Grace Mugabe’s masters research ‘upgraded’ to PhD

via Grace Mugabe’s masters research ‘upgraded’ to PhD September 22, 2014

HARARE — Soon after being shoe-horned into the top ranks of Zimbabwe’s ruling party, the wife of ageing leader President Robert Mugabe has gained a PhD in orphanages, seen as the latest sign that she may be destined for high office.

In a country where the path to power is paved with academic letters, analysts said the timing of the First Lady’s surprise qualification was no coincidence.
Armed with a PhD, a seat in the Zanu PF politburo and her 90-year-old husband’s ear at home, Grace has become a political force as the battle hots up to succeed the only leader Zimbabwe has known since independence in 1980.

Some have even speculated that Africa’s oldest leader is grooming his 49-year-old wife, nicknamed “Gucci Grace” for her reputed dedication to shopping, to take over.

Although her Zanu PF credentials are thin, a group of female members recently launched plans to install her at the helm of their Women’s League.

Tongues wagged harder still when she completed her doctorate last week, just three months after it was announced that she was doing one.

“This is a political conferment. A lot of politically connected individuals have been getting free degrees here and at other State universities,” a source at the University of Zimbabwe (UZ), whose chancellor Robert Mugabe has seven degrees, told an opposition newspaper.

The UZ declined to comment, but a source there told Reuters she enrolled for a masters in 2011 and her tutor considered her research to be “ground-breaking and contributing enormously to the body of knowledge” so it was upgraded to a doctorate.

Her qualification was celebrated in Zanu PF, where it was also taken as a sign of her rising prominence.

“It was not given. It was acquired quietly without her telling the world,” Zanu PF Member of Parliament Justice Mayor Wadyajena said a day after her graduation.

“Women, youths and chiefs say to Dr Mugabe, the sky is the limit.”

One Zanu PF politburo member told Reuters that Mugabe, who has always kept rivals guessing on his next move, could step down once he has secured a final five-year term in 2018 — by which time he will be 94 — to make way for his wife.

However, this could prove too much for Zanu PF generals who have always stated they will not recognise a leader who did not fight in the 1970s liberation war against the white-minority government of then-Rhodesia.

That includes Grace, a secretary in the presidential office when she met Mugabe and started an affair while his first wife, Sally, was terminally ill.
“Being the Machiavellian political operator he is, Mugabe is wise enough to know the red line in Zanu PF which he himself cannot cross,” Eldred Masunungure, a political science lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe said.

“So I clearly dismiss the possibility of her taking over the crown. The crown is too heavy. She will be swallowed whole. Zanu PF is more and more carnivorous and she will be consumed.”
— Reuters


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    Grabmore 10 years ago

    Thanks for clearing that up Justice Mayor….. Zimbabweans have a good understanding of what the word ‘acquired’ means.

    “It was acquired quietly without her telling the world,” Zanu PF Member of Parliament Justice Mayor Wadyajena said a day after her graduation.

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      Ed Melik, Esq. 10 years ago

      What is so abnormal or unique for a political leader to acquire an advanced degree like a PhD. based on life experience. We in the USA faces this situation all the times. Starting from our Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, Senators, Congressmen and women, and scores of other high power and highly placed individuals obtain such credentials all the time. So having Mrs. Mugabe receive a legitimate PhD. according to her professor(s) is totally normal. Besides, the truth is that such paper-tigers have lost their value in this day and age. Now a days, at least in the West, high school drop outs become zillioniars and hire scores of MIT, Harvard, Cornell, Stanford, University of London, Oxford etc., graduates to work for them. So the real old fashion value of a university degree is no longer carries the prestige and luster as it did in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. After the information revolution, degree holders are flipping hamburgers and turning hot dogs because most arts and humanities subjects have become useless these days less you have an IT, medical, or some technical capabilities with some form of formal paper called “Degree”, “Diploma”, “Special Skill Certificate” etc. etc. So let Mrs. Mugabe enjoy her PhD. for what it’s worth. Of course, those who hate the President for all sorts of reasons will never accept any things positive coming from Pres. Mugabe’s circle of friends and family. Wonder what is in the score for Mr. and Mrs. Mugabe’s off springs? They must get involved in some form of community based social or cultural programs as well! Keep the vigil on Zimbabwean because the West is gearing up to make the lives of ordinary Zimbabwean a hell. We in the USA and EU are broke and printing worthless US dollars and Euros without any thing to back them up so they are eying Zimbabwe in particular but Africa in general for their natural resources. While Cuba has sent an army of doctors and medical assistants to help Ebola infested countries but USA and its minions are setting up military basis and sending armed military instead. Who do you think is doing the humane thing? Cuba or the West? Unless Zimbabweans start exploiting the West the way the West inhumanly exploited Africa, there won’t be much help coming in form of aids, grants or loans from the West without strings attached! So keep the vigil on and keep the dirty criminal fangs of the West far far away from Africa! God bless Zimbabwe and it’s courageous people!

