US, Swiss ambassadors clash

via US, Swiss ambassadors clash | The Herald 6 November 2014 by Nyemudzai Kakore

Switzerland and the United States yesterday differed sharply on how the international community should deal with Zimbabwe, the former arguing it was time the world accords the country its rightful position.

US Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Bruce David Wharton and Swiss counterpart Mr Luciano Lavizzari, expressed differing sentiments to The Herald in separate interviews yesterday at the American Colleges Fair held at Harare International School.

Although Mr Wharton admitted that there was need for Zimbabwe and the US to mend frosty relations between them, he said illegal sanctions imposed on 106 individuals and companies, including the First Family, would remain in place.

Mr Lavizzari said Zimbabwe should be given equal opportunities in trade and business engagements at the international forum.

He said it was time that efforts were made to treat Zimbabwe as a “normal country.”

Said Mr Lavizzari: “We are interested in the changes going on here especially the lifting of the European sanctions. We want to work directly with the Government and make use of the country’s systems but sometimes people are impatient.”

Mr Wharton said his country and Zimbabwe were working towards building stronger relations, but insisted the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZIDERA) of 2001 would remain in place.

The US enacted ZIDERA, a law that prohibits Americans with positions of influence in multilateral lending institutions, to block any form of assistance to Zimbabwe.

“Both Governments are in agreement that we want to find ways to build stronger relationships and we are continuing to work on that . . .

“We are one of the first countries to recognise Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980 and we never left and we have contributed about US$2 billion worth of assistance in the last 34 years,” said Mr Wharton.

Washington keeps reiterating that it wants to normalise relations with Harare, but has maintained 106 Zimbabweans and companies, including President Mugabe, on its sanctions list.

Under ZIDERA, Zimbabwe cannot access cheaper finance arrangements and credit facilities.

“The United States and Zimbabwe have never been disengaged. We are engaged in all sorts of ways, as we are seeing today, in education.

“Government to government relations, economic development, health care, business and health care” said Mr Wharton.

“ZIDERA has never come into play, it is the instruction by the American Congress to our representatives at the World Bank and IMF not to vote in favour of debt relief or new loans, but Zimbabwe gave up its right to debt relief and new loans in 1999, two years before ZIDERA because it stopped paying on its existing loans,” he said.


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    ma sanctions 10 years ago

    I support the USA MASANCTIONS NDIDZVO until democratic reforms have been put in place that’s the only hope for the ordinary men. We want to elect our own government not Mujuru or Munangwaga OR Grace

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    Parangeta 10 years ago

    Don’t give that basta*rd a dime USA!
    Freeze the swine*s assets, travel and
    access to loans.

    All they (Mugarbage’s ZPF) do is steal
    it all anyway.

    I agree Mt. Wharton, keep up the pressure
    and ignore tiny Switzerland, let them
    ‘cuckoo’ all they want….!

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    Parangeta 10 years ago

    Still Cannot Post! email “ray.empowered(at)

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    Swagman 10 years ago

    Cannot post, anyone else having this problem!

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    Mixed Race 10 years ago

    This website has a problem,it looks like its security check system does not allow you to send until you clear your particulars after you have sent the message before it shows your message.Some times it works straight away.

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    revenger-avenger 10 years ago

    Pathetic herald propaganda dept. Desperately clutching at straws. I was there – there is total unity of purpose in eradicating the illegal zpf terrorist regime of criminal cabals. Pasi scumrades

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    joseph reads 10 years ago

    Mazimbabweans you are stupid. You support the sanctions yet the make you suffer garai makadaro the President Robert Mugabe will be the last man to doe of hunger if these sanctions are to kill through poverty. Icho. Go go go Warriors.

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    Chaka 10 years ago

    Normal. A policy by one country must be respected. It is freedom of choice. American policy empathises with fellow Zimbos, Swiss don’t care about suffering Zimbos. They want business. Thanks Wharton, thanks USA.

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    Nyoni 10 years ago

    At least there is a difference in opinion. Not everyone is brainwashed by ZanuPF THUGS.

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    We post our thoughts on other fora, not this zpf platform. I thought I was the only one experiencing the blockade.

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    There has been a problem on this site for quite a while now. I do NOT advocate for bitter, hate speech but I do advocate for a forum where Zimbabweans are able to freely express their feelings and sentiments in a constructive way. I hardly contribute nowadays. I feel something has happened to this site. Not sure what???? But it has effectively closed some of us off from contributing. And while I am here: lets us try and be constructive and true and not filled with hate and bitterness.

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    I am also having problems posting on zimsit????? Am wondering why??

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    saddened 10 years ago

    No clash here as claimed. Even if the report is believed al it is a difference of opinion. Shame on the Herald!

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    Trebor Ebagum 9 years ago

    “Illegal Sanctions” translation…trips for Bob & Grace to Vegas, NYC, Mayo Clinic… freebee handouts to the Zanu crowd.

    Let Grace & Bob spend their time in Geneva, Lake Lucerne, & count their money at the local bank. Let Zim have free cheese, chocolates, & watches.