via By Andrew Manyevere
Traditionally anti-hills are a source of food to both people and creatures like snakes etc. Anti-hills normally house bees, ants (which are delicacy for many on the continent) and sometimes even rabbits. As such anti-hills are sanctuaries for live and therefore important in terms of soil and land structures. But a deserted anti-hill looks bushy because there are no activities and it hides only snails, lizards and chameleons. Inevitably these are harmless animals who only look threatening when approached but cannot cause harm beyond simple bits.
If a black mamba was seen entering into an anti-hill, the place is not frequented by humans because a mamba, of all snakes, bits and you have only four minutes to live if not attended to. The speed of a mamba on an anti-hill can be mysteriously fast and could use different holes and strike you from behind.
In 1980 people looked up to Mugabe like an anti-hill. He promised all sorts of riches and indeed the hope for self-emancipation and freedom. Both fear of who Mugabe was and respect for his temerity in ‘leading the armed struggle’ made many want to see him, more out of curiosity than love. The stigma never left him. Rural elders know Mugabe as very ruthless, always putting on niceness as a sign of public show to paint an impression he is nice. Yet Mugabe rarely puts on a relaxed face, but is always putting on a salutary, look suspicious and rarely peaceful.
If you saw him outside the country, in the late 1970s, he was always tensed; more of disciplinarian, and always wanting to be heard to carry the order of the day than to compromise.
Looking at Mugabe from both historical and futuristic perspective, his speech composition has never changed. His speeches are more of so-called revolutionary similitudes than realities of management and execution, which he had little experience in. It must be confessed that his 2013 inauguration speech would, in 1980 scored high in populace. In 2013 it can only echo assurance sentiments to surrogates and cohorts who know that without him and his protection, gone are corruption days and so is their corrupt acquired wealthy. There is nothing new or freshly linked to past experience at all.
He spoke of history where people who cannot see his way, are enemies of the revolution and puppets of the west. Yet his own life experience bears true contradictions of his professed revolutionary life style. He loves everything western except when it asks him to be humane and give chance to others in terms of power rotation. His conception of government is only with him in power and discounts anyone else not even one from the Zanu hierarchy.
He does not have one choice in Zanu who can replace him in the party. Yet Zanu survives for as long as he Mugabe is alive. For fifty years of political innuendoes and tribal acrimony Mr.Mugabe stayed at the helm of party shrinkage and saw very little growth. If anything Mugabe succeeded in killing the sense of succession and democracy by steeping on any one who raised his head above him, in his party or in opposition political parties.
He ultimately become an anti-hill deserted and empty but which still has bushy surrounding and appears as though snakes, bees and ants reside in. Age has made him vulnerable bringing awareness that he has to leave this world sooner than later. Because he has children he would like to leave a good impression, which is difficult to reach given the public opinion he has accrued from his ugly deeds, except for those who owe him homage for becoming rich under his watch and protection.
His demeanor and approach to things remain the same-if we cannot get it through negotiation invoke force of violence and we have it. He would like to shift blame in order to come out clean. As he sought to become clean, the 2013 elections showed more of a bad history on him than an honesty father who is full of love. He has little regards of friends when survival is at stake, this way he has subdued open criticism among African states who harbour similar sentiments.
His speech referred very loosely to events, time and nothing specific to show evidence of learning from the past. It has indicted his dictatorial mood or else shown how Zanu itself is decaying generally. Unfortunately Mugabe does not take kindly to any type of criticism and therefore those well intentioned will soon face what faced many who left Zanu without much choice ahead of them.
Indigenisation in his speech turns up a farce to allow greedy and incompetent individuals to accumulate riches out of impunity, hooliganism and outright robbery of unarmed and unprotected citizens using race, tribe and social status as a way. No clear policy guidelines on how indigenization should be a process for empowering citizens and see obvious step by step of achievement. It is clouded in emotion and history poorly painted making both student and teacher look very foolish. We want to consider the content of indigenization than be fed on rhetoric’s of emotions and unbalanced history.
