via Breaking: Gideon Gono leaves Zimbabwe’s central bank November 29, 2013 NewsDay
THE Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor Gideon Gono has stepped down from his post, ending a turbulent 10 years at the helm of the central bank in which hyperinflation shot to unprecedented levels.
Addressing RBZ staff Friday evening, Gono, who has interests in farming, real estate, and media, appointed his deputies Charity Dhliwayo and Khupukile Mlambo to act as governor until a substantive candidate is found.
“To this end…Dr Charity Dhliwayo will be the first of the two to Act as Governor for the period 1 December 2013 to 28 February 2014 and Dr K. Mlambo to also Act for three months after, before reverting back to Dr Dhliwayo if no decision is made before then,” Gono said.
“the fact of the matter is that I leave these premises today (yesterday) after 120 months of continuous occupation and it is a long time indeed. Even the Law recognizes that this is a lengthy period and says one must leave to give way to a new occupant!” More details to follow.
My loved country Zimbabwe
Useless Gono you were suppose to step down 9years ago but bcoz u are so stupid like your father Mugabe whose very grid and foolish all the time.Thanks for stepping down we were waiting for this 9years ago
the worst governor of all time. ZIMBWBE will be better now had he not been appointed.
Foolish Gono you destroyed Zimbabwe and it is not your father’s country but people’s country. Enda unomamira kumba kwamai vako kwete pose pose unonyadzisa. Hauna kufunda wakanyorerwa vunzo na Dr Kereke vanenjere zvino hausvodi here mbava yomunhu. Saka kana uchiona zvinhu zvawakaba zvose unoti wakazviwana sei?Zvino uchawana denga rakakumirira richivava kwazvo kwazvo pamusoro pezvawakaita zvose.
Thıs sounds very strange,how can someone appoınt hıs successors? Why not hıs deputy? To whom wıll these Gono’s appoıntees be answerable to? Thıs ıs very strange. Clemency Sıbanda
Aaah! Imali zethu ke which were zeroed in banks?
Gidiotic gone! I can forgive ZANU (PF) for being illiterate economically but Gono I can never forgive. He destroyed the lives of millions with savings and pensions completely wiped out. I take solace in the fact that when you google his name the 231 000 000% of inflation comes up. His name is immortalized by his notoriety.
Dr Dhliwayo is a good choice….what battles is selecting two acting, selected by Mr. Gono himself.
Good riddance now go back to your smoked chicken business and thanks for ruining the country and making us all poor ,you have been a complete failure
…good riddance…
Oi, how about our repayment of the forex you helped yrself to? We are pensioners who have lost our farm, equipment, furniture, clothes in the cupboards, household effects, cash earnings in the bank, crop on the citrus trees and personal possessions. Have received absolutely no compensation for any of the above, have massive medical bills to,pay and you are off to continue your “farming ventures”. Get stuffed Gono. You have crippled the nation yet you continue to reap the benefits. How much have you stolen? May the goblins visit you nightly.
But ma Zanu hamuoneke koiwe hauiti kufira pa chigaro
What was he supposed to do during that ZEROs era?
What a thief…………………..