Zimbabwe Situation

Zimbabwean Downing Street Racism Demonstration

via Zimbabwean Downing Street Racism Demonstration – The Zimbabwean 25 June 2015

Zimbabwean exiles in the UK are to present a petition to Prime Minister David Cameron’s official residence at 10 Downing Street on Saturday 27th June disowning anti-white comments by President Mugabe and calling for his arraignment before the International Criminal Court.

On a recent visit to the headquarters of the Southern African Development Community in Botswana, Mugabe referred to the latest xenophobic violence in South Africa and said Africans should direct their anger at whites rather than fellow blacks.

The Zimbabwe Vigil, which has been protesting outside the Zimbabwe Embassy in London for the past 13 years, and its associates Zimbabwe Yes We Can and the Restoration of Human Rights in Zimbabwe, have written a letter to assure Mr Cameron that Mugabe’s racism does not represent the views of the Zimbabwean people.

David Kadzutu of Zimbabwe Yes We Can says: ‘His comment is an embarrassment to Zimbabweans forced by his misrule to seek the hospitality of other countries’.

The petition reads: ‘Exiled Zimbabweans, supporters and friends, at the Vigil outside the Zimbabwe Embassy in London, record our disgust at the anti-white rants of Zimbabwe’s illegitimate President Mugabe. We wish to affirm our unwavering support of Zimbabwe’s constitutional requirement for non-racism.’

The petition has gained hundreds of signatures since it was launched at the Vigil two weeks ago. The signatories are people – from all over the world – who have passed by the Vigil held every Saturday outside the Embassy on The Strand near Trafalgar Square.


2 pm: Meet outside the Zimbabwe Embassy, 429 Strand, London WC2R 0JR

3.15 pm: Gather for prompt 3.30 pm set off to 10 Downing Street

4 pm: Petition presentation

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