Zimbabwe Situation

White rhino tranquilized to remove car tire from snout in Zimbabwe

Veterinarians in Zimbabwe came to the rescue of a white rhino known as Mark at Lake Chivero Recreational Park when he got a stray tire wedged on his snout.

Source: White rhino tranquilized to remove car tire from snout in Zimbabwe – upi.com Oct. 17, 2016

LAKE CHIVERO RECREATIONAL PARK, Zimbabwe, Oct. 17 (UPI) — Veterinarians in Zimbabwe came to the rescue of a white rhino known as Mark at Lake Chivero Recreational Park when he got a stray tire wedged on his snout.

Wildlife group AWARE Trust Zimbabwe said in a Facebook post that rangers at the park contacted the group’s veterinarians when it became clear that the tire “was firmly stuck behind [Mark’s] front horn stub.”

The tire was preventing the dominant bull rhino from eating and drinking, the veterinarians said.

“The muscles that open your mouth are much weaker than the muscles which close your mouth, since they usually have the help of gravity, so no amount of straining was going to enlarge the tire’s central hole,” the group said.

The veterinarians tranquilized Mark and were able to pull the tire away from his face without cutting it.

“Eleven minutes later he was antidoted and grazing again as if nothing had happened,” AWARE said.

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