Much of Zanu poor governance and individual ministers’ individual incompetence are being blamed on sanctions. This is very unfortunate that we use pretexts than actual balance sheet of companies to show siphoned companies (undercapitalized) with consistent exiting skills pattern who Zanu, due to ignorance expect to be profitable and generate wealth. Many indigenization crops in the country will not run anything profitable without encroaching to some fraudulently staked reserves.
A company has to run itself if properly and financial geared, given a conducive political atmosphere and encouraging accountable climate. These issues are not dealt with in Mugabe speech. How do we get assurance that greedy will not overtake these guys and plunder companies newly established? Truth being told it is not in the skills set of Zanu leaders, after thirty three years of unaccountable management, to begin and attain credible managerial training and skills set now. There is no vision or guidance on how to overcome the past. If the past in poor governance modalities that sunk the country into bankruptcy are still envisaged as a revival for Zanu 2013 onwards no wonder people panic. Its’ not magic to have repeated failure. But we do not have to accommodate such failure, particularly after a naked robbery of an election.
The current foreign currency system cannot boost domestic consumption with the rural areas totally cut from all sectors monetary wise. Poverty is measured from poor levels gross domestic per capita on necessities of live coupled with security of people to access what they want without fear of abuse or unjustified harassment with no recourse to justice. Common people have no reach to courts when hooligans eat their chicken and rape their baby girls and wives at midnight. Is this what Mr. Mugabe refers to as African democracy. We cannot accept rationalization of Mr. Mugabe to abuse people under pretext of making everything African. I read this to say the poor shall be treated differently in African because they do not have money or economic power except Zanu empowers them. We do not want mimicry of empowerment but genuine empowerment based on our fundamental rights as citizens and not as items receiving favour for supporting a ruling party that steals election consistently.
The speech is empty and could not make any one change his mind or read serious tone of change in a man who ruled the country for thirty three years under semi military control. Zanu can neither create a climate conducive to investment by genuine investors who make things happen in the world nor attract her own citizens’ home today. Regrettably, the past is filled with empty promises, hate and marred with tribalism, favouritism which seeded and increased the levels of corruption.
This killed incentive to work along with Zanu for many citizens. God endowed mankind to live for a time period and to slow down towards end time. If Zimbabweans in Zanu think this is untrue, here we have to go again, watching failing history repeat. Sixty percent of Zanu are and have had thirty three years with Mugabe and cannot therefore see differences between bad and good governance.
Zimbabweans have to realize unless we rise to flexing our political muscles both inside and outside, blood shade shall be inevitable. A people oppressed for too long always have an end similar. Arab states today are an example. I find it regrettable that Zanu wants to think they are better always, since they have employed the military into mercenary activities around states run by dictators on the continent.
The insensitiveness has its price and people have sound warnings and are already rising in South Africa. At the rate African leadership installs and supports African dictatorship, changes shall be inevitably fatal and painful because the world is moving towards changing and improving leadership styles and not to bless forty years of a one man Empire Dom. We need note too that with each old regime overstaying in power has been personal aggrandizement of wealth and blind desire to stay on. The desire came from avarice which build corruption and blind ambition to stay on. Corruption is not eliminated by cutting it half way or it inevitably triggers a battle. Corruption could be overcome by total change of heart and mind to adopting genuine democratic process which have transparency as best mankind can show.
Empty anti-hills are often homes of crime. We have to prepare ourselves for what we might hate most or die from the trauma of being abused. Mugabe speech is an abuse from an 89 year old geriatric who recently made a mockery of elections. The answer is in us and the world watches us. I have faith in Zimbabweans.
Well done. This is a good analysis.It’s a question of time before a revolution explodes in Zimbabwe and SADC will be to blame. Just as China and Russia are to blame in Syria today.
