Source: Guards injured in machete attack | The Herald November 1, 2018
Fortunate Gora Mashonaland West Correspondent
SECURITY guards at Eldorado Mine sustained serious injuries following an attack by machete-wielding artisanal miners who were trying to force their way into the mine.The guards fired a warning shot before they were disarmed by the miners who attacked them with machetes and knives.
More than 40 armed men descended on the mine in the early hours of Sunday morning demanding to be allowed entry into the mine, which was closed recently following the collapse of a shaft that led to the death of about 14 people.
Mashonaland West acting provincial police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Ian Kohwera said the armed men attacked four security guards who were guarding the mine’s head gear.
“Four security guards were on duty guarding the head gear when a mob of about 40 men attacked them while threatening to kill them if they denied them entry into the mineshaft,’’ he said.
“Taking advantage of the defenceless security guards some of the robbers entered the mine while others remained outside. The group later exited the mine and smashed the window of a Toyota Hilux, which was parked in the garage.”
They stole car parts and disappeared from the scene leaving the injured security guards helpless.
The injured were later taken to Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital for treatment by well-wishers.
Insp Kohwera appealed to the community to come forward with information that could lead to the arrest of the accused persons before calling on owners of Eldorado Mine to tighten security to avoid illegal entrance into the mineshaft.
At least 14 illegal gold miners were trapped at Eldorado Mine after a mineshaft collapsed before it was sealed off but reports indicate that artisanal miners were still continuing with mining activities.
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