Will readily defend my Zimbabwe but will also readily expose oppressive kleptomaniac incompetent ruling elite!

Source: Will readily defend my Zimbabwe but will also readily expose oppressive kleptomaniac incompetent ruling elite!

It is always so repulsive and disgusting hearing those in power in Zimbabwe (or, sycophants seeking to defend them) attempt to whitewash the ruling elite’s gross incompetence, kleptomania and repression, by hiding behind distorted and bastardized conceptions of ‘patriotism’.

Tendai Ruben Mbofana

This morning I was listening to a so-called ‘economist’ on state-controlled television, who – in his laughable disingenuous efforts in stifling legitimate condemnation of the regime’s disgraceful ruination of the country’s economy – made reference to the ‘patriotism’ exhibited in the US (United States of America).

In his half-baked allegations – which, I am quite certain, he himself did not believe – he sought to paint an inaccurate picture of a united people, who stood with their ‘country’, in spite of their disagreements, by always supporting their government’s policies, no matter what.

In my utter disbelief and bewilderment, I found myself asking, “Which US is this guy talking about, and when was the last time he watched CNN and Fox News”?

Indeed, Americans’ patriotism is admirably unquestionable and unflinching – and, will passionately and bravely defend their country with all their might and force.

This has never been in doubt.

However, Americans are intelligent enough to clearly distinguish between their country, and the government/governing party.

They fully comprehend what it means to defend one’s own country, as opposed to the party and administration in power.

The alleged economist’s deceptive attempts at portraying Americans as standing in unison with whichever administration was in office – in support of a shared national agenda – could never be farther from the truth.

Anyone who closely follows such American news channels as CNN and Fox News would be fully aware of this fact.

I can even risk asserting that, Americans are more polarized and divided along partisan lines – especially, based on troubling events in the country, especially over the past six years – than what we witness here in Zimbabwe.

As a matter of fact, as a result of the seemingly ever-widening gap and worsening acrimony between the Republicans and Democrats – according to a recent poll, nearly have of those surveyed believed democracy in the US was under serious threat.

Interestingly, the reasons for this belief were not homogeneous, but molded along political party lines – with Democrats blaming the Donald Trump era (2016 to 2020) whom they regarded as having arrogantly and flagrantly flouted the rule law, as well as recklessly and wilfully placed national security in jeopardy.

The most outstanding amongst these accusations aimed at Trump, obviously, is the 6 January 2021 alleged insurrection by his supporters – who violently stormed the US Capitol, in a bid to prevent the declaration of Biden as new president.

On the other hand, Republicans fingered the current Joe Biden administration – more so, after the 9 August FBI ‘raid’ of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Florida residence, in search of classified documents believed to be in his possession illegally – for, in their eyes, was undeniably an act of shameful persecution of a prospective presidential rival in the 2024 elections (as Trump only served one term, and according to the US constitution’s two-term limit, is eligible to run for another).

No one in the US can deny that their country has never been as divided as today.

Even its news media is not spared – with Fox News being fiercely pro-Trump and pro-Republican, whilst CNN is viciously and bitterly anti-Trump and pro-Democrats.

Nonetheless, these fierce disagreements and emotionally-charged divisions are limited to the political front.

When it comes to loving their country – this is undoubted and unquestioned.

As such, when sections of American society viciously condemn what they perceive as the Biden administration’s, and federal institutions’, wanton abuse of office and power against a political rival – that can never be construed as ‘tarnishing the image of one’s country ‘.

Similarly, those who castigated then President Trump for being an unrepentant racist, misogynist and tyrant, who threatened national security with his unpredictable reckless behavior and decision-making – such sentiments could never have been characterized as ‘disparaging the US’.

Americans remain passionately committed and devoted to their country, what it stands for, and will defend those values with their every breath – including against the governing party, and those in power, should they believe that they (ruling elite) are acting contrary to the people’s interests.

They know the difference between what it means to love one’s country – as opposed to loyalty to a political party and national leaders, or the ferocious opposition to their policies and activities.

Americans have no problems at all differentiating patriotism vis a vis partisanship.

Patriotism has absolutely nothing to do with keeping silent, or even defending, when a governing party, or the country’s leadership implement policies that are obviously disagreeable and nonsensical – purely based on sheer incogitable incompetence and mismanagement, oftentimes deliberately designed to enable the grand-scale plunder and pillaging of national resources by the ruling elite.

As witnessed in the US, patriotism has never been the same as not standing up, or even shielding, brutal and savage attacks on, and persecution of, political opponents, voices of dissent, or those speaking out for social justice.

If our dear ‘economist’ on Zimbabwe state-controlled television – as well as his allies in government and the ruling party – had the audacity to face and tell the truth, patriotism can never be confused with blind support of those in power…particularly, keeping quiet when they barbarically attack our democracy, or callously run the economy into the ground.

In fact, real patriotism demands that every citizen who genuinely loves his or her country should fearlessly stand against such deplorable relentless attacks on the fabric of our democracy, constitution and economy by those entrusted (under a solemn oath) with upholding these values.

In calling out the regime for its nefarious and diabolical anti-people and anti-Zimbabwe behavior – there is no way under the sun that can ever be legitimately labeled ‘tarnishing the image of the country’.

When we speak out against the looting of our national resources by the ruling elite, and cold-hearted villainous repression of opposition and social justice activists – that can never be said to be ‘unpatriotic ‘.

Those of us who truly love our country, boldly stand ready to protect it from the ruling establishment in Zimbabwe – whose rabidly corrupt and brutal nature appears to be a well-calculated assault on our country, and turning the lives and livelihoods of the ordinary citizenry into a living hell.

I, for one, am immensely and unapologetically proud of the role I am playing in fulfillment of my patriotic duty.

  • Tendai Ruben Mbofana is a social justice activist, writer, researcher, and social commentator. Please feel free to contact him on WhatsApp/Call: +263715667700 / +263782283975, or Calls Only: +263788897936, or email: mbofana.tendairuben73@gmail.com