Zimbabwe Situation

West the real enemy – Mugabe | The Herald

via West the real enemy, says President | The Herald December 16, 2013 by Tendai Mugabe

Zanu-PF’s crushing victory over the MDC formations in the harmonised elections is a triumph over neo-imperialist machinations by the British and American governments and their agents, President Mugabe has said.

Old man wearing circus ring-leader’s gaudy shirt

Zanu-PF won a crushing two thirds majority while President Mugabe romped to victory with more than 61 percent of the valid votes cast.

President Mugabe said MDC-T had never been a threat to Zanu-PF.

Officially opening the Zanu-PF 14th Annual National People’s Conference in Chinhoyi last Friday, President Mugabe said MDC-T was a mere Trojan horse of Western interests that were keen to direct how Zimbabwe should be run.

“I greet you also as heroes, our heroes, political heroes of Zimbabwe who on the 31st of July did an honour of vanquishing the machinations and clandestine activities, subversive activities of the British and the Americans as they sponsored the MDC as their tool.

“Tinotenda, makazviita, isu hatina kuona MDC sekunge ndiyo yaitirwisa. Vaitirwisa maBritish nemaAmericans. “Ndovaida kuona vapa mazimari, vapa rubatsiro kwemakore isu vatikuvadza nemasanctions, vaida kuona MDC ichibudirira. Makaramba. Makati kwete never, ever. Zimbabwe will never be a colony again.”

President Mugabe paid tribute to Zanu-PF members for voting wisely in the harmonised elections.

“Zviye zvamakandiita 2008 ndatokanganwa. Secondly, thank you for giving us as a party this high level of honour. Vese vemuAfrica . . . do not know how we did it. Vari kungozunza misoro kuti how did we do it.”

President Mugabe said in 2008 some people accused him of selling out when he formed an inclusive Government with the two MDC formations.

He said Zanu-PF took advantage of the inclusive Government to regroup and come up with new strategies.

“2008 yakauya tikati toshanda pamwe chete nana (Morgan) Tsvangirai vamwe vakati President vatengesa, vatengesa ndikati haa regai nditengese zvangu,” he said.

“Vana (Morgan) Tsvangirai na (Arthur) Mutambara taiita meeting every week kuState House tichimwa tea tose zvakanaka-naka asi taingoshanda muparty medu tichiziva zvatiri kuita.

“Zvino five years dzasvika ivo vange vachiramba vaine chizvondo vakuda kuramba maelections after five years when the Constitution and the Electoral Law requires us to hold elections because elections must be held every five years zvonzi ngatipfuudzei five, hapoka apo.

‘‘And vaive nevamwe vedu futi vemuregion vaivabatsira kuti regererai — ah masecurity matters pane nyaya dzakawanda dzinosungirwa kugadzirwa. But those are matters if you do not agree munoenda nadzo kuelection muchiti isu tinoda kugadziridza nyaya idzi dziri kurambwa neparty iyi.

“Anyway, you did us an honour we went through a tortuous row — a five year humiliation but takangozvidukupisa over those five years tichiziva kuti ah people have to know who this other side are.

‘‘If you want go back again hameno zvenyu munotsva ikoko. Kugehena ka uku. You now know the difference between heaven and earth. Kana mange musingazivi kunaSatana ndikoko.”

Earlier, the President asked delegates attending the conference to observe a minute of silence in honour of nine national heroes and former South Africa president Nelson Mandela who all passed on this year.


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