Zimbabwe Situation

Re-engagement with what? – Zimbabwe Vigil Diary: 17th May 2014

via Re-engagement with what? – Zimbabwe Vigil Diary: 17th May 2014 May 18, 2014

‘Re-engagement is the only game in town’ was the message from the platform at a tightly-controlled meeting on Zimbabwe held at the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House in London.

The meeting was to launch a report Zimbabwe’s International Re-engagement: The Long Haul to Recovery’ by Steve Kibble and Zanu PF apologist Knox Chitiyo. Just to make sure of things another featured speaker was Zanu PF sympathiser Dr Miles Tendi, Lecturer in African History and Politics at Oxford University.

The Vigil had already made known its negative opinion of this report (see:http://www.zimvigil.co.uk/the-vigil-diary/584-zanu-pf-at-chatham-house–zimbabwe-vigil-diary-26th-april-2014). So we didn’t bother to apply for tickets for the event – especially as a friend of the Vigil hadn’t managed to get in, even though he is a member of the Institute (at quite a cost, he notes).

But another friend of ours had better luck and reported: ‘Various people in the audience brought up excellent reasons why the west’s re-engagement is a bad idea. Ben Freeth was there and brought up an excellent point, but the bottom line was it doesn’t matter about human rights abuses, it doesn’t matter that there is no rule of law, it doesn’t matter that Zanu PF is a criminal network (all points accepted by the panel) – their view was ‘re-engagement is the only game in town.’

Among business leaders at the meeting was the head of Anglo-American who felt the indigenisation policy was being implemented pragmatically as shown by the fact that although they had handed over 51% of their shares, they had still maintained control of the company. The Head of Rio Tinto also managed to get into the select meeting.

Our reporter says people were allowed only one question so it was impossible to get to the nitty-gritty of anything. Zimbabwe’s Ambassador to London, on the other hand, was allowed the final word on everything. (He was sitting next to the Head of Anglo and they were clearly on a very friendly basis.)

Our reporter added: ‘I wanted to ask what message this sends out to other governments, and did they not think that re-engagement should be based on a moral imperative ie only when some reforms have been implemented. If you engage ahead of any reforms, the message appears to be that it doesn’t matter what you do as a government, as long as you hold onto power long enough, through intimidation and rigged elections, eventually the west will come around and the west will still engage with you and throw money your way.’

The Vigil is appalled by the tenor of the meeting. Re-engage Zimbabwe? Since when has the West stopped engaging Zimbabwe? There is a full pack of western ambassadors in Harare falling over themselves to feed the starving and support the hopeless. Only this week the French Ambassador, Laurent Delahousse, said Zimbabwe had imposed sanctions upon itself through corruption, violation of people’s rights and other unacceptable behaviour and should stop blaming other countries. ‘Zimbabwe should adopt a culture of accountability, deal with corruption, lack of transparency in diamond deals and unclear indigenisation policy and avoid blaming the imagined Western sanctions,’ he said (see: http://www.thezimbabwean.co/news/zimbabwe/71616/zim-sanctions-self-imposed-says.html – Zim sanctions ‘self-imposed’ says diplomat). 

Whatever Chatham House thinks, it is not up to the West to change its policy towards Zimbabwe, it is up to Zanu PF to re-engage with the donor community and stop spitting in their face. The reality is that there can be no fruitful engagement unless Mugabe goes. Any Western businessman looking to “re-engage” with Zimbabwe should look at the demand by Zanu PF MP Temba Mliswa for $165 million for his cut in dodgy dealings with Zanu PF’s sponsor Billy Rautenbach (see:https://www.zimbabwesituation.com/news/zimsit_zanu-pf-mp-hits-out-at-rautenbach/).

Other points

For latest Vigil pictures check: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zimbabwevigil/. Please note: Vigil photos can only be downloaded from our Flickr website. 

FOR THE RECORD: 27 signed the register. 


–       Vigil: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8157345519&ref=ts

–       ZAF: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Zimbabwe-Action-Forum-ZAF/490257051027515

–       ROHR: https://www.facebook.co/pages/ROHR-Zimbabwe-Restoration-of-Human-Rights/301811392835


Vigil co-ordinators

The Vigil, outside the Zimbabwe Embassy, 429 Strand, London, takes place every Saturday from 14.00 to 18.00 to protest against gross violations of human rights in Zimbabwe. The Vigil which started in October 2002 will continue until internationally-monitored, free and fair elections are held in Zimbabwe. http:/www.zimvigil.co.uk.


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