Chinese tour President’s farm 

Source: Chinese tour President’s farm | The Herald December 26, 2019

Chinese tour President’s farmPresident Mnangagwa, First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa and farm manager Patrick Mnangagwa lead the China Lesso Delegation headed by Mr Tang Hai Bo(left) on a tour of their Precabe Farm in Sherwood outside Kwekwe on Christmas Day.— Picture: Tawanda Mudimu

Farirai Machivenyika Senior Reporter
While Zimbabweans were enjoying Christmas on Wednesday, the First Family was busy at its Pricabe Farm in Sherwood on the outskirts of Kwekwe, hosting a Chinese delegation that wants to invest in the agriculture sector.

The delegation from the China Lesso Group is here at the invitation of First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa following her recent visit to the Asian country.

The firm deals in agriculture, home equipment and PVC products and is interested in investing in irrigation technology.

Speaking to journalists during the tour of the farm where there are thriving maize and soya bean crops, the President said his family was playing its part in producing for the country.

“No, no I am not (getting my hands dirty). This is life. This is what God said in Genesis, idyai zveziya (enjoy the fruits of your sweat) and that is what we are doing,” President Mnangagwa said.

“These (China Lesso Group) are some of the companies that she met in China who have come and have a bias towards agriculture and they are looking around to see the type of soils, the type of climate and the type of crops that we grow in Zimbabwe so that they can adjust their plans in order to invest in the agricultural field in Zimbabwe and I am saying we will offer them land and they can grow crops here both for domestic consumption as well as in the area of citrus fruits for exports.”

In her remarks, the First Lady said it was her duty as a citizen to market the country to investors.

“When I went there, I was just representing Angel of Hope Foundation and they had invited me on the foundation issues,” she said.

“But when I was there it changed to be a big project for Government and as a citizen I have been selling my country to them to come to Zimbabwe and do something with us. That’s what you are seeing.

“But I must say I am most interested in what they said today that they are also prepared to train our farmers and to take them to China to get more experience there.”

Head of delegation Mr Tang Hai Bo said there was room to improve the country’s agricultural sector.

“We have already visited six farms, but I want to say there is a lot of scope for cooperation and there is a lot of potential for us to improve agriculture and also the training of Zimbabwean farmers,” he said.

The delegation has visited farms in Harare, Mashonaland West, the Midlands and Matabeleland South.


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    ace mukadota 5 years ago

    Who did Comrade ED aquire his farm from comrades ? – did he buy it with his own money or was it taken from a former commercial farmer who built it up over many decades of hard work. ZW will not attract foreign investment , even these friendly Chinese if there is no security of title over any asset – be it farm property or bicycles !
    ED does not get his hands dirty – chefs never do but of course retain 99% of the cash if any – oh and of course do not pay any tax – only for dumb people

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    MILES R ANDERSON 5 years ago

    Like your style Comrade. Yup, Kleptocrat Ed shows off his ill gotten gains while our country starves !

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    GoRobin 5 years ago

    ED just wants a donation of irrigation equipment so he can further his commercial interests. The Dictatorship has no interest in the people they rule.