Majome takes on ZBC

via Majome takes on ZBC – DailyNews Live by Chengetai Zvauya  27 NOVEMBER 2013

Jessie Majome, MDC  legislator for Harare West, has refused to pay her radio and television licences to  Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings (ZBC)  saying the channel does not give her value for money.

Majome has approached the Constitutional Court seeking to enforce her rights after ZBC licence inspectors had visited her home in  July and demanded that she produce a TV licence within seven days.

The inspectors, who were accompanied by police officers, warned her that failure to do so will lead to her prosecution.

Majome, a senior member of MDC,  argued that she is not prepared to pay  for the licence as ZBC is not impartial in its dealings, particularly regarding the coverage of events, positions and programmes of political parties operating in Zimbabwe on its television and radio stations.

“ZBC  is openly biased towards Zanu PF party which is led by President Robert Mugabe,” Majome said in her court application.

“The bias applies in its general reporting, news casting and programming. This bias towards Zanu PF is detrimental to other bona fide  political parties, particularly MDC of which I am a senior member.”

She argued that the court should declare that non-compliance with sections 38 B2 38c and 38D 1-4 of the Broadcasting Service Act does not constitute a criminal offence arguing those sections were themselves unconstitutional.

“By virtue of partisan programming 1st respondent (ZBC) infringes section 58 (2) which guarantees my freedom association,” Majome’s court papers say.

“ZBC compels me to associate with Zanu PF by forcing me to know and hear at least something about Zanu PF and its programmes and policies each and every time I watch ZTV or tune into any of its four radio stations.

“It is my right not to associate with Zanu PF but I am unwittingly forced to associate with it in this manner. I am also entitled  to  enjoy my right to watch television and even watch ZTV if I chose but I  should be protected from  1st respondent’s sustained efforts to indoctrinate me with Zanu PF ideologies and mantra.”

She added: “Given my personal background, political involvement and persuasion as I have highlighted and ZBC bias towards Zanu PF, I submit that a law that compels me to pay ZBC for a television licence makes an unwilling and unwitting supporter of a political party which I am personally and officially opposed to.”



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    You go girl!

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    Tsuro Magen'a 11 years ago

    You are right my sister. Why should I pay to be brainwashed. I have listened to other national broadcasting eg SABC and BBC at least you pay your licences with a clear conscience. Let’s all not pay ZBC licence and be prepared to go to court or even imprisoned. Let ZBC collect revenue from Uzumba Rambakufunga.

    The reason why a head of bulls is kicked and moved around by a little boy its because of stupidity and fear.

    Lets stand united and refuse to pay the ZBC licences. Anyone who buys it is a coward and a sell out.