It is a matter of time before a revolutions begins in Zimbabwe. As long as there is no money from our diamonds, no equal land redistribution, no arrests for 2008 killers, there will certainly be a revolution, and even south africa’s ANC will be sucked up big time. SADC is full of thieves and plunderes who have left us the poor poorer. We dont eat distorted history, our revolution will start from the rural areas themselves, mirai muone. nhamo ndokwainotangirako. and they wont know how to deal with it…remember our security brothers hate the system as much as we do.
Brilliantly written but…..
Writing this while in Canada must feel safe.
Is it not time for well educated and well travelled Zimbabweans to return home and help the President build up the country in a fair and just manner, rather than leave him isolated and surrounded by less educated, complex filled egoists, who govern by fear and intimidation. With no one suitable to succeed him, the President must rule the “African” way in order to keep the worst vultures at bay and avoid total chaos, resulting from installing the wrong successor. I am convinced that the President has known this for years, but without support from sincere honest Zimbabweans, who find it easier to live elsewhere and criticise from afar, what would you do in his position?
Had MDC won the elections, would you now have a farm, or an “indigenised” company?
You know you are talking crap Realist.That devil listens to no one but himself and only now he listens to JOC because they run him.He had all the brains,Academic,Technical, Scientific and any other skills that would make for a successful country,but he chased them away in favour of his unproductive militias and war vet leeches who think that every thing is free if you say you are a WV.I as a Civil Engineer know I can help with most urban infrastructure rehabilitation, but I will not give him the benefit of my expertise.
Realist, Mugabe and Grace have 13 farms between them while many peasants are still without land. So yes, we do know what indigenisation zim style.
Realist you seem to forget the fatal car crashes that have killed so many good aspiring candidates over the years.
This analysis is real and true. I read through Mugabes speech and could not help but wonder what Zimbabweans felt, proud, humiliated or embarrassed? I FOR one all those feelings visited me. The man’s speech was well delivered with expertism, making me proud to have a well educated President. You can’t have better speeches delivered by a head of state than this one. Believe me I always follow on these things. This was excellent without favour. I also felt embarrassed as the President spoke of himself being for the people and chosen by zimbabweans. He also wants us to believe we are his number one priority when he and every one else knows this is way far from the reality. The President also Humiliated me when he says I have chosen an 89? Years man to lead me to better future, when it is common knowledge he has been deteriorating for the last 33years and our future is in jeopardy due to his selfishness and arrogance. Who in their right mind will appoint a frail Goldman who has setba country on a retraction to a life similar to a century ago?
The only thing I am proud about and I must say I am with him on that, is our country resources. They are for Zimbabweans. No one should be given power over them but Zimbabweans. We might share them with other people from outside but once gone and exhausted we will loose alone without the outsiders. They will just pack their bags and move on to another host like a parasite will do after killing in ts host victim. We should make use of our resources for our good. Service our roads, build better schools, better hospitals and better houses and many other necessities of life. How much gold was shiped to Britain by the colonial era, who can answer why we don’t have the best infrastructure when we has the best of resources than many European countries put together? Those European countries where built from our resources and our blood and sweat. Yes. mugabe has not been a saint too. He preaches fair only when he stand to benefit. Does he real care about our resources? If he were allowed to travel to and from Europe as before without restrictions, will he think twice about us and our resources?
Overall, Mugabe makes sense some times, but he is always looking ou for himself.
He knew all these truth for years but will only want to implement them when he wants to gain leverage.
Yes, we should be proud that our Divine Emperor is ruling as prophecised by the great oracle, Mbuya Nehanda.
By the way, does anyone know where I can find good English-to-Chinese translation books? I want to understand what our Chinese masters are saying when they point and laugh at us every time we frequent their businesses.
What did you expect from an 89 year old octogenarian? New and constructive ideas? Where would they come from surely with all this dementia? Grace cannot even help either because she is worse than an empty ant-hill.
