Tag: National Oil Company of Zimbabwe
Vultures looking for a meal in the oil
Source: Vultures looking for a meal in the oil | The Standard
corruptionwatch:WITH TAWANDA MAJONI
There are some things that people keep tal ...
Zim poised to become regional fuel hub
Source: Zim poised to become regional fuel hub | The Herald
Minister Soda
Golden Sibanda and Farirai Machivenyika
Zimbabwe has laid o ...
Fuel dealers cornered
Source: Fuel dealers cornered | The Herald June 17, 2019
Ms Mazani
Nesia Mhaka Herald Reporter
The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority has cornered fu ...
Major shake-up looms at NSSA
Source: Major shake-up looms at NSSA | The Sunday Mail April 7, 2019
Brian Chitemba
Investigations Editor
A major shake-up is expected at ...
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