Electorate must be wary of vote buyers

Source: Electorate must be wary of vote buyers – DailyNews Live

STAFF WRITER      8 January 2018

HARARE – The year 2018 has begun in earnest and the keenly-awaited
harmonised elections are fast approaching.

The electorate must be careful as sitting and aspiring legislators have
started making beelines to different constituencies in the country.

The major purpose of the visits is to coax the ordinary citizen into
voting for them come the next election.

At times they take with them loads of goodies which they use to buy the
voters. It is a double tragedy for some constituents for they have
previously lost lot through misappropriated Constituency Development Funds

What is perhaps critical for voters is that they should be able to make
their choices free from any possible coercion that may come from aspiring

A number of them have not moved from their past modus operandi where they
would force voters into submission through intimidation and sheer violence
targeted at any dissenting voices.

Poor performance by legislators is a cancer that cuts across the political
divide in the same way the CDF abuse took place.

For this reason, the electorate must take stock of what their respective
legislators delivered during their five-year terms or even beyond for

Most constituents are aware of the problems that bedevil their communities
among them the provision of safe drinking water, poor road networks that
have worsened with decades of neglect as well as connectivity challenges
which are inconsistent with the current global technological trajectory.

With the exception of a few legislators, the bulk of them have been guilty
of this transgression. Of course, there are some whose performance has
been stellar and they must not fret over being painted by the same brush.

The legislators themselves must remember that the electorate is not that
daft. Gone are the days when they would be pushed into submission by
greedy politicians and they still retain some measure of autonomy to make
free choices in national political decisions.

In the past few months, several politicians have been visiting their
constituencies for the first time in five years but the people are now
mature and know they will use their vote to respond to such situations.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has already promised that the 2018 elections
will be free and fair, leaving legislators – both sitting and aspiring
with huge tasks to convince voters to pick on them.


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    Nyoni 7 years ago

    Assume the elections are free and fair will the majority of our people be aware of this given their treatment over the years by ZanuPF.

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    Fallenz 7 years ago

    Nyoni, I think it doubtful. ZANUPF has placed much of their power in tribalism, and they will continue to “play that card”. With so little actual truth reaching the people, I doubt the majority actually understand that ZANUPF rule has been the reason for Zim’s failure, and therefore their individual hardships. A combination of a lack of a free press, and zanupf’s paid purveyors of lies allowed to continue uncontested, keeps the people blinded. Mnangagwa’s grand pronouncements aren’t intended for the Zim slaves, but for the international community… whom he perceives to be gullible and manipulateable. ZANUPF has no intention of allowing free and fair elections.

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    In the Uk and USA there are politicians who peddle lies. They do not know when they are doing it, it is so seconded nature to them. It is electorates responsibility to deal with this. If somebody approaches you and says “I will give you this bag of potatoes (or whatever) IF you vote for me”. Why the hell do you not smell at rat immediately? Why would he do this?, does his policies not stand up on their own?. I had a boss who would say ANYTHING to protect his backside, he was pathological ‘me me’ man.
    Maybe its education and follow the chap next door syndrome. But Frankly can you not see what mess you are in?. It’s not the Whites, the non exisitant sanctions. It is exactly what it said on the tin the party you voted for came in.