Did you say Grace? Now there is what I call a fully fledged Harlot from Beatrice Cottages(Kuseri)
Manyevere, whatever your name means, you are a lier. President Mugabe is loved by his people and more than ever before, Zimbabweans look to their President for salvation. President Mugabe is now believed to have some form of divinity. This is what Zimbabweans believe. Westerners would rather Zimbabweans think of him as a devil. Instead, the opposite of what they want is taking shape. Zimbabweans from all walks of life are wondering why there is so much onslaught against one man, President Mugabe, by all whites in the world and are actually convinced that Mugabe is God sent, not just for Zimbabwe, but for the whole of Africa. It was the neckade support of the MDC by all white people that made Zimbabweans reject and dump Tsvangirai at the July 31 polls. Zimbabweans are now immune to western propaganda against President Mugabe. Zimbabweans now regard President Mugabe as a divine being, and love him even more than they did in 1980. Those of us who live and see Mugabe daily can tell you this. Fools and prophets of doom can go on believing their own propaganda and we will cherrish and love our beloved President – THE DIVINE PRESIDENT MUGABE.
@George Sebedebe pliz speak for yourself and not for “Zimbabwean”
Egyptians thought Mubarak was divine, Lybians thougt Gadaffi was divine, Tunisians thought their president was divine.
Sebedebe, you can spin all you like about divinity, there is one thing that you cannot churn propaganda about: God made us all mortal beings
George Sebedebe, speak for yourself. The majority of us Zimbabweans hate Mugabe for gukurahundi, murambatsvina, hunger, disease and abject poverty.
We also hate how he is surrendering our resources to the Chinese for a song so please don’t talk to us about this devine nonsense!
Sebedebe, you can do all the propaganda you want about the presidents divinity, but there is one thing you cannot spin about: God made us mortals
Mr Manyevere -A well done article.
However at George Sebedebe. Are you serious!!? If you are then maybe you are like the wife of an abusive husband, she doesn’t know any difference and is too frightened of the consequences of trying to find out.
This man has had 50 years + of influence in Zimbabwe of which 33 he has had full control and you still think things are going to come right with him in control when he is now in his twilight years.
He is nothing more than a modern day slave trader, mortgaging the citizens of the country to the highest bidder for zanu’s personal power. Look! By his own standards Mr Mugabe is not even a true Zimbabwean so a hypocrite for starters. Listen to his speeches of hatred and division and ask yourself, is this progressive?
He lives not because of his divinity but because of his frequent trips to foreign countries for western and eastern derived medicine, Medicine that should be available to all at Mbuya Nehanda hospital not so!?
Thanks I feel vindicated.I said before on this site that this devil is not a Zimbabwean, but is actually a relative of Banda that is why he has no empathy of any sort for us.
The Revolution took a new phase after 31July,MDC don’t play, a stronger ZANU may emerge,MDC fix your intelligence gathering.All victims let’s fix our ways and reclaim our country.
Pachokwadi- ‘How much gold was shiped to Britain by the colonial era, who can answer why we don’t have the best infrastructure when we has the best of resources’….. Actually you will find that at independence Zimbabwe was called the ‘Jewel of Africa’. It had the finest infrastructure north of the Limpopo. Much of the money that the whites gained from mining and farming was used to develop ALL the roads, rail, sewerage, electricity, water supply, cities etc. Please try and think of any infrastuctural development done post independence. I can’t think of many. In fact everything has been allowed to crumble instead. All that money you are talking about is sitting in Swiss bank accounts somewhere. What single good thing have the diamonds bought to Zimbabwe. Nothing, they are a curse. We have new colonial masters now, and trust me, they will not give us a cent. Best we all brush up on our mandarin.
