Zimbabwe Situation

Zimbabwe Politics At Stand Still As Opposition Presses Reforms

via Zimbabwe Politics At Stand Still As Opposition Presses Reforms – VOA 18.06.2015

Nearly two years after the 2013-elections, characterized by some as a Zanu PF landslide, and others a farce, muddled politics in Zimbabwe have remained the order of the day, with ordinary Zimbabweans reeling from its impact.

Analysts have said Zimbabwe remains a threat to the region’s stability and security, and opposition parties and civil society organizations have called for urgent intervention from the regional body Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the continental Africa Union, both chaired by Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe.

Citing the alleged abduction of Occupy Africa Unity Square leader, Itai Dzamara, Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition said Mr. Mugabe had so far failed to address human rights violations in Zimbabwe and other nations.

But with MDC opposition parties boycotting elections in Zimbabwe, and newly emerging parties adding their voice to calls for electoral reforms, the question remains if Zimbabwe will avert its political challenges in the nearest future.

Movement for Democratic Change formation of Morgan Tsvangirai spokesman Obert Gutu said with the political climate at a standstill, nothing in Zimbabwe will move forward. He challenged the accusations that his party’s refusal to enter any elections until the government makes reforms, play to the advantage of Zanu PF,  saying the move is to place pressure on Mr. Mugabe and his government.

“What we are simply doing as the MDC is to exert pressure from the illegitimate Zanu PF administration to ensure that at the end of the day, they will carry out electoral reforms that will even up the playing field,” said Gutu

Responding Zanu PF activist and political commentator Morris Ngwenya said the statements by the MDC and Gutu were mere rhetoric.

“How can you now talk of reforms when almost the similar conditions that prevailed in 2013, when they were trounced in the elections, they participated under the same circumstances,” said Ngwenya.

He added Zanu PF is under no pressure as the status quo remains and the ruling party is working on the economy under its economic empowerment program, ZimAsset.

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