‘New Parly to boost economy’

via ‘New Parly to boost economy’ | The Herald 11 December 2014 by Zvamaida Murwira

Construction of a new Parliament in Mount Hampden near Harare and the setting up of modern structures around the area will boost the economy, a Cabinet minister has said.

Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Minister Dr Ignatius Chombo said he was determined to ensure the fruition of what was agreed between President Mugabe and his Chinese counterpart President Xi Jinping when the two leaders met in Beijing in August.

Minister Chombo was speaking at a dinner his ministry hosted for visiting Chinese engineers carrying out a feasibility study for the new Parliament Building last week.

The feasibility study followed President Xi’s offer of a grant to construct a new Parliament for Zimbabwe.

“It gives us an opportunity to build a modern city, a 21st Century one, around Parliament Building, said Minister Chombo. It will be a city to blend with the new Parliament Building. We are friends from way back and it is the intention of our two leaders that the assistance that we are looking for towards the construction of Parliament Building can be realised.

Minister Chombo said the current Parliament building was old as it was built more than 100 years ago by the colonial regime.

Now we want to build a Parliament which does not belong to anyone, but to Zimbabweans, he said.

“But more importantly, over the years, the number of parliamentarians has increased three or four-fold, more than the current Parliament must carry.”

The new Parliament will have an added carrying capacity of more than 500 legislators and is expected to ease space shortage after the number of legislators was increased from 120 to 270.

Speaking at the same occasion, Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister Christopher Mutsvangwa said Zimbabwe made the correct decision in marrying its new Parliament building with a Special Economic Zone.

A city is primarily where there is industrial production, he said.

“The idea of marrying Parliament building with a Special Economic Zone makes sense, especially under Zim-Asset. This is a good opportunity for China to come and help, the first to help Zimbabwe to build the first modern city since independence. All the cities we have are inherited.

Cde Mutsvangwa said China’s National Development and Reform Commission was coming to Zimbabwe to set up an office in Harare and help Zimbabwe be an economic hub.

The NDRC’s functions are to study and formulate policies for economic and social development, maintain the balance of economic development, and to guide the restructuring of China’s economic system.

Head of the Chinese delegation Mr Zi Jun Zhang said their work would be guided by Zimbabwean culture and aspirations.

“The design reflects the culture of Zimbabwe, he said. We will be guided by Zimbabwe’s culture.”



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    Hahahaha! This is another project for Chombo to line his pockets! If we ever had a hope that the government had any intention to tackle corruption, the fact that this master thief is still making deals is proof positive that it’s all for show and nothing more.

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    Mafatshi 10 years ago

    PLEASE!! How is a new parliament building going to improve the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans except inflate the egos of cabinet ministers and MPs? And of course the Chinese are quick to make more indebted to them.

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    Ngoto Zimbwa 10 years ago

    You got that right about the man, Chombo. He must be rubbing his hands with a huge grin on his mug.

    Anyway, who needs a new Parly?
    How about new roads, schools, water-works, hospitals, investment in our youth, etc etc?
    Does anyone in ZPF have neurone in their brain?

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    wensil 10 years ago

    You must be grateful for the ‘inherited cities’. With you guys there would have been no city to talk about. Just ruins. Be grateful(munatenda).

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    Nkosilathi mkwananzi 10 years ago

    Dear fellow citizens to include Dr Chombo

    In as much as a nation we are thinking of a new Parliament in New Mount Hampden. Why Mount Hampden. Why not build an indigenous City with no colonial history lets say at the intersection of A17&A4 national roads. The Paliarment Building be the Pioneer to that city. Harare was built with a minority in mind and why subject us to a minority mind in Mount Hampden.open up the space. Abandon the colonial setting and start something home grown. Let our greatest architects architect for us a great city Central to all Zimbabweans and the new Parliament Build ground breaks that dream. Think of a city that can accommodate 15 million citizens at A17&A4 Roads. Its cheaper to start from scratch than try to expand Harare and replace all sewer and water system. The city can be called MuntuMutapa or a great name from the Citizens. Think out of the box Dr Chombo. Why keep on building tuckshops?