Any writer who comments on this forum speaks his or her mind, speaks what he or she thinks of where our country is going and in which direction they would rather have Zimbabwe move towards. This binds us together. I am sure all love Zimbabwe. The problem is some people would rather Zimbabwe be governed, and be controlled by outsiders who milk you while looking the other way. This is symptomatic of MDCs and other silent and fence sitters. In Mugabe we have a leader par excellence. In Mugabe we have a loving father, a character played in daily lives of poverty and riches, trials and tribulations, happiness and sorrows. In him all this manifests and presence in one character, not obviously believed of seen by opposition forces. Or rather, they refuse to accept him for who he is, a champion. Because the opposition save masters who tells them they are not good when they control their own resources, but would be better off when parcelled in drips and drapes, like bread crumps. This should never be. Our Zimbabwe is ours. It’s our mother land. Our father land. Mugabe wants Zimbabweans to be their own masters. He wants them to control resources. He wants them to enjoy riches, their riches, which abound in Zimbabwe. Mugabe wants you and me to live better lives. That is his main theme. Mugabe wants added values to all that we have and for sure his foresight is that as values are added, a lot of us if not all, benefit. In any society, you will always find certain elements pushing own agendas. That is a given. No. When you are at the top, get even with those that helped you get there. This is what dear Mugabe is doing. I was lucky I was a teen at independence. I thank God His almighty for this. I know what boundaries we could cross and what we could not as black people. I saw what Independence brought us and all the gains we made. However, ours freedom was empty. It was a duplication and sad reflection of all other African countries, where sorrow and misery was guaranteed. Yes the President had some difficulty moments along the way, but also, a lot of rejoiced moments. The education that we cherished and was given. Fast forward, the president saw in the white community and the West, the same agendas as are in Malawi, Zambia, Congo, Nigeria etc. This meant nothing for us Zimbabweans. Dear readers, the first world is awash with our riches. They balance their books on our backs. They call it capitalism yet it’s a new versionised imperialism. Our independence meant nothing in the absence of affirmative action. It meant nothing in the absence of indigenization. It means nothing in the absence of Zimbabweans failing to self actualize in the true sense. In terms of power. In terms of employment. In terms of capital usage, ownership and utilization. It means nothing if we leave a legacy of dependence and not real wealth. It will mean nothing if such gains then, are reversed. And no leader in his right mind should ever do so, be it Tsvangirai, Biti or anyone who takes over the ZANU PF leadership. Our independence had to be sealed to stop the bleeding and contain resources thereby filling the emptiness with tangible material. Land. Mineral riches. Employment and so on. The President’s speech is reconciliatory. Its promising. Its assuring and inviting yet assertive and guarded. His legacy will live on. Majority Zimbabweans love him. We really do. Therefore, let’s all rally behind him and help build Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe that we all love to be. God bless Zimbabwe. Gog bless Zimbabweans.
After the wonderful Nikuv Victory, Robber, Dis-grace, Sarah and John all agreed that a vacation was overdue.
Where to go they asked, well Dis-grace, Sarah and John opted for the Bahamas, while Robber wanted a visit to Dubai.
Well, they said, let’s put it to a Vote!
Bahamas – 3
Dubai – 68
Have to correct the writer about Robbers 13 farms, the whole family have 39!
Choicest, richest and best developed ones at that!
Dis-grace took over another WV’s farm to expand her filthy dairy, plus kicked off neighbours to build her exclusive Boarding “School”, that costs $1000 a term (About $3500 year).
Notwithstanding that the First Lady is not academically gifted, after her examination results from a Chinese university were leaked. Remember, she was scuttled of to ‘University’ in HK while to ‘Gono Affair’ died down.
(Madam from Beatrice Cottages).
The ‘School’ land, she stole from a Zimbabwe Stock Exchange registered Company! Now Robber and Dis-grace are having the Chinese finace and build an exclusive University and Hospital there too.
Pass the chop-sticks, please!
@ Murairwa , you really are enjoying booty from the marauding robbers of zanu pf to be wanting to continue rallying behind bob!!What support should we give when we have been journeying in poverty from the so called independence from imperialists?
Who says so, for some of us the speech contained just what we needed to hear and we now await the action to match the talk
@ Biggie , You are a man of great patience i pressume however , i’ve just been wondering how old you are because personally i have been waiting for Zanu(bob) pf for 2 decades now to deliver but it’s all been vain waiting or maybe they did deliver poverty , power black outs, broken down infrastructure , murambatsvina just to name a few…..