Former Vice President Joyce Mujuru may experience some difficulty detailing her outstanding cases of grand theft and contempt of court as she tries to raise money in the UK
Source: Questions for Joice Mujuru about her past – The Zimbabwean 0510.2016
London – Former Zimbabwean Vice President and decades-long Mugabe supporter, Joice Mujuru, is set to visit the UK at the invitation of Chatham House to drum up support for her new political party. Joice Mujuru will be entering the UK for the first time since a blanket travel ban on the Mujurus (as part of President Robert Mugabe’s inner circle) was quietly dropped.
This visit will take place against the backdrop of two different Zimbabwean High Court orders against her, most recently in 2015, citing theft of the moveable assets of Hanagwe P/L.
These assets – worth some US$1.47-million plus compound interest – were forcibly left behind on Alamein Farm in Beatrice, Zimbabwe, when it was seized from the legal owner, his wife and young children in 2001 at gunpoint. The seizure of one of the most productive tobacco farms in Zimbabwe was orchestrated by her now late husband, Solomon Mujuru, under the auspices of the violent Land Reform Programme. Joice Mujuru inherited the farm, on which she lives, together with all the stolen assets.
Mujuru is scheduled to meet with representatives of Chatham House and to attend open meetings of the Zimbabwean Diaspora in the UK in a series of Q&As, of which one will take place in Leicester on Saturday 8 October. She aims to drum up support and raise finance for her new political party, the ZPF (Zimbabwe Peoples First party).
Mujuru appears to have turned her back on Mugabe’s ruling Zanu PF party. However, she seems quite happy to remain a convenient beneficiary of the regime’s violent past, maintaining residence on and actively operating Alamein Farm. This farm gained further notoriety in 2011 with the death of her husband, retired General turned businessman, Solomon Mujuru, who died in what many commentators describe as mysterious circumstances in the farmhouse which was burnt to the ground on 15 August 15 2011.
Zimbabwean High Court Judgments dating from 2002, and again in 2015, ruled the seizure of the moveable assets on Alamein Farm to be illegal. The judgement of 2002 ordered the return of the assets to owner Guy Watson-Smith, but the Sherriff of the High Court and the agents who tried to retrieve said assets arrived at the farm and were violently evicted, never to return.
The judgment of 2015 ordered payment of compensation for damages, totaling US$1,469,440 plus compound interest to Hanagwe P/L.
Guy Watson-Smith, the owner of Alamein Farm, has invited Mrs Mujuru to attend a private meeting to discuss a settlement of the affair, which she has previously expressed interest in doing, and which would allow her to further her political aspirations with a cleaner slate. Without settling this unpalatable taint of theft and abuse of power, she has little chance of convincing Zimbabweans that she’s fit to raise either support or money, much less higher office.
Guy Watson-Smith invites any questions and requests for further information. He is happy to provide testimony and documentation, including copies of the Zimbabwean Court Judgments
Joice “Official Secrets Act” Mujuru. Perhaps one of the most corrupt and greedy members of Mugabes’ government.
She must think that we are all stupid and that we will forget what she did or part she played in Gukuruhundi, Operation Mambiritsvai and all the violence leading up to the last 5 elections held in Zimbabwe. She conveniently hides behind the “Official Secrets Act”. If she was that genuine about offering Zimbos a new life, then she should say to hell with the Official Secrets Act and see what Mugabe has to say about that. We want to know how much did you cash your National Foods and Innscor shares in for – about $ 6-7 million, maybe? Why are you still collecting the rip-off sum of $180 per set of number plates – that must net you at least $300000 per month. Why don’t you make a big thing about getting rid of AIPPA, POSA and the Criminal Defamation Act. Naaaagh, you are and will always be one of them – a leopard NEVER changes its spots. Go to hell, Joice.
Why don’t you give this farm back to the original owner, since you no longer are in love with the president who gave it to you?
She has done her bit this far to take Zimbabwe in the right direction. I forgive her. I have real issues with unrepentant characters like Mgabe, Grace, Chiwenga and Mnanganja. These murderous Gukurahundists.May they face their dark fate soon.
She is not repentant – she didn’t leave Zanu PF – she was thrown out, and, if she hadn’t been she would still be there aspiring to be President on a Zanu PF ticket. Chatham House would be better re-named Hypocrisy House.
If we could live with Ian Smith and Peter Walls, surely we can live with this widow. A sinner she is no doubt, a leopard possibly, but she no longer has capacity to destroy. That is the reality Zimbabwe must exploit.
Whatever you believe, at the time of his Prime Ministership, Ian Smith was the elected head of a government that only became illegitimate after UDI was declared prior to that he was the “de jure” head of government. Neither Smith nor Walls ever ignored a court order or enriched themselves at the expense of the ordinary people of Zimbabwe. Joice Mujuru has done both. Joice Mujuru has not had a Damascene conversion and seen the light, but been forced into opposition and as an earlier writer penned “a leopard does not change its spots”. I personally refused being called up to the Rhodesian Army to fight against the aspirations of my fellow countrymen, but have been denied my Zimbabwean citizenship by Mugabe Mujuru and others because I was forced into taking foreign nationality to avoid being sent back to Zimbabwe to fight for Smith. None are perfect but Smith and Co were political idiots and Mugabe and all of ZANU PF are common criminals and murderers.
