Memorial set for murdered Francis family members

via Memorial set for murdered Francis family members | SW Radio Africa by Alex Bell on Thursday, May 29, 2014

A memorial service will be held on Friday in Harare to pay tribute to two members of a Guruve farming family, killed after an attack near their home earlier this month.

Malcolm Francis and his daughter Catherine were brutally beaten by unidentified attackers, while they were out walking near their property.

They were found unconscious by a family member and rushed to hospital.

Catherine died a few days later. Malcolm died a week after his daughter.

The memorial service will be held at the Thorn Tree Lodge, 29 Enterprise Road, at 2 pm on Friday.



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    Svopoz 11 years ago

    What a sad development for our country. I cant believe there are still people that are so pre-historic and have no regard for the right to life for other fellow citizens. what a disgrace …Shocked

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    bertha 11 years ago

    When have we become lions like that?? surely brutally attacking them for what?? I can’t imagine in my own mind , that a human being with 5 senses can do such a thing in this day and age! MAY YOUR SOULS FIND PEACE! MY SINCERE CONDOLENCES TO THE GRIEVING FAMILY!