Source: Council begins water meter procurement | The Herald August 8, 2019
Prepaid water meter Wimbainashe Zhakata Manicaland Post Correspondent
MUTARE City Council has started procurement of conventional water meters which will benefit hundreds of customers in the city.The meters will help curb the loss of non-revenue water in the city. Installation of the meters at identified properties is expected to begin soon.
The council’s public relations officer Mr Spren Mutiwi confirmed the development.
“We have started the process of procuring conventional water meters for our top 100 customers,” said Mr Mutiwi.
“The water meters include bulk and ordinary meters. Some of our customers also include those in the industrial areas. The process will go along in reducing the non-revenue water loss which is still high.
“The first batch was procured at the cost of $65 362. We have scenarios where some of the customers have no water meter at all while some have malfunctioning ones which are costing the city lots of treated water. Great strides have been made by the council to reduce the non-revenue water, (67 percent) in 2017 and 64 percent in 2019.”
Mr Mutiwi expressed concern over the vandalism of property, particularly water pipes.
“Council is also moving in to secure water valves that were vandalised mostly by those engaging in illegal activities, chief culprits being illegal car washes that have mushroomed in town,” he said.
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