Tag: 2 January 2015

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What Mugabe promised thirty four years ago

via What Mugabe promised thirty four years ago - NewsDay Zimbabwe December 31, 2014 This is a speech by Zimbabwe’s Prime Minister designate Robert ...

Holiday death toll hits 91

via Holiday death toll hits 91 | The Herald January 1, 2015 NINETY-ONE people have died while 635 others have been injured in 1 185 road accidents ...

China reclaims top virginia tobacco importer position

via China reclaims top virginia tobacco importer position | The Herald January 1, 2015 CHINA has reclaimed its position as Zimbabwe’s top virginia ...

Govt reacts to armyworm outbreak

via Govt reacts to armyworm outbreak | The Herald January 1, 2015 Government has started distributing chemicals to spray armyworms countrywide as e ...

Zanu-PF mobilising inputs for duped farmers

via Zanu-PF mobilising inputs for duped farmers | The Herald January 1, 2015 Zanu-PF is mobilising farming inputs from well-wishers to bail out abo ...

Plot to oust Chamisa thickens

via Plot to oust Chamisa thickens | The Herald January 1, 2015 Senior MDC-T national executive members plan to pass a vote of no confidence in the ...

2015 year to consolidate positions: Opposition

via 2015 year to consolidate positions: Opposition - NewsDay Zimbabwe January 1, 2015 OPOSITION political parties see 2015 as the year to consolida ...

Mnangagwa snubs duped farmers

via Mnangagwa snubs duped farmers - NewsDay Zimbabwe January 1, 2015 FARMERS allegedly duped millions of dollars by a Zanu PF linked company, Lasch ...

Potraz slashes mobile call charges

via Potraz slashes mobile call charges - NewsDay Zimbabwe January 1, 2015 THE Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potra ...

The ZimAsset pipedream

via The ZimAsset pipedream - NewsDay Zimbabwe January 1, 2015 President Robert Mugabe is truly an inveterate creator of myths which continue to be ...
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