President to commission 10 500-seater church auditorium

Source: President to commission 10 500-seater church auditorium | The Sunday News

President to commission 10 500-seater church auditorium
The Harvest House International auditorium in Woodlands, Bulawayo

Rutendo Nyeve, Sunday News Reporter

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa is expected in Bulawayo today, for a two-day working programme in which he will commission a state-of-the-art 10 500-seat church auditorium, and also preside over the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services pass-out parade in Ntabazinduna.

The auditorium, which sets a new benchmark for Southern Africa as the largest church auditorium to date, was constructed by the Bishop Collin Nyathi-led Harvest House International (HHI) Church. Deputy Chief Secretary (Presidential Communications) Mr George Charamba confirmed to Sunday News yesterday the President’s two-day programme to Bulawayo which include presiding over the ZPCS pass-out parade set for tomorrow at Ntabazinduna Training Depot.

“The President will be in Bulawayo tomorrow (today). He will officially open the Harvest House International Conference Centre and preside over the ZPCS pass-out parade on Monday (tomorrow) at the Ntabazinduna Training Depot. Those are the two programmes lined up so far,” said Mr Charamba.

HHI Church spokesperson Reverend Mhla Ndlovu said as a church, they were excited to have the building commissioned after six years of hard work and dedication. 

“This is a massive project, 10 500-seater  auditorium, which we embarked on in October 2018. This structure is the first of its kind in Southern Africa in terms of church auditoriums. You might know some stadiums can take more people. But in terms of church auditoriums, this is the largest building in Southern Africa. 

“The President is coming through to open this wonderful, magnificent structure that was constructed with the help of the hand of the living God. We are excited. What began as a dream, we can say is now a reality,” said Rev Ndlovu. 

Bishop Collin Nyathi

He said the project is the church founder, Dr Nyathi’s vision which initially looked like a far-fetched dream.

“We believe that this, first of all will develop our people spiritually as it helps the country with a place of worship. The other thing, to run this place, you need a lot of people. It has and will continue to create employment. 

“Like I was saying, there is a restaurant. That means people will be employed there. There is a gym. People will be employed there. There are doctors. People will be employed there. This is a project for the community. This is for everyone. Everyone is welcome. This is a facility for the community. It is open to the public. People can come and use this facility,” said Rev Ndlovu.

Located in Selbourne Brooke, the facility features five seminar halls, a state-of-the-art gymnasium, a food court, and a dining restaurant. 

Additionally, it will house a medical centre complete with a pharmacy, dental surgery, general practitioner, blood laboratory, and physiotherapist. It also has clothing and music outlets, as well as recording studios, further enhancing its multifunctional capabilities.

Meanwhile, ZPCS National spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Meya Khanyezi said all is in place for the pass-out parade, to be presided over by the President.

“All is in place for the ZPCS Ntabazinduna Training Depot pass-out parade on Monday. We have two courses, Course 154 and 155 that are graduating. A total of 1 619 recruits will graduate with 1  106 of them males and 513 females,” said Asst Comm Khanyezi.