CZI castigates Anjin operations

via CZI castigates Anjin operations | The Zimbabwean 05.11.13 by Kenneth Matimaire

The Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries has castigated Anjin Investment (Pvt) Ltd for doing a disservice to the country by failing to buy local products and recruit Zimbabweans rather than Chinese at its Chiadzwa diamond mining field.

CZI national vice president Henry Nemaire said the Chinese mining firm was failing to support the local market.

Addressing a seminar organised by Transparency International Zimbabwe, he said the Ministry of Mines should make sure that the company adopted the Buy Zimbabwe initiative.

“We need to ask the minister of mines to demand a local procurement graph from Anjin. They need to plot this graph from the time they started mining. Ask them how much they are buying from Zimbabwe. If they are buying from outside Zimbabwe then…they are sponsoring foreign banks. If they are buying outside commodities then they are sending money to foreign banks,” he said.

Nemaire said the country’s economy was “bleeding” because of irregularities like these.

He said Anjin should adopt the template used by mining giant Zimplats, which is one of the shining examples of local procurement.

Nemaire further accused Anjin of flouting the country’s immigration laws by importing workers with skills readily available in the country.



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    Nnjini, maninji,,,,strange name. These guys are there to loot nothing more nothing less. A bleeding country under colonisation by these fellas will never recover.

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    Let cde Mutsvangwa respond. The loyalist of the Asian tigers.

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    Jogo Bonita 11 years ago

    These yellow racist devils are parasites.f*cken leeches.