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        the evil west were the first to send doctors for the ebola crisis… expand your reading beyond the herald, numb nuts.

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        truthhurts 10 years ago

        Point of fact Mr Esquire, I just graduated in the UK, and was employed as a scientist the second I had my results, and the employment rate for graduates at Surrey Uni is 96.9%. The second a university hands out PHDs to politicians wives is the second your degree becomes worthless, and nobody is going to take you seriously. The only thing grace mugabe has contributed to orphanages is filling them up with the victims of her and her husbands policies. So be happy with this news from the presidents friends and family, but only if you havent got a degree, because after agriculture, finance, industry, transport, utilities that selfish motherf888er and his atrocious family have ruined the last establishment anyone had any respect for.

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        dubbozimbo 10 years ago

        “the west is going to make life in Zim hell…..” LOL….. you idiot….. Bob has accomplished that all on his own.

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        I will rather have the West plunder our resources that our own few black brothers! who torture and leave us for dead and hungry So yes they should come!

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    choo-o 10 years ago

    what is to “upgrade a degree”.what does it involve and what does it take.

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    kalulu 10 years ago

    There is saying that says ‘Power corrupts and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely’. O! Cry the Beloved Country Zimbabwe.

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      tapiwa 10 years ago

      Yes she did not achieve it or work for it but just “acquired” it akangoionawo akati ndionida and took it

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        tapiwa 10 years ago

        it possible kuti akango muka akanzwa Robert achiti nhasi I am going KuUZ and he then just said I am coming along and I want you to ‘give me’ a Phd and UZ was hastingly informed to make arrangements.

      • comment-avatar
        tapiwa 10 years ago

        it’s possible kuti akango muka akanzwa Robert achiti nhasi I am going KuUZ and he then just said I am coming along and I want you to ‘give me’ a Phd and UZ was hastingly informed to make arrangements.

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    Lindy Lou 10 years ago

    What is so very sad about this fiasco is that legitimate degrees will no longer be recognized in the real world. What a bloody mess ZANU has made of a once wonderful country with highly intelligent people excluding the majority of ZANU who are a bunch of total morons.I do not feel pity only scorn for spineless people who just go along with what they have day after day and do nothing but whine.Do something about it bunch of bloody cowards.

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    Chidumbu 10 years ago

    See you can buy anything in Zimbabwe, even the ministers say ” if we put a baboon as a Zanu PF candidate, you vote for that Baboon” buy them degrees and they might run the country better than Zanu PF

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    Sonofngwazi 10 years ago


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    Soon someone will credit DisGraceless ness- with shooting down a plane during the war. Or maybe she haboured fighters risking her life .Anything is possible in the shady land of ZANU-PF

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    Rukweza 10 years ago

    To neutralize the generals can simple appoint new ones then put amai did you see how zvinavashe was neutralized?

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    This free handing/conferment of degrees to influential people who have not studied for them will unfortunately have dire consequences to innocents who have obtained qualifications from the same govt unis.I sympathise with the UZ officials in a way.After a visit from the dark glassed vampires they were given two options: handover the PhDs and keep your jobs. Dont and lose your jobs with possible disappearance or criminals charges. Given that most public Office holders (govt unis included) in Zim loot using their positions its always easy for the looting govt to threaten them.

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    UZ went down the toilet years ago. It’s fitting Disgrace has one of their degrees.

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    nyoni 10 years ago

    PHD. Does it mean Photo Hut DUMPED.

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    Gandanga 10 years ago

    Very soon we will be hearing that deGrace was a ferocious freedom fighter. Unotonzwa zvavekunzi deGrace akadonhedza ndege mbiri dzevavengi muhondo yechimurenga wobva washaya kuti zvirikumbofamba sei

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    just saying 10 years ago

    This development has no relevance to our situation so I urge my fellow Zimbabweans not to waste their time & energy on this ‘non event’. There are far more important matters to get excited about.

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    Marimba 10 years ago

    Ed Maliki Esq…… Especially Stupid and Quaint…….

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    Brian 10 years ago

    The central requirement of a PhD – as opposed to a Masters – is that the research produces new knowledge. What new knowledge has Grace revealed? If however it is an honorary Doctorate it is a piece of paper on which she can wipe her bum. The beauty of an “honorary” PhD is that no thesis need be published. Will we ever see her Masters (regurgitated literature + ghost written)thesis? Who were her supervisors?