’s delay in replying our

“We are not going to be addressed by the president on the day of the
indaba as I said before. This is a meeting of introspection on our side.
We want to look at ourselves and say are we the ones who are wrong or
there are some people who are not respecting the principles of the
liberation struggle.”

This comes in the wake of a damning communique by the veterans who fought
against white minority rule in the former British colony turning on their
long-time ally and commander, calling him a dictator in a jolting rebuke
highlighting political manoeuvring over his succession and mounting anger
over economic woes.

Christopher Mutsvangwa and his executive – who have been clear that they
want Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa to take over from the ailing
nonagenarian – are mobilising all ex-combatants who have either been
hounded out of Zanu PF or are still in the party but are disgruntled with
the factional fights consuming the ruling party.

As Mugabe shows signs of frailty, senior members of the ruling Zanu PF
party are positioning themselves for the post-Mugabe era. Two factions
have emerged, one linked to Mnangagwa and one to Mugabe’s wife.

“There are some people who say they love the president more than others.
We sacrificed for this president to be the leader of this country and
those who are saying they love the president have not shown any

“We want to bring all comrades together; we believe that all war veterans
– regardless of their political affiliation – have a lot in common. We
held an indaba last year but nothing has been done for the war veterans.
We requested for various things but it seems they don’t want to address
our plight as the war veterans.

“For the issue of succession, there is someone capable to lead the country
from 13 million Zimbabweans,” Mahiya added.

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