Zimbabwe Situation

Transform Zimbabwe

via Transform Zimbabwe April 17, 2014

The Zimbabwe Tragedy

What happened to our hopes and dreams of building a more equal, democratic and prosperous Zimbabwe? Where is the dignity and freedom for which our liberation heroes shed their blood? What is left of Zimbabwe – the Jewel of Africa – 33 years after Independence?

We ask you: Will our leaders ever put our welfare above their own? Will they ever guarantee our human rights, restore democracy, and uphold the rule of law? Is there any hope that our government will adopt economic policies that generate strong and sustainable economic growth? There is none. Our merciless leaders have become deaf to our pleas and blind to our misery.

The Zimbabwe Dream

But let us not shake our heads in despair at the tragedy of what Zimbabwe has become – nor what it could have been. No! We must rather shake ourselves out of our self-pity, transform our lives, and commit ourselves to making the Zimbabwe Dream come true! The time has come for us to take matters into our own hands and to chart our own destiny. The path may be steep and the journey long, but with hope in our hearts and faith in our quest, we will prevail.

Transform Zimbabwe!

The 9th December 2013 was an historic day.

It marked the formation of Transform Zimbabwe under the inspired leadership of Jacob C.S. Ngarivhume (pictured), a devout Christian.

Transform Zimbabwe, our new party, is founded on Five Pillars for national renewal and responsible government.

  1. 1.      Creating a New Culture of Politics

The foundation of responsible government lies in the core values and principles of a truly democratic political culture. Creating a new political culture begins with our own inner transformation that makes trust, tolerance and integrity a way a thinking and behaving, and a way of life. Only then can we become worthy role models for our families and communities and leaders of our nation.

  1. 2.      Strong and Principled Leadership

Transform Zimbabwe’s leadership is based on three core principles. First, all leaders must be imbued with an unshakeable inner strength to uphold our most cherished human values and the principles of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Second, all leaders must be held to account through transparent processes and subject to checks and balances. And, third, all leaders must be chosen freely, fairly, and without fear or intimidation. By abiding by these principles, Transform Zimbabwe will cultivate leaders at all levels of society who are dedicated to serve the people, who lead by example, and who inspire respect.

  1. 3.      Good Governance

Transform Zimbabwe is committed to the principles of good governance. The first is democracy. Free, fair and peaceful elections are only the starting point. Democracy must be deepened by the clear separation of powers and by ensuring that our state institutions – especially the police and judiciary – serve all citizens efficiently and impartially, regardless of their gender, ethnic origins or political affiliation. The second key principle is respect for the rule of law. Judicial rulings based on just laws must be respected without exception. But how can we know that our laws are just? It is because they must adhere to the third principle of good governance: respect for human rights under international law.

  1. 4.      Building a Competitive Economy

Transform Zimbabwe promises a path to prosperity based on economic renewal and growth. This will be achieved by the building of an inclusive, synergetic and competitive economy. There is essentially one criterion for us to grow and prosper. It is increased productivity. The equation is simple: the more investment we attract and the better businesses perform, the faster we grow and the more jobs we create. The basic mechanism to allocate resources efficiently and meet demand is through the market.

  1. 5.      Empowering Citizens

An inclusive economic policy is founded on the empowerment of citizens. By empowerment we mean creating an enabling environment to provide every Zimbabwean with the opportunity to realise their full potential and to earn sufficient income to care properly for themselves and their families. How can this be done? A fundamental prerequisite of empowerment is access by all to a decent education. But it also means extending property rights to as many citizens as possible and creating fair and efficient markets in which all citizens are free to participate in order to maximise their productive and earning potential.

Join Us!

What others fail to do for us, we must do for ourselves. Where there is a political culture of corruption and impunity, we must nurture a political culture of goodwill, trust, tolerance and integrity. Where we have leaders who are intent only on power, personal gain and self-enrichment, we must replace them with leaders who are dedicated to the welfare of our people and our nation. Where we have a government that denies its own people the protection of the law, human rights and democracy, we must form a government based on the values and principles of good governance. Where we have self-defeating economic policies based on patronage and populism, we must deliver a strong and competitive economy founded on market-based economic principles.

We urge you to add your voice to our just and non-violent struggle by joining Transform Zimbabwe!

May peace be with you and God bless our beloved country

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