Source: No to violence: Zanu-PF | The Herald March 27, 2018

Fidelis Munyoro Chief Court Reporter
Zanu-PF says it will not tolerate any form of violence during and after the harmonised elections as the revolutionary party seeks to restore the country’s reputation as the best investment destination in the region.
Speaking during the party’s fundraising dinner attended by high-ranking Government, party officials and captains of industry on Friday, Zanu-PF national chair Cde Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri said the party would play its part to ensure there is peace throughout the election period.
“As the ruling party, we shall play our part to ensure peaceful and credible elections,” said Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri. “No violence of whatever kind from any quarter will be tolerated.”
She implored other election contenders to be equal to the task and shun political violence. Zanu-PF is seeking to raise funds for the party’s participation at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair next month, which runs under the theme: “Sustainable Industrial Development-Inclusive, Competitive, and Collaborative.”
The theme aligns itself to the national agenda of pursuing industrialisation as the panacea to economic growth and development. Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri said Zanu-PF placed great importance on economic and development matters because it was the basis for the liberation struggle. She applauded captains of industry for showing patriotism and resilience throughout a decade of economic hardship and tight fiscal space.
“You did not jump ship and abandon the country in the greatest time of need, but rather you remained resolute and innovative in keeping your companies afloat,” she said.
Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri said since the coming in of the new administration in November last year, a lot has happened on the economic front.
“The new dispensation is moving at supersonic speed under the leadership of our President and First Secretary ED Mnangagwa. Our party and Government have achieved so much during the first hundred days, in particular investment opportunities for reviving our economy,” she said.
The over $4 billion investment in mining, the $1 billion interest shown in Ziscosteel, the $400 million recapitalisation of NRZ and growth in tourists arrivals are all pointers to renewed optimism in all sectors of the economy.