Source: The Herald – Breaking news.
Ivan Zhakata Herald Correspondent
THE International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) is engaging traditional chiefs from southern and eastern Africa to redefine peaceful cohabitation with animals through the “Room to Roam” programme headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya.
Visiting traditional chiefs from Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi and Zambia were amazed at how the Maasai people of Kenya peacefully co-exist with the roaming wildlife.
Among the chiefs were Chief Alphius Msindazi Siphoso from Tsholotsho and Chief Felix Lukwa from Kasungu, central Malawi.
Chief Siphoso said saw the way the Maasai people were living in harmony with wild animals.
“I am speechless after seeing how these cultures coexist with nature. They live in perfect peace with nature and derive value from tourism-related activities,” he said.
“There is need to execute a Room-to-Roam campaign in Zimbabwe, establishing an area where people and animals can dwell peacefully.
“We now have traditional leaders from Botswana and Zambia on board, and we are anxious to learn from the Maasai in Amboseli so that we may duplicate their achievements in our nations. We must learn from their example.”
He said Botswana was a neighbour to Zimbabwe and they shared the same land zone, so there was need for cross-border collaboration.
“We must cooperate, just like Zambia and Malawi must collaborate, given our geographical proximity. It is imperative,” Chief Siphoso said.
Chief Lukwa said in his own region, living among nature was difficult for the locals and he hoped that he would teach them how to live peacefully with wildlife.
“Living beside nature is difficult back home. But here, while on a wildlife drive, we saw herders taking care of their livestock close to herds of peacefully grazing African elephants. It’s simply amazing,” he said.
President and chief executive officer of IFAW Mr Azzedine Downes said he was aware of the significance of the gathering of traditional leaders from far regions in Amboseli.
Mr Downes said traditional leaders played a crucial role in creating open, culturally informed, and cooperative methods so that humans and wildlife can coexist and in developing partnerships between humans and animals.
“These local leaders collectively represent well over 100 000 individuals living alongside wildlife,” Mr Downes said.
“Our mission is to halt poaching, support communities, and rescue, rehabilitate, and release animals back into the wild. Such endeavours can only succeed with unwavering community support.”
IFAW secured 10 400 ha of crucial animal habitat in 2013 using a land leasing method for wildlife conservation and it has plans to lease an additional 11 600 ha in the same ecosystem.
The conservation strategy of IFAW aims to join together dispersed landscapes, giving elephants and other migratory species the freedom to move freely while also empowering local communities to coexist peacefully with them.