Zimbabwe Situation

MDC-T youths arrested during June 16 march

via MDC-T youths arrested during June 16 march | SW Radio Africa. 16 June 2014 by Mthulisi Mathuthu


At least two MDC T- activists were arrested Monday in Harare as they marched through the streets in commemoration of the 1976 Soweto student uprisings also known as June 16.

June 16 is a public holiday in South Africa in remembrance of the uprisings which were started by students in protest against the introduction of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools. The MDC-T also commemorates the annual event as they equate the fate of the then South African students with the oppression faced by Zimbabwean youths under ZANU PF rule.

SW Radio Africa correspondent Simon Muchemwa said hundreds of youths were gathered at the Harare Town House footbridge on Monday when the police pitched up trying to disperse the crowds. When the youths refused to oblige the police arrested the youth secretary for Harare Province Denford Ngadziore.

Muchemwa said after the incident the youths marched to the Harare Gardens where they were addressed by their leaders at the Pavilion Square. Skirmishes with the police ensued again an hour later as the youths gathered outside the party headquarters at the Harvest House. The riot police were called in, leading to the arrest of another party member.

According to Muchemwa, MDC-T national youth spokesman Clifford Hlatshwayo said the youths demanded jobs and an end to oppression and poverty.



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