Gono, Kereke feud escalates

via Gono, Kereke feud escalates | SW Radio Africa by Tichaona Sibanda December 13, 2013

Gideon Gono’s former advisor at the Reserve Bank, Munyaradzi Kereke, has divulged more damning information about his former boss and laid bare his desire to see him investigated for corruption.

After almost two years of endless jibes at one another Kereke on Thursday filed a constitutional application to force the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) to probe Gono over graft.

However journalist and political analyst Itai Dzamara said there is no chance that anyone or any institution will dare raise a finger against Gono, as long as President Mugabe is alive.

‘Gono is Mugabe’s protégé and blue eyed boy so to think there is a court in Zimbabwe that would drag him to answer allegations of corruption is just wishful thinking,’ Dzamara said.

Dzamara said allegations raised by Kereke should be taken seriously, as the two were the best of buddies before falling out.

‘Kereke was once Gono’s right hand man. He knows everything and he’s not bluffing when he says Gono misappropriated funds from the central bank. The problem with Kereke is that he’s become a huge threat to Mugabe and Gono, to a point where the case will be a big test to the independence of the judiciary if it ever gets to be heard in court,’ Dzamara added.

Since the two fell out in January 2012, when Gono reportedly fired Kereke from the central bank, the pair has been trading barbs and throwing accusations each other. Soon after Kereke left the RBZ he launched a fierce verbal assault on Gono, claiming that he did academic work for his ex-boss’s doctoral degree.

He then made sensational claims of how Gono looted over $6.5 million and gold from the RBZ, at a time when Zimbabweans were wallowing in poverty. Late last year, Gono hit back at Kereke and filed a $25 million lawsuit for defarmation.

This was after Kereke, now the ZANU PF MP for Bikita West, took out whole-page newspaper adverts and sent a lengthy letter to President Mugabe accusing Gono of stealing public funds.

But just when it seemed the fued between the two protagonists was cooling down, Kereke on Thursday reignited the rivalry by raising his concerns with the Constitutional Court as to why they were failing to probe allegations of abuse of office, corruption and theft against Gono.

In his application, Kereke said he wrote a letter to the commission last year outlining alleged corruption by Gono between 2006 and 2009. In his latest affidavit Kereke alleges that his former boss took more than US$37.5 million, R1.4 million and more than £21,500 from State coffers and converted it to his personal use.

It is also alleged that Gono circulated Cabinet minutes and military files to hostile foreign governments in breach of the Official Secrets Act and that Kereke has in his possession proof of all this and is ready to give evidence.

Kereke further alleges that four years ago, Gono casually wrote on a scrap paper instructing a junior officer to transfer US$1.5 million into former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s account, and that the money was never recovered by the central bank.

Gono allegedly also gave US$200,000 from the Reserve Bank to the Financial Gazette in which he is a major shareholder.



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    Nyoni 11 years ago

    Now now after all this time the sell outs are crawling out of the woodworks. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU ON THE SUFFERINGS OF ALL MY PEOPLE

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    Kalusha 11 years ago

    Why were you queit all along?

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      ZANU PF SHARE THE MONEY 11 years ago

      No he was quite. He wrote to the president and published the story in News paper. Now he has gone to court. He is them head on. Thumbs up Kereke.

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    Kalusha 11 years ago

    Why were you all along?

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    Nyepudzayi 11 years ago

    Now that you indicated that Mr Tsvangirayi was involved maybe you might get the support of your party otherwise you are fighting a loosing battle and be careful Mr Kerereke you will be history , inga wani you know the evil that surrounds your party . Good luck .

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    Democracy wisher 11 years ago

    Its clear that Gono’s scandals Mugabe is also in them.The if the Anti-corruption organisation starts to audit each and every minister you will see its where all the Zim money is.We will continue to suffer while they are in the comfort zone.Be careful Kereke because you are sorrounded with hungry lions they will swallow you soon and u wll be history soon!!!!!

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    Tjingababili 11 years ago


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    ZANU PF SHARE THE MONEY 11 years ago

    Haina kwainoenda Nyaya iyi. Gono akapa mukuru wenyika mombe 87 as birthday present tose takatarisa. Ko zvimwe zvavakapanana tivete kana vakahwanda zvakawanda sei?? Zivai kuti ukadziya moto wembavha newewo uri mbavha. Corruption haisungirwe munhu muZimbabwe. It is actually a way of life. So many cases came and went by. Matonga vs Zupco, Goodwills Musimirebwa vs Ghanaians, ZANU PF minister vs South African investors (Source: Mbeki) , Muchechetere Vs ZBC, Kangai Vs Netone and now unfolding Zupco vs The CEO. Zimbabwe is now in a LOOTiosis mode including those driving it.

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    Zindoga 11 years ago

    Kereke had been saying it al along bt noone wants to take hm serious thats why he is taking the matter to Constitutional court

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    Manyongori 11 years ago

    Hapana kwainoenda nyaya iyi.just last week mukuru attended wedding yemwana waGono and gave them 10000usd.Ma top shotta ava.it will die a natural death and kereke anogona kurova pasi.its just a pity that there are people who still believe that “sanctions” are the cause of our suffering when even a blind man can see who is responsible.

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    Revenger-avenger 11 years ago

    Isn’t there a case against kereke outstanding just as karikoga kaseke and chiyangwa for raping under age girls. Nothing new here about obscene zanupf looting. Nothing will happen until the master criminal terrorists himself faces the icc

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      james joseph 11 years ago

      Usasanganise nyaya. Yakereke yega yaGono yega, ane mhosva ngaavharirwe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Nyoni 11 years ago

    One wonders why after all these hard years these crooks cried foul of the Western world , whites and everybody not in their court to be shown their true colours. People of Zimbabwe we have all been taken for a ride.

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    Terry Hwesa 11 years ago

    A mole in the RBZ told me that in 2007(before dollarisation)Gono walked around the RBZ like Father Christmas handing out brown envelopes to his blue eyed subordinates. I am told that some people got as much as $20,000 in cash. Therefore Kereke’s allegations could be true.