Chaos mars Zanu PF DCC probe 

Source: Chaos mars Zanu PF DCC probe – NewsDay Zimbabwe


CHAOS last week marred a probe into the disputed Zanu PF Umzingwane district co-ordinating committee (DCC) elections after local legislator Levi Mayihlome allegedly disrupted the proceedings before he was kicked out of the meeting by party national commissar Victor Matemadanda.

Matemadanda and his probe team were in Matabeleland South, Matabeleland North and Masvingo provinces to investigate disputed DCC election results.

The ruling party held its DCC elections last December, but most of the losing candidates claimed that the polls were marred by irregularities.

In Hwange, Reeds Dube, who lost the chairmanship to Matthew Muleya challenged the results, arguing that the polls were not free and fair.

In Matabeleland South, Provincial Affairs minister Abednico Ncube demanded a re-run.

In Umzingwane, Mayihlome lodged a complaint with the party’s national election directorate after losing the chairmanship to Ephraim Nkomo.

It is understood that when Mayihlome arrived at the meeting on Thursday, he almost exchanged blows with Zanu PF Matabeleland South youth chairperson Washington Nkomo after claiming that the probe team had shut his sympathisers out.

“He also had a heated exchange with  (provincial) administration secretary William Dhewa over the issue.

“He complained against the manner the investigation was being conducted,” a party insider said.

The chaos briefly stopped the proceedings before Matemadanda stepped in and ordered Mayihlome to leave the venue.

Contacted for comment, Mayihlome said: “I cannot comment on internal party matters.

“It’s an internal issue which is not for public discussion.”

Both Dhewa and provincial chairperson Rabelani Choeni declined to comment on the matter referring questions to Matemadanda.

The DCCs were reintroduced last year after they were disbanded in 2012 with the late former President Robert Mugabe describing them as divisive.