Point of correction, any government based on racial segregation can never be legitimate, not in 1960, not in 2016. In that sense Smith was as much an abomination to right thinking people as the buffoons of today who rig elections to sustain dubious liberation credentials. All we want is a just and progressive society. If swallowing our pride and smiling to past demons is part of the deal so be it – SO LONG AS WE DON’T REPEAT THE PAST.
I think you should back off from your pseudo-intellectual approach and view the reality of human evolution, or can’t you see through your polaroid sunglasses?
She is now on the side of the people and deserves respect. As for Gukurahundi, it is known that she and Rex were sidelined. Let us check the records and track the record of Mugabe, Mnangagwa, Shiri, Sekeramai, Chiwenga, Ushewokunze etc. If you were following what was happening will see that 5 Brigade was directly commanded by Chikerema-Shiri who reported directly to Prime Minister Mugabe. It acted outside the normal army structures which Rex was in charge of. Mdala wethu says that much in the story of his life. Read what that late clown Ushewokunze said about Father Zimbabwe. Read the speeches of Sekeramai about the genocide against the Ndebele of Midlands and Matabeleland. Some of us recall vividly how Chikerema said he was demonstrating what should be done to dissidents. He would shoot innocent civillians, babies , the aged and women at close blank range. He would cut open stomachs of pregnant women and foetuses would drop onto the feet of the dying Young mothers. They called the victims coackroches and said they would use gamatox to exterminate those pests. Teurai Ropa was very young and could not have stopped the genocidaires from mass killings which were tribal, regional and satanicnin nature. After all, most people were in ZANU once. If they join the people against the regime they should be given a chance. All should unite and defeat ZANU.
She is now on the side of the people and deserves respect. As for Gukurahundi, it is known that she and Rex were sidelined. Let us check the records and track the record of Mugabe, Mnangagwa, Shiri, Sekeramai, Chiwenga, Ushewokunze etc. If you were following what was happening will see that 5 Brigade was directly commanded by Chikerema-Shiri who reported directly to Prime Minister Mugabe. It acted outside the normal army structures which Rex was in charge of. Mdala wethu says that much in the story of his life. Read what that late clown Ushewokunze said about Father Zimbabwe. Read the speeches of Sekeramai about the genocide against the Ndebele of Midlands and Matabeleland. Some of us recall vividly how Chikerema said he was demonstrating what should be done to dissidents. He would shoot innocent civillians, babies , the aged and women at close blank range. He would cut open stomachs of pregnant women and foetuses would drop onto the feet of the dying Young mothers. They called the victims coackroches and said they would use gamatox to exterminate those pests. Teurai Ropa was very young and could not have stopped the genocidaires from mass killings which were tribal, regional and satanic in nature. After all, most people were in ZANU once. If they join the people against the regime they should be given a chance. All should unite and defeat ZANU. United we stand, divided we fall. The enemy is those that have stood against the people they claim to have liberated. Hypocrits!!
Joice Mujuru, is an individual, judge her for own doings and proven not alleged or rumooured mistakes. Most importantly not those of others. She is not Rex and she is not Bob!
If u have questions for her, find her on twitter and vent there directly, rather than grand stands on newspaper where she cannot respond. .
On this land and farms issue:
Who personally took the land and removed this Watson person?
Who confirmed the so called assets claimed by Watson were indeed on the farm as claimed and were actually worth the claimed amounts, if they were there at all?
On claimed Court judgment, where is it? (What is Case number please) Bear in mind, any judgment can be rescinded provided there are supporting facts provided, this one, if it exists, will be rescinded. If there was such a judgment and supporting order, where was the claimant Watson when the estate of Rex Mujuru was being wound up by the very same High Court that Watson claims gave him an order against Rex.
Parading misguided opinions as if they are legal facts is an unnecessary provocation that we will respond to.
Why doesn’t this Watson person claim his land compensation from government of England as per Lancaster house agreement?
Rex Ideas Live in thousands more!
Nhongoll above: please READ the article. Guy Watson-Smith is happy to share all the testimony, court papers etc with anyone who contacts him. Do you really suppose he made the whole thing up?
Your comment is typical Zimbabwean denial of what happened, so that makes it alright. Yours is the attitude that allowed Bob and his cronies to loot, pillage and steal – even YOUR own heritage. Bob et al will not stop until they have taken everything, including what you may think belongs to your family. Wake up!
You cannot run a country on the basis that theft of assets is allowed just because you are a ‘chef’.
Said it before and will say it again now: the Zimbabwean Shona male is a venal coward. No other race would put up with the shower that is Zimbabwe today. A lazy, loud mouthed, work shy blaggart, more likely to be found in the local shebeen than anywhere else. Zimbabwe is a global joke, the laughing stock of the international community. Pretty much sums up the Shona race.