God might take Mugabe soon: Mujuru

via God might take Mugabe soon: Mujuru.

VICE President Joice Mujuru touched off a storm on Sunday after appearing to suggest President Robert Mugabe’s natural life was drawing to a close, and declaring herself his replacement.

Mujuru addressed a gathering at her farm in Beatrice to mark the first anniversary of her husband’s death – and then surprised the press pack by seeking out a reporter from the privately-owned Daily News for an exclusive interview.

She told the newspaper that the 89-year-old Mugabe, who just won a sixth term in office and is due to be inaugurated this week, had moulded her into the “best leader”.

Mujuru told the Daily News that a new constitution signed into law in May allows Zanu PF to appoint Mugabe’s successor to finish his term as President in the event that he dies – and by virtue of being Vice President, she is that successor.

She went on: “We know that the president will soon be 90, and God might decide to call him. He has taught us a lot on how to lead the party.

“Zanu PF will never die because President Mugabe is no longer there; there are people who now can lead the party.”

Hours after the publication of the story, her aides, led by Sylvester Nguni, a minister of state in her office, made feverish calls to journalists claiming the newspaper had overplayed her comments.

Elsewhere, senior Zanu PF officials were privately briefing against her for what they saw as her failure to curb her ambitions.

“There is anger in the party,” said one senior official. “People are already calling it the ‘Beatrice Betrayal’. You don’t talk about your leader like that, especially when he has just comprehensively won a fresh mandate from the people and has yet to even be inaugurated.

“She is trying to play God, being 89 does not mean you’re about to die. For all we know, she might die first.”

In his 33 years in power, Mugabe has ruthlessly stifled the succession debate in his party, demoting over-ambitious leaders and isolating their supporters.

The Zanu PF leader was due to return from a SADC summit in Malawi on Sunday night, and it is customary for Mujuru to welcome him at the airport – making for an awkward moment for Mujuru as Mugabe would no doubt have been briefed about her comments before getting off the plane.

Said another Zanu PF official: “It’s unlikely the President will even mention it to her – and that’s where her punishment is, now knowing what Mugabe makes of it all. Over time, she will feel increasingly isolated, that’s how Mugabe operates.

“She may very well have blown her chances of getting the President’s endorsement to be the next leader of Zanu PF.”

Analysts say Zanu PF is divided into two main factions – one led by Mujuru and another led by Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa.

“Mugabe holds the two factions like glue, he commands their respect, but once he is out of the way, there will be nothing stopping them from taking a mutually destructing course,” according to academic, Brilliant Mhlanga.


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    Kusvikazvanaka 11 years ago

    Ummmm…Mai Mujuru should be careful…she might be killed for suggesting that Gushungo will soon die.

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    MikeH 11 years ago

    “mugabe’s natural life was drawing to a close” …. AND THE SOONER THE BETTER !!! But perhaps that should have read un-natural life.

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      Phyllis 11 years ago

      God won’t be taking Mugabe – this evil man will be going straight to Hell!!!!

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    Pachokwadi 11 years ago

    1980 18 April was our indipendence day, hopefully our freedom day is coming soon as mail mujuru suggests Mugabe might be taken by God very soon even though I doubt God will take Mugabe. Rather the devil will call him home as one of his greatest angels ever to curse Africa. I can’t wait for that freedom day, the day bob dies. Joyce you where trained by Bob but I still can’t think you can be half as evil as he is.

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    jv chin 11 years ago


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      Chivula Mapoti 11 years ago

      1. Gukurahundi – “Running with my Mother”, plus the mass graves.
      2. 39 farms between RGM and Dis-grace, when people are starving.
      3. 33 years and visible poverty and suffering everywhere.
      4. Highly visible cronies all millionaires, like Gen. Mujuru – $9 billion!
      5. Let me be Hitler times 10, mmmmmm!
      Want some more!

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    mutakura 11 years ago

    My favourite tv station is National Geo Wld on DSTV. I love to see how lions ,jackals, hyenas and wild dogs tear each other over a carcass. When mugabe goes thats what is going to happen in zanupf. Wait and see.

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    Jv chin. He presided over a genoicide in Matabeleland. Thousands died. i was young at the time but i witnessed it with my own eyes.Siyamfuna.You see who does that and is not evil?

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    Greyhora 11 years ago

    So, Zanu PF imbeciles want to be told Mugabe will live forever? he is nearing 90 and at that age, death is never far!!

    • comment-avatar
      Chivula Mapoti 11 years ago

      Mugabe is 92!
      He lied about his age when he was a boy, saying he was younger than his actual age (11), to get into Jesuit school. He was a small boy for his age and they never questioned him.
      They entered his age (8) into the Register and that’s what he is today,three years older.

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    Whatever the case may be , I don’t give a damn

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    Robert Chatunga 11 years ago

    Pliz dnt create stories against mai Mujuru, mabasa evasingadi amai vavagadzirira nyaya kuti varaswe naBob.

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    D Joubert 11 years ago

    Dont be worrying to much about God.Mugabe is a deeply spiritual man.He clings to every minute of life because he is afraid to confront the ancient spirits over his deeds.

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    lovelly 10 years ago