Zapu open to ZPF coalition

via Zapu open to ZPF coalition – DailyNews Live Jeffrey Muvundusi • 17 March 2016

BULAWAYO – Dumiso Dabengwa’s Zapu has said the entrance of Joice Mujuru’s Zimbabwe People First (ZPF) in the political fray would spur the setup of the highly-anticipated opposition coalition seeking to unseat President Robert Mugabe’s government.

Dabengwa is on record saying he will only consider serious engagement for a possible coalition as soon as ZPF is formally launched.

Zapu’s regional spokesperson Iphithule Maphosa told the Daily News yesterday that the coalition initiative between the two parties would now resume.

“Zapu is on record advising the ZPF leadership to launch their party for our coalition talks to continue as there was need for ZPF to be identifiable first,” Maphosa said.

“Zapu welcomes the newest kid on the opposition bloc in Zimbabwean politics. Since they have finally launched their party, we reaffirm our commitment to our coalition initiatives which were underway before their launch,” he said.

He said what made their coalition initiative distinctive was that the two parties shared a common background both in the liberation struggle and Zanu PF.

“The experiences we both underwent under both the colonial regime times and under Mugabe’s Zanu PF, coupled with commonality of our wishes for our liberated country and nation binds us together as we follow democratic processes to achieve our goal of a free, fair and democratic state nation,” Maphosa said.

He said Zapu was fully convinced that a grand coalition of all like-minded democratic forces will remove the Zanu PF government come 2018.

The Zapu spokesperson however, said all political parties who subscribed to the coalition notion should come to the table as equal partners.

“We do not subscribe to the big brother mentality that has often been shown by some leaders where they would want to come into this initiative as leaders of the coalition.”


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    ,G㱵do rakwira Mawere Kongonya, 9 years ago

    Very good, they can all leave/live (in the political correct language of Juju), either way popular vote is now in the youth demographic anyway. Which happens to be exactly the G40 which you are rubbishing, its time for all these old people to go to their farms and engage in some proper land reform, isn’t that what they were crying for anyway. Its time for the next generation now, sorry if you didn’t get a chance to lead, better luck in the next life time.

    Mawar vet chaiwo ndeapi apa, simudzai maoko tione!


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    Ngoto Zimbwa 9 years ago

    ….”He said what made their coalition initiative distinctive was that the two parties shared a common background both in the liberation struggle and Zanu PF……..”

    That’s all history now.
    Zim is in trouble because of these so-called liberators who are so deluded as to think the ordinary Zimbo cares a hoot about them.

    And, Mr Dabengwa, are you blind to what Mujuru and her people have been party to, all these years?
    Shame on you!