Develop practical solutions, war vets told

Source: The Herald – Breaking news.

Develop practical solutions, war vets told 
Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Affairs Minister, Monica Mavhunga said her ministry remains clear on objectives and targets that are aligned to the overarching goal of enhancing the welfare and economic empowerment of the veterans and heroes’ dependants.

Columbus Mabika-Herald Reporter

Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Affairs Minister, Monica Mavhunga has called on boards under her ministry to harness collective expertise and experience to develop practical solutions that will make a tangible difference in the lives of ex-freedom fighters.

The ministry has four boards established to uplift the lives of veterans and their dependants, namely the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle, the Heroes Dependants Assistance Board, Veterans Investment Cooperation board and the Power Zimbabwe board.

Speaking during the first quarter meeting of the boards on Friday last week, Minister Mavhunga said her ministry remains clear on objectives and targets that are aligned to the overarching goal of enhancing the welfare and economic empowerment of the veterans and heroes’ dependants.

“The challenges facing our veterans and their dependants are multifaceted. 

“They range from access to quality healthcare and education to opportunities for economic empowerment. It is incumbent upon us to develop innovative strategies and initiatives to address these challenges comprehensively and effectively,” she said.

“It is crucial that you remain mindful of the unique challenges facing our veterans and heroes dependants, particularly as they age. Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our nation, and it is our duty to ensure that they are able to age gracefully with the dignity and respect they deserve.”

This includes not only providing for the needs of the veterans themselves, but also extending care and support to their dependants and surviving spouses, the minister added.

By prioritising the welfare and economic empowerment of war veterans, it is not only honouring their sacrifices, but also ensuring that their legacy lives on for generations to come.

It is through collective efforts, she added, that invaluable lessons are imparted to the younger generation, instilling in them a profound sense of gratitude, patriotism, and respect for those who have served before them.

Minister Mavhunga said her ministry will soon be continuing with the vetting exercise which is geared towards ascertaining all those deserving benefits.

This follows the implementation of the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Act that was enacted in 2020 to provide a holistic approach to the welfare of the veterans in their respective categories.

 The law recognises the four categories of the veterans of the liberation struggle as provided for by the Constitution and they are; the war veterans, ex-political prisoners, detainees and restrictees, non-combatant cadres and war collaborators.

The legal requirement on age for one to qualify the vetting process is that one should have been 16 years by December 31, 1979.