Zimbabwe Situation

Moyo’s real challenge is embracing media plurality

via Moyo’s real challenge is embracing media plurality | The Financial Gazette  24 Oct 2013

EDITOR — Your story titled “Public media: Moyo’s renaissance test” refers.We have seen proof of how Moyo employs his acerbic tongue in the past and we are a tad cautious not to expect a bouquet of roses this time around.

One thing clear though; the minister might have realised that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar and so far this seems to be working.

One does hope he does not allow himself to fall back to his old spiky belligerent shadow, which did irreparable damage to him as a media man.

That he could be going through some kind of catharsis is plain for all to see and one hopes it is not some ruse to come back fighting with twin barrels at the new friends he has made this past week; this would be ill-advised.

Opening up the media space for other players would be the real challenge that he has to pass if he is to succeed in getting his somewhat ‘chequered’ past in check.

It is also refreshing to note one Nathaniel Manheru, a columnist in The Herald, appears to have toned down on his corrosive, meaningless forays aimed at the heart of Morgan Tsvangirai, the Movement for Democratic Change leader, which had the unsurprising result of making Tsvangirai even more popular.

Kudos to your writer, Clemence Manyukwe, for penning informative articles which are easy to read and low on the vitriol.

I have to say for Manheru this sea change and general improvement on the post has everything to do with ‘growing up’..I hope.

He seems to have embraced the reality that you can still make your point without ugly coarseness…and his column is now readable and has less rancor!!!

Gutter Poet


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