Dispute Over Where Zimbabwe Diamonds Fetch More

via Dispute Over Where Zimbabwe Diamonds Fetch More 11.05.14

Now that rough diamonds mined in Zimbabwe‘s Marange region can be legally sold in Europe, the question of where they should be sold in order to achieve the highest prices is a matter of dispute, Rough and Polished reports. Since the European Union removed the names of Zimbabwe officials from its list of banned trading partners, rough stones unearthed in the country have been brought to tender in the United Arab Emirates and Belgium.

Of the almost 400,000 carats of Zimbabwe diamonds sold in Dubai, the average per-carat sale price was $76. The numbers from the most recent sale of Marange diamonds in Antwerp, however, are disputed. Harare claims that the per-carat price in Antwerp was $72, while the Antwerp World Diamond Center claims that the per-carat price was actually just a few cents short of $80.

AWDC chief executive Ari Epstein implied that the per-carat price achieved in Antwerp could rise even higher, because some of the stones brought to tender there were not sufficiently cleaned, while those brought to tender in Dubai were, according to Rough and Polished.



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    ZimJim 11 years ago

    Bob & Co. are less concerned about “best prices” than with “can you credit my personal account, secretly”…

    The money will NOT find it’s way back to Zim. Fact.

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    Does anyone one know how Zimbabwe paid her bills before the advent of Marange diamonds? Anybody would be forgiven for thinking that these diamonds are the be all and end all. Is this the best thing since sliced bread for Zimbabwe or a curse? Afterall the money from diamonds seems to slip away into Robert’s pockets to some unknown destination.

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    John Thomas 11 years ago

    If the mines were run by ACR or De Beers we would not be dealing with these questions. A good share of the money would be going into the states coffers.

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    Jrr56 11 years ago

    Dubai naturally is the chosen option. Why? Then the funds can disappear and questions asked are nil.

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    jobolinko 11 years ago

    they used to say it was sanctions .

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    Petal 11 years ago


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    munzwa 11 years ago

    Ask Mr Pa…