Zimbabwe Situation

We are under attack!

via We are under attack! | The Zimbabwean. 1 October by Jera

Helped by his spin doctors, Mugabe has instilled in his party a siege mentality – we are under attack. The enemy changes face, depending on Mugabe’s whim, from Britain and her allies, to illegal sanctions and, rather conveniently, homosexuals. In a continent where homosexuality is yet to be demystified, if you want to discredit someone, you simply label them gay.

And when you say the word ‘homosexual’, make Biblical references – even if you have committed the greater sin of mass murder – be sure to curl your upper lip, in order to fully articulate your revulsion.

Anybody who opposes Zanu (PF) runs the risk of being labelled ‘gay’. People should be judged on their deeds, rather than their sexual orientation. Even Mugabe secretly knows homosexuality is not a big deal. Those CIO boys are nothing if not thorough in their background searches. Mugabe would have known about the late Canaan Banana, his ally.

But this is a continent where superstition still has a strong pulse. This is a land where educated men, divested of their footwear, sit before a charlatan, clapping their hands loudly – ‘svikai zvakanaka vasekuru – evoking the spirits to coax pure diesel from a boulder. Do not mistake literacy for broadness of mind. This is a place where Presidents attempt to make lepers out of men and women, based on sexual